He's gonna show up and embarrass me': Herschel Walker predicts he will lose debate

"I'm preparing, I'm this country boy. You know, I'm not that smart, and he's that preacher. He's a smart man, wear these nice suits, so he gonna show up and embarrass me at the debate October 14. And I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting to show up and do my best. I'll do my best," he said.

His most recent prediction is a marked turnaround from his August prediction that he would beat Warnock and his accusations that the Georgia Democrat is "chicken" and running away from debates.


Poor Hersh is over his head. If he thinks being in a debate is tough, wait until he has to help make policy. He needs to drop out. This is a national security issue. We already have Ted Cruz. We don't need 2 useless Senators.
Good for Walker. He may get thumped, but at least he's willing to show up.

The reverse scenario is taking place here in Arizona. Katie Hobbs, the Democrat running for governor has refused to debate Karri Lake because she thinks Lake, with a lifetime of television screen time, will cream her in a debate.

Good for Hobbs. I remember the last trump/biden debate. It was just trump yelling lies over anything Biden tried to say. It was a shit show and no one learned anything except trump is an asshole.

Good for Hobbs. We don't need to see another twumptard school bus fire.
That's what Hobbs claims. So far, from what I've heard from her she has nothing to really offer but what amounts to Karri Lake bad... She isn't showing anything on her own behalf beyond continuing the status quo or siding with the Leftist Democrat platform. It's like she's just going through the motions expecting to lose the election.

Lake is an election denier. When you start from the basis of a lie, there's no where to go. Lake deserves zero respect or reverence. The sooner she's gone from politics the better.
you're right......the demmycrats shouldn't even bother to campaign.......use the Hilliary strategy......

No, you're confused with your MAGA trash talk. It was Biden you guys accused of "staying in his basement". trump, meanwhile was killing people with his super-spreader events. I wonder how many twumptards died of Covid from attending trump rallies besides Herman Cain?