hey cowgirl lets discuss elections

Funny how the SCOTUS disagrees with you in state after state Spaz.

Why is that funny? How would government possibly not be looking out for it's own interest? The more worthless you are, the more easily led by the nose you are, the more government can control you and does. You didn't think the Supreme Court gives a shit about the Constitution, did you? Now that would be funny
tRump sent a check to Lawrence Odannald for his charity (desks for kids).

Larry had to tell tRump that it would be illegal for him to accept it.

how many checks did tRump send to others who have no morals?

who is Lawrence Odannald and why do you think he has no morals?......
Why is that funny? How would government possibly not be looking out for it's own interest? The more worthless you are, the more easily led by the nose you are, the more government can control you and does. You didn't think the Supreme Court gives a shit about the Constitution, did you? Now that would be funny

You are seriously brain damaged.
No that's you, Pastor.

you are the board's dimwitted foster child.......even Desh is making more sense than you.......or does it just seem that way because she tries harder?......

(if you ever figure out who Lawrence Odannald is, you be sure to let us know, child.......)

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

who was president at the time of this cheating?

In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.

The consent decree has been invoked several times, by the parties to the decree and by others. Most recently, in late 2008, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America sought to enforce the consent decree, claiming that the Republican National Committee had not submitted alleged ballot security operations for review. After the election, the Republican National Committee asked the federal court to vacate or substantially modify the decree. The court denied the RNC's motion to vacate the consent decree and ordered the decree remain in effect until December 2017. The RNC then appealed to the Third Circuit, which unanimously rejected the appeal and affirmed the District Court's decision. The RNC subsequently petitioned for rehearing en banc.

the republican god reagan cheated voters to win
first you have to know what you need to protect the election from

FACTS need to be looked at so you don't spend and waste money that merely does more damage than fixing.

there is in FACT not a problem in this country with voters cheating the system.

the election cheating does NOT come from voters.

It comes from the parties

You asked and I provided examples of voter fraud you claim don't exist. Interesting things is you didn't respond back. Guess you knew you were wrong and didn't have the guts to admit it.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.

For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.”

The court’s action is a victory for the DNC, and it comes after an election year in which the two parties regularly exchanged charges over “voter fraud” and “voter intimidation.” But most of the recent battles have been fought on the state level, and it is not clear whether the long-standing consent decree has had much impact.

even scalia knew you were cheaters