Herschel Walker Carpetbagger


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A candidate who is running for the US Senate from Georgia, lives in Texas:

Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker is the beneficiary of a tax break meant for permanent Texas residents—a possible violation of both Texas law and residency rules for voting and political candidacy in Georgia, CNN reported Wednesday.
Records reviewed by the network show Walker benefited from Texas' homestead tax exemption, shaving approximately $1,200 off his 2021 tax bill on his $3 million home in the Dallas-Ft. Worth suburb of Westlake. The Texas Tribune reports the former NFL star is expected to apply for the discount again this year, and would likely save about $1,500.

Reacting to the report, incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock—who will face Walker in a December 6 runoff after neither candidate received 50% of the vote in this month's midterm election—asked on Twitter, "How can Herschel Walker represent Georgians when he doesn't even claim our great state as his primary residence?"

According to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, "only a homeowner's principal residence qualifies" for the break
A candidate who is running for the US Senate from Georgia, lives in Texas:

Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker is the beneficiary of a tax break meant for permanent Texas residents—a possible violation of both Texas law and residency rules for voting and political candidacy in Georgia, CNN reported Wednesday.
Records reviewed by the network show Walker benefited from Texas' homestead tax exemption, shaving approximately $1,200 off his 2021 tax bill on his $3 million home in the Dallas-Ft. Worth suburb of Westlake. The Texas Tribune reports the former NFL star is expected to apply for the discount again this year, and would likely save about $1,500.

Reacting to the report, incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock—who will face Walker in a December 6 runoff after neither candidate received 50% of the vote in this month's midterm election—asked on Twitter, "How can Herschel Walker represent Georgians when he doesn't even claim our great state as his primary residence?"

According to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, "only a homeowner's principal residence qualifies" for the break
Oooops, he forgot to change that when he “moved” to Georgia, will he stay in Georgia after he loses the election?
Oooops, he forgot to change that when he “moved” to Georgia, will he stay in Georgia after he loses the election?

Charles Kuck, a professor at Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, tweeted: "Herschel Walker is a liar, a carpetbagger, and a moron. Please vote responsibly. #VoteWarnock."
Well, shades of Josh (Hee-) Hawley! He doesn't live in Missouri; he has a McMansion in Virginia just outside DC. Rep. Jack Bergman, our "representative," lives in Louisiana. It seems (R)s don't care if their representative/senator really lives in their state or not. All that matters is the (R).
I keep coming back to the question how of all the people in the United States and Georgia, why did Republicans think George Dumbya Bush, Donald Trumpf, and Hershel Walker were the best?
Oooops, he forgot to change that when he “moved” to Georgia, will he stay in Georgia after he loses the election?
It seems as if all of trump's preferred loons are carpetbaggers.

None of which matters in the least to Republican voters.

If a Dem did it, though...
I keep coming back to the question how of all the people in the United States and Georgia, why did Republicans think George Dumbya Bush, Donald Trumpf, and Hershel Walker were the best?
Because 'best' doesn't matter anymore.

Even mainstream Republicans admitted when it was apparent that trump was the nominee...'all we need is someone with a hand and a pen'.
A candidate who is running for the US Senate from Georgia, lives in Texas:

Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker is the beneficiary of a tax break meant for permanent Texas residents—a possible violation of both Texas law and residency rules for voting and political candidacy in Georgia, CNN reported Wednesday.
Records reviewed by the network show Walker benefited from Texas' homestead tax exemption, shaving approximately $1,200 off his 2021 tax bill on his $3 million home in the Dallas-Ft. Worth suburb of Westlake. The Texas Tribune reports the former NFL star is expected to apply for the discount again this year, and would likely save about $1,500.

Reacting to the report, incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock—who will face Walker in a December 6 runoff after neither candidate received 50% of the vote in this month's midterm election—asked on Twitter, "How can Herschel Walker represent Georgians when he doesn't even claim our great state as his primary residence?"

According to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, "only a homeowner's principal residence qualifies" for the break

He probably saved a lot more than $1,200 by not paying a state income tax.
I keep coming back to the question how of all the people in the United States and Georgia, why did Republicans think George Dumbya Bush, Donald Trumpf, and Hershel Walker were the best?

I just watched a documentary on the Enron scandal. W,. was up to his ass, covering for "Kenny Boy" (Ken Lay) as president.

W. was not only a war criminal, but fucking corrupt as the day is long.
None of you had a problem with Hillary Clinton ran and won in NY. Seriously. Just shut up. All of you.

Walker is unqualified for any office let alone the most deliberative body on the planet. Clinton was highly qualified. This residency problem is one of many that Walker has. You should try a little honesty. Anyone voting for that buffoon should admit they want the government and America to fail. Walker is the LCD. he will wind up, very soon, hospitalized with CTE. Perhaps you will be there waiting for him.
Alaska has a senator from Ohio that’s doing a fine job. He destroyed an incumbent, multi-generational lifelong Alaskan who absolutely did not have Alaska’s best interests while in office.

Raphael Warnock was a pastor of a Church in New York that hosted Fidel Castor while he was there. Then Warnock became a senior pastor in Baltimore and was arrested for obstructing the police who were investigating child abuse at Warnock's church's summer camp. Then he moved from up not south to Pastor the Ebeneezer Baptist church and make obscene money off of them. Gee who moves from up North to the South to make money......carpetbaggers? Maxine Waters doesn't even live in the same district that she represents.
A candidate who is running for the US Senate from Georgia, lives in Texas:

Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker is the beneficiary of a tax break meant for permanent Texas residents—a possible violation of both Texas law and residency rules for voting and political candidacy in Georgia, CNN reported Wednesday.
Records reviewed by the network show Walker benefited from Texas' homestead tax exemption, shaving approximately $1,200 off his 2021 tax bill on his $3 million home in the Dallas-Ft. Worth suburb of Westlake. The Texas Tribune reports the former NFL star is expected to apply for the discount again this year, and would likely save about $1,500.

Reacting to the report, incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock—who will face Walker in a December 6 runoff after neither candidate received 50% of the vote in this month's midterm election—asked on Twitter, "How can Herschel Walker represent Georgians when he doesn't even claim our great state as his primary residence?"

According to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, "only a homeowner's principal residence qualifies" for the break
Nice town you don't get a house for less than 1.5 million there. Herschel hasn't lived there for awhile. It would be easy to forget to delete a homestead exemption. I made my exemption in 96 and I can't say I would have thought about it because it is small as compared to your house taxes in Texas.
Nice town you don't get a house for less than 1.5 million there. Herschel hasn't lived there for awhile. It would be easy to forget to delete a homestead exemption. I made my exemption in 96 and I can't say I would have thought about it because it is small as compared to your house taxes in Texas.

One terrible excuse after another, you know nothing of where he lives.You should be totally embarrassed at the quality of this candidate