Hey damo...who is really who...........

Go easy on him, for this guy obviously, obviously, I mean painfully obviously has no idea what he's talking about or doing. My shit never even did anything wrong and I got smited all over the middle east, but at least I was somewhat conscious. This guy? It would be like punishing a freakin' bacteria.

Sorry 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'!

And you care just how many idiots chime in on one side or another? Another twinky-dink unclear on the concept of arithmetic.

I'm gonna have fun with you when you get down here. :cool:

Don't hold your breath...I will be going the other way...up...not down!
Are you looking for a JOB?

Go easy on him, for this guy obviously, obviously, I mean painfully obviously has no idea what he's talking about or doing. My shit never even did anything wrong and I got smited all over the middle east, but at least I was somewhat conscious. This guy? It would be like punishing a freakin' bacteria.

or does your screen name mean...Jerk off Bitch?...sorry I just could not resist the urge to put you in your place using language you can understand...;)
Go easy on him, for this guy obviously, obviously, I mean painfully obviously has no idea what he's talking about or doing. My shit never even did anything wrong and I got smited all over the middle east, but at least I was somewhat conscious. This guy? It would be like punishing a freakin' bacteria.

Are you piping up again? Ya just keep on opening your mouth, practically begging me to screw you over again.
in this forum...I see alot of pseudo personalities who come and go and argue with themselves...I think a new rule banning dual personalities is in order...some are trolls others are just plain weird...this is not healthy... to say the least...do you really think allowing weirdos to post under several names is a healthy way to debate?...I for one think not...what say you damo?

Yep lets make it just like that other board that many here bailed out from. what was it's name again ?

I guess we need a security council.
Don't hold your breath...I will be going the other way...up...not down!

Don't count on that.

Luci and I have a nice place picked out for you... and it ain't up here. Right now I am just trying to figure out what I have to give to luci in exchange for him putting up with your tired old ass.

At this point I am considering letting Huckleberry get elected President.
or does your screen name mean...Jerk off Bitch?...sorry I just could not resist the urge to put you in your place using language you can understand...;)

Put Job in his place? I thought Gawd did that ?
At least the Bible says that.

do not try to take over gawds job with Job BB.
I don't hate GOD....!

I could not agree more...

Why BB do you hate me so? Why can I not exist?

You must now repent or I shall be forced to smite thy drunken ass.

and God is the 'Omega Man'...you on the other hand are just 'Gawd'! Playing with Lucy and Job in the eternal sand box! Now be a good little 'Gawd' take your toys and go home....:cof1: