Herschel Walker Carpetbagger

Clinton is not a New Yorker dick breath. She was in fact a carpet bagger. As the typical NY'r needs welfare of some sort, NY'rs could not wait to vote her useless ass in.

New York does not really have the concept of a carpetbagger. The best move to New York, and become New Yorkers... Or at least that is the way New Yorkers see it. Clinton legitimately moved to New York, and became a New Yorker. It is not just an act, she did it.
A candidate who is running for the US Senate from Georgia, lives in Texas:

Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker is the beneficiary of a tax break meant for permanent Texas residents—a possible violation of both Texas law and residency rules for voting and political candidacy in Georgia, CNN reported Wednesday.
Records reviewed by the network show Walker benefited from Texas' homestead tax exemption, shaving approximately $1,200 off his 2021 tax bill on his $3 million home in the Dallas-Ft. Worth suburb of Westlake. The Texas Tribune reports the former NFL star is expected to apply for the discount again this year, and would likely save about $1,500.

Reacting to the report, incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock—who will face Walker in a December 6 runoff after neither candidate received 50% of the vote in this month's midterm election—asked on Twitter, "How can Herschel Walker represent Georgians when he doesn't even claim our great state as his primary residence?"

According to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, "only a homeowner's principal residence qualifies" for the break

You can bet he voted in both states!
Clinton last ran for Senator from New York 22 years ago... And is still living there. I am guessing she did not move to New York just to run for Senator.

Is he? Oz did not bother living here while he ran to be our Senator. He owns about a dozen houses around the world, but did not want to bother buying one in the state he wanted to represent.

There is a very good chance that Walker is flying back to Texas every chance he can get.

Meanwhile, Clinton loved living in New York, and still lives there.

Well, you would "guess" wrong. Because you are dumber than fuck. All democrat are.