Hey, conspiracy theorists...

Yes it will be but not intentionally so just mindless of who gets hurt in the name of profit.

But the duty of our government is not to create a global nation neutral control grid for all corporations, it's to protect OUR (Americans) interests in the world. When it abandons this focus, it has abandoned it's own basis for legitimacy.
Since the United States no longer exists, what's the point of this election? Why is the North American Union still holding American elections instead of North American Union elections? Odd, to say the least. I'm sure once the NAFTA superhighway gets done, though, they're going to use it to ship vaccines all across the country to give kids autism, and the CDC is going to cover them up. The Council on Foreign relations, in cooperation with the Illuminati and the Jews, is doing this right now.

What are you talking about? There are definitely quacks who go overboard but the cfr has an agenda that moves toward the nau. Don't blind yourself to reality because some people take it too far. There is nearly always a seed of truth in every lie and crackpot conspiracy.
What are you talking about? There are definitely quacks who go overboard but the cfr has an agenda that moves toward the nau. Don't blind yourself to reality because some people take it too far. There is nearly always a seed of truth in every lie and crackpot conspiracy.

What's "taking it too far"?

It talking about it at all taking it too far?
Our Tax dollars should be kept here. No tax breaks etc for overseas corps. All the stimulus money should be restriced to us use. I hope it is.
What are you talking about? There are definitely quacks who go overboard but the cfr has an agenda that moves toward the nau. Don't blind yourself to reality because some people take it too far. There is nearly always a seed of truth in every lie and crackpot conspiracy.

Hopefully there is. There needs to be true free trade amongst all of North America, a single currency, and freedom of movement.
That would make sense if there wasn't a growing backlash against globalisation and the EU...the EU will not be permanent (or at least will not become any more interdependent).

Yes, there is a growing nativist sentiment. When the next Hitler rises up based on that, it will show us how wrong that is.
Hopefully there is. There needs to be true free trade amongst all of North America, a single currency, and freedom of movement.

We have trouble with our government as it is. We don't need to add another layer further removed from the people.

On the movement and trade, fine, but no way on the currency, unless it is gold. Fluctuating currencies is a piss poor check on the banks inflationary theft, but its the only one left to us. And its recessions wil be far more severe.
We have trouble with our government as it is. We don't need to add another layer further removed from the people.

On the movement and trade, fine, but no way on the currency, unless it is gold. Fluctuating currencies is a piss poor check on the banks inflationary theft, but its the only one left to us. And its recessions wil be far more severe.

Nope. Millions of mexicans streaming in to take jobs is not acceptable.
but think of all the taxes ans SS they would pay in on thier minimum wage jobs, if that, ag jobs are pretty much exempt from most labor laws it seems.
Yes, there is a growing nativist sentiment. When the next Hitler rises up based on that, it will show us how wrong that is.

Yeah, I mean look at Iraq and how wonderful it is to shove one cultures views on another.

It has shit to do with Hitler. Local control works better and tends to be less repressive.
Yeah, I mean look at Iraq and how wonderful it is to shove one cultures views on another.

It has shit to do with Hitler. Local control works better and tends to be less repressive.

Bullshit. Local dictatorship oppresses the minority far more than federalization - even Madison recongnized that. You obviously haven't lived in the south very long.
The only rights as an individual I have, I have because the federal government doesn't let the state or local government trample over them. I have no respect for my big-government loving racist "brothers" in the south.