I sald when Trump connected his success to the market it was stupid. He did it bigly and rightys proclaimed over and over it showed his great management. You take the good numbers, you own the bad ones. This is Trump's market. He made it that way.

What else does a raving lunatic the likes of Trump have to offer???????????????
Remember when you posted this:

Originally Posted by Jarod
I have heard that the N1H1 flu is not really any worse than a regular flu.... Infact some reputable sources have told me its not as bad as a regular flu.
Why the hype? What is it about this flu that sets it apart from other flu's?

Originally Posted by Jarod
ITs discusting what they are doing with this "epidemic"!

CDC estimate of global H1N1 pandemic deaths: 284,000

Nice work lol!
You still don't have an example. I already knew that. Just scream louder, some group will believe your Trump talking points.
LOL...do you believe the screamers here? The ones actually screaming.... Hint: You can tell by the font size;)
Are you a retired lawyer? Courtrooms will be a breeding place for this bug.....
LOL...do you believe the screamers here? The ones actually screaming.... Hint: You can tell by the font size;)
Are you a retired lawyer? Courtrooms will be a breeding place for this bug.....

I am not retired, I was in Court last Thursday, no Corona.

So still no example?
Trump and his people were not ready. The flu got a toehold because of his floundering. We still cannot define the problem without data and we do not have it. We are starting now to make test kits. The vague Trumpian assurances are not comforting. He lies to make himself look better. Again Trumpies assured us they will have millions and billions of test kits any day now. They blew it. that should have been done weeks ago. Perhaps Trump, calculated that the kits might define the illness as bigger than he wants it to be.