Hey black folks. Something you should know...

So because she had a racist friend and she used sources that sometimes contained racism, that somehow made her a racist?

I don't recall stating that she was a racist.

And this thread is about the common right-wing lie that she promoted abortion to kill Blacks. The reason you posted what you did was to try to argue that point. Now, because you're being called out on your link, you're pretending that this wasn't your intention.

You don't get to tell me what I supposedly "intended" absent a statement to that effect.

I approve of abortion on demand, and I agree with her when she wrote, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”

That's why I am always willing to help a liberal who wishes to refrain from spawning.
I quoted Wikipedia, and linked to the article.

Are you feeling OK? Feverish?

Are you? I notice that you pull statements out of context.

'"In A History of the Birth Control Movement in America, Engelman also noted that "Sanger quite effortlessly looked the other way when others spouted racist speech. She had no reservations about relying on flawed and overtly racist work to serve her own propaganda needs."'

Also you didn't post this one: "Margaret Sanger was never herself a racist, but she lived in a profoundly bigoted society, and her failure to repudiate prejudice—especially when it was manifest among proponents of her cause—has haunted her ever since."

Troll harder.
Yes, because you didn't actually read the article. It in no way confirms the talking-point.

Since my intention was not to "confirm a talking point", that's handy, isn't it?

BTW, you have no idea whether I read the Wikipedia entry or not. That's a fact, which you'd be wise to stick to.

I doubt that you will, of course.
Are you? I notice that you pull statements out of context.

'"In A History of the Birth Control Movement in America, Engelman also noted that "Sanger quite effortlessly looked the other way when others spouted racist speech. She had no reservations about relying on flawed and overtly racist work to serve her own propaganda needs."'

Also you didn't post this one: "Margaret Sanger was never herself a racist, but she lived in a profoundly bigoted society, and her failure to repudiate prejudice—especially when it was manifest among proponents of her cause—has haunted her ever since."

Troll harder.

Wait a second here, you fucking idiots on the left are constantly applying current norms onto historic events. It's so obvious you are making an exception to your rules to save face for the mother of abortion. LOL you guys really love ending life, don't you?
Wait a second here, you fucking idiots on the left are constantly applying current norms onto historic events. It's so obvious you are making an exception to your rules to save face for the mother of abortion. LOL you guys really love ending life, don't you?

"Mother of abortion". :laugh:
BTW, you have no idea whether I read the Wikipedia entry or not. That's a fact, which you'd be wise to stick to.

I do, because the article had nothing to do with the OP. You assumed it did, because you never actually looked up the claim to see if it was true.
Righties are extremely predictable. There are some Leftists who believe silly conspiracy theories, but almost every Righty believes the same conspiracy theories that have become memes. I'm sure you also believe George Soros pays Antifa.

How some people can be so stupid or fucked in the head is beyond me. Hey, isn't the top numbers in abortion among whites anyway?


For women ages 15 - 44, there are 27.1 abortions/1000 for blacks and only 10/1000 for whites.