Heroin in Harlem

"In Flanders Fields" is a war poem in the form of a rondeau,
written during the First World War by Canadian physician
Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae.

Always remember these words.

Boxing is the real under ground fight club.

We got you food. Did they do anything to it? I don’t know. Here it goes. I’m eating it.
I’m such a big hockey fan. Why do I need to know this?

Let’s go rangers.

Potvin beats his wife. Come on, come to my house.

The junk is in very high demand with the Caucasian community.
They moved it else where. They would drive there to get it.
After taking it on a Sunday morning, when the church goers
were heading home. After mass was over. You would see the
dusties roaming the streets.

The diesel
Edutainment BDP Four Leaf Clover

He likes to fight, that’s him. Endorphins. Chemical imbalance.
What triggered it?

From my vast studies of the theory on Can set backs in ones life.
The Can got out of the Can and they’re hitting her in the Can.
I’m walking down the block and minding my business. This is
important for me. I need to know this.

She put her lips together. They rolled up the bill. They hitter
in the shidder and that’s when you heard the ciucciariello.

His eldest son, Héctor "Machito" Camacho Jr. (born 1978 in New York, when Camacho was 16),
also became a professional boxer and has won a championship. Camacho married Amy Torres in
1991, and they had three sons: Justin (born December 1, 1989), (born 1992), and Tyler Camacho (born 1998).

We all come into this world as gods children. I’m minding my business. You woke up the bear. The kid shot the bear.
A true Muslim will ear kosher food and a Jew will eat halal.

Usually all foods that are kosher are considered halal, but not all foods that are halal are kosher. In particular, (observant) Jews are not supposed to eat milk and meat together, while Muslims have no such religious prohibition. So if a Jewish person eats carefully, they can eat halal, but they could also eat vegetarian (and that would be easier).

I say usually, because both have specific rules for how an animal is killed. The rules are nearly identical, but who certifies them is different. If you are a stickler for the rules about certification, there is no overlap.

Usually, Muslims will order kosher on a plane, and Jews will eat halal carefully in Muslim majority countries.
I know the problem. I’m going to fix it.

The definition of contain is keeping something restricted or under control,
or to describe preventing a hostile country or hostile influence from expanding
its influence. Efforts to stop a disease from spreading to new populations are an
example of containment.

The definition of execute is to do (something that you have planned to do or been told to do) : carry out They carefully executed the plan.