Heroin in Harlem

The targeting rule was implemented in 2008 to prohibit forcible contact using the helmet and to protect defenseless players.

There is also what is known as a forward progress rule that isn’t discussed about anymore.

If you got hit and nocked down but still had moment you were able to get up and keep running.
You had to be completely stopped.

I’m confused, I can’t do it.


I shot the bear.


and then the cubs came out.
What brings you here?
I know the problem. I’m going to fix it.
You watch and see.

I’m fishing with the guy in the union.
I’m fishing with the jeweler.
What’s the difference?
There isn’t any. It’s all the same thing.
I'd have rather read about a heroine in Harlem.
I'm sure that they must have brave and virtuous broads in the 125th and Lenox area.

I'm missing the point of this thread by lacking the enrgy to study it hard enough.

It's a little bit about boxing, I think. I had a pro license while in college but it's not helping me get the gist.

Is it a little bit about heroin?
I was blessed to be able to use extensive opiate pain killers in a legitimate situation and find that opiates are not at all addictive for me.

Regular tobacco cigarettes? They were fucking addictive and I went through hell kicking those.

But I still haven't figured out the thread and may try again tomorrow when I'm less tired.
He’s a wrasler!

Street violence is what brings you there. What brings you here?
I played football everyone got big and I stood the same size. I like
contact sports. I like organized sports, not crime. That’s how I’m


Cauliflower ear may occur when blood that collects in the outer ear after an injury isn't drained properly or becomes infected. Common causes include injuries from sports, such as wrestling, boxing, or mixed martial arts.
If the initial injury is ignored, cartilage in the outer ear may then overgrow, resulting in a bulbous deformity on the ear.
Plastic surgery is necessary to restore the ear's shape.

Whenever I walked in his house. This commercial would come on.