He’s not well

It doesn't matter (that much) who the President is when Congress is divided as it is now. But it does matter who the Senate is willing to confirm for cabinet posts. Trump isn't going to bother with the pretense of picking reputable canidates for those positions. He's going full fascist if he gets in. I'm not thrilled with the choice either. I really wish Huntsman would have made more inroads. I really liked that guy.
. Joe Manchin and Jon Huntsman flirt with third-party 2024 ticket in New Hampshire
It doesn't matter (that much) who the President is when Congress is divided as it is now. But it does matter who the Senate is willing to confirm for cabinet posts. Trump isn't going to bother with the pretense of picking reputable canidates for those positions. He's going full fascist if he gets in. I'm not thrilled with the choice either. I really wish Huntsman would have made more inroads. I really liked that guy.

Seems Biden is the one of the worst at that:

“Despite nominating roughly the same number of appointees as Bush and Obama, far fewer of Biden’s nominees were confirmed in the same time frame,” said the report. “Congress has confirmed 355 of Biden’s nominees. At a comparable time, Congress had confirmed 505 of Bush’s and 450 of Obama’s. Trump, by contrast, had slightly fewer with 317.”

In 2021, the Senate confirmed only 55 ambassadors nominated by Biden (63%), the lowest confirmation rate in the past 20 years.

Seems Biden picks some of the worst candidates of any modern President. It shows in his trainwreck of trying to get them confirmed, having to pull the nomination, etc. It isn't as if the Republicans control the Senate either...