Hey Dixie did you ever respond to this classic owngage?


JPP Modarater

DIXIE on 1/10/07: "I have never argued that Iraq had nothing to do with oil"

Cypress said:
-DIXIE, August 2005: "Well Rev, you and Desh are morons, that's all I can say. You've completely lost touch with reality and you seek to drag the rest of us down the shit hole with you. If we are out by the '06 mid-terms, I will be very surprised, as I don't see it happening that fast, and if it's rushed or done prematurely, Iraq will be in serious trouble. This is too important to fuck up..."

"This has NOTHING to do with oil! For Christ's sake, do you think we are paying record prices for gas in this country because we invaded Iraq to steal their oil? Is that how moronic you are, or can you possibly fathom a rational explanation?"

if he does, he'll have some rapidly spinning rationale why what he said in both instances is perfectly consistent....just you watch!
-DIXIE, January 2007: ""I have never argued that Iraq had nothing to do with oil"

-DIXIE, August 2005: "This has NOTHING to do with oil!"


It's a fair question Dixie. Why the flip flop?

It is not precisely a "flip flop". It is, in fact, a lie.

if the first statement had merely been "this has something to do with oil" then it would have been a flip flop...as it is... the later statement is a flat out lie which he, of course, will never admit to.
When historians study the Iraq war, much like all other wars, they will discover there were a number of "reasons" we went to war. The control of the oil supply and revenues, will be one of many factors involved. This does not mean that "Iraq was about oil." It simply means, oil was a part of the justifiable motivation, and in particular, who controlled the oil and revenues from the sale of it.

The quote Prissy ran off and found to "prove Dixie wrong" this time, was in the context of discussing the main and overall reason and justification for war in Iraq, which pinheads claimed was "oil", not because of concerns over the revenue or who controlled it, but because we are oil gluttons who wanted to take the oil away from Saddam. From that perspective and context, the Iraq war was not "about oil", however, from the context of what we should do at this time, oil is a major concern, and rightly so.

From a military strategy standpoint, oil was a huge concern, would Saddam attempt to set the wells on fire again? We had no way to know, and our invasion strategy was designed to be swift, specifically because of oil. So, to argue that Iraq had nothing to do with oil whatsoever, is foolish. I have never done that, regardless of the out-of-context quotes Prissy digs up. Does this mean Iraq was completely and totally about oil? Nope! It's not a black and white world, and wars are never fought over one issue.

In summary, those of you who think Iraq was all about the oil, you are wrong... to those who think Iraq had nothing to do with oil and we would've taken the same action regardless, you are wrong as well. The oil was always an important factor, and always will be an important factor, it's just not the reason and justification.
Dixie Today: So, to argue that Iraq had nothing to do with oil whatsoever, is foolish. I have never done that, regardless of the out-of-context quotes Prissy digs up

DIXIE, August 2005: "This has NOTHING to do with oil!"
I think MM was referring to this:

"Originally Posted by maineman
if he does, he'll have some rapidly spinning rationale why what he said in both instances is perfectly consistent....just you watch!"
-DIXIE, January 2007: ""I have never argued that Iraq had nothing to do with oil"

-DIXIE, August 2005: "This has NOTHING to do with oil!"


It's a fair question Dixie. Why the flip flop?


Here's another one Dixie:

-DIXIE, Aug. 10 2005: "We still buy our oil like always, and now we just pay twice as much for it. The war was NOT about oil, had nothing to do with oil... it was about TERRORISM dammit!"

Dixie Today: So, to argue that Iraq had nothing to do with oil whatsoever, is foolish. I have never done that, regardless of the out-of-context quotes Prissy digs up

DIXIE, August 2005: "This has NOTHING to do with oil!"

And I just explained, in the context I made that statement, it was true. The overriding and main objective and purpose of Iraq, had nothing to do with oil... the consequences of our actions at this point in time, certainly does pertain to oil. The motivations for invading Iraq, had absolutely nothing to do with oil, our strategy and concerns have always regarded the oil.

It's like, if you discovered a foster home for orphans, where the person in charge was a pedophile, who routinely abused the children. Now, you love the little children, and decide to take action against this pervert... Your justification is not because you want more kids! I can claim that! I can stupidly argue that the only reason you want to take out the pervert, is because you want kids, but that just isn't the case at all. Now, after all is said and done, and the pervert arrested, you take the kids to your house, until they can be placed elsewhere, with good parents.... I can argue that this proves you lied, that you only did this to get the kids for yourself, that you had no other motivations, but that is a lie.

We did not invade Iraq because Iraq has oil and we wanted it. If that were the case, there are plenty of other targets better suited for takeover, and would not have required the amount of manpower and casualties to secure. Were we concerned about the oil revenues? You bet! Were we concerned about the oil supply? Of course! Were we afraid Saddam might torch the wells again? Oh yeah! Oil played a role in our decisions, in our strategy, in our overall thinking on Iraq, but it was not the prime motive, it was not the keystone issue, and it was never our only 'reason' for going to war in Iraq.
Here's another one Dixie:

-DIXIE, Aug. 10 2005: "We still buy our oil like always, and now we just pay twice as much for it. The war was NOT about oil, had nothing to do with oil... it was about TERRORISM dammit!"


DIXIE: "When historians study the Iraq war, much like all other wars, they will discover there were a number of "reasons" we went to war. The control of the oil supply and revenues, will be one of many factors involved. This does not mean that "Iraq was about oil."

Flip flop.

You said, multiple times on FP, that this war had NOTHING to do with oil. Now, you're saying it was "one of many factors"

but Lady T... just as Dixie's prediction that we wouldn't lose 500 more troops before we were out of Iraq was not a prediction - according to Dixie - Ornot is suggesting that my prediction is similarly categorized.

Oh...Dixie.... since you made that opinion, 907 Americans - each one better and braver than you - have died in Iraq.
but Lady T... just as Dixie's prediction that we wouldn't lose 500 more troops before we were out of Iraq was not a prediction - according to Dixie - Ornot is suggesting that my prediction is similarly categorized.

Oh...Dixie.... since you made that opinion, 907 Americans - each one better and braver than you - have died in Iraq.
but Lady T... just as Dixie's prediction that we wouldn't lose 500 more troops before we were out of Iraq was not a prediction - according to Dixie - Ornot is suggesting that my prediction is similarly categorized.

Oh...Dixie.... since you made that opinion, 907 Americans - each one better and braver than you - have died in Iraq.

Oh! Dixie spin mode. My bad......