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We are into VERY VERY SCARY TERRITORY. Disease and markets crashing simultaneously.
100% man made. ONE MAN MADE IT!
100% man made. ONE MAN MADE IT!
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Remember when their justification for re-election was the DOW? Hahahahaha!
(Caveat: BUSH having tanked the market as went back to Texas in SHAME so 'OBAMA's market' had only 1 direction to go--up. UNLESS he completely fucked it up, which of course HE DIDN'T!)
Remember when their justification for re-election was the DOW? Hahahahaha!
Trump will lose in all 50 States.
We are into VERY VERY SCARY TERRITORY. Disease and markets crashing simultaneously.
100% man made. ONE MAN MADE IT!
Remember when their justification for re-election was the DOW? Hahahahaha!
Trump will lose in all 50 States.
Big difference is the half black President didn't have the Democrat Media Industrial Complex screaming THE SKY IS FALLING
Just when I think you cannot get any more retarded; you prove me wrong.
Still think the coronavirus is a Chinese Hoax?
Big difference is the half black President didn't have the Democrat Media Industrial Complex screaming THE SKY IS FALLING
No they had the scandal machine screaming about a tan suit, or yelling Benghazzzzzzzi!
BTW do you have an example of someone screaming that “the sky is falling...”?
We are into VERY VERY SCARY TERRITORY. Disease and markets crashing simultaneously.
100% man made. ONE MAN MADE IT!
Remember when you posted this:
Originally Posted by Jarod
I have heard that the N1H1 flu is not really any worse than a regular flu.... Infact some reputable sources have told me its not as bad as a regular flu.
Why the hype? What is it about this flu that sets it apart from other flu's?
Originally Posted by Jarod
ITs discusting what they are doing with this "epidemic"!
CDC estimate of global H1N1 pandemic deaths: 284,000