Hey Dixie did you ever respond to this classic owngage?

Dixie said:
The overriding and main objective and purpose of Iraq, had nothing to do with oil...

Well, l paroused the threads at my leisure and I didn't see you say anything about the "overriding and main objective and purpose of Iraq", you were referring to the invasion, aka, operation iraqi freedom, aka, the Iraq War.
Well, l paroused the threads at my leisure and I didn't see you say anything about the "overriding and main objective and purpose of Iraq", you were referring to the invasion, aka, operation iraqi freedom, aka, the Iraq War.

Exactly, the purpose, the objective, the operation, the invasion... none of them were because we wanted Iraq's oil. This doesn't mean that Iraq's oil was not important to us, or that we didn't strategized a certain way because of the oil infrastructure, or that the oil revenue going to fund terrorism wasn't a major concern. The oil played a role, no doubt, it just wasn't the sole reason for the war.

"It's About the Oil!" ....that is a statement to ponder. What does "it" mean? What does "about" mean, and what role does the "the oil" play in conjunction with the other words? Clearly, a case can be made, that life on this planet as we know it, is "about the oil". Even if we managed to achieve complete independence of crude oil, the ramifications to the world economy would be enormous, and we would have to deal with that. As oil stocks fell, and oil empires crumbled, there would undoubtably be death and starvation. We would then be bombarded with Sally Struthers infomercials, on feeding the starving Arabs. Wars would break out around the world, as tinhorn oil countries like Venezuela, fell to rebellion and chaos. Of course, Israel would get the blame, and probably become the world's first radiocative holy site. So.... in a sense.... YES, it IS "All about the Oil!"

The objective of ousting Saddam, and replacing his regime with Democracy, had nothing to do with US control of Iraqi oil supplies. The oil is Iraq's most important resource, and will be the economic catalyst for its development. It is indeed in the US best interest, to have the oil supply controlled by a pro-US democracy, as opposed to an anti-US dictator, but that was never the "reason" we went to war with Saddam.
but Lady T... just as Dixie's prediction that we wouldn't lose 500 more troops before we were out of Iraq was not a prediction - according to Dixie - Ornot is suggesting that my prediction is similarly categorized.

Oh...Dixie.... since you made that opinion, 907 Americans - each one better and braver than you - have died in Iraq.

So, at this point in time, you claim that I am off by 407, on my "prediction" of fatalities in this war? Well, I tell ya what... I don't think I made any prediction, but assuming I did... can you find me a war of 3 years or longer, in the history of the world, where someone predicted a few years out, the final fatalities within 407? Better yet, since this war isn't quite over yet, and just to make it fair, add another 1,000 or so to that, and say 1,500. Has anyone ever predicted, two or three years out, the final fatality rate of a war, within 1,500? Following your "predicted" fatality rates of Vietnam, we should be approaching 10,000 by now. I think my "prediction" is a little more accurate than yours!
"that is a statement to ponder. What does "it" mean? What does "about" mean,......"

That is such a Dixie statement.....:p
Give it up. You're Cypress' b!tch. Deal with it.
DIXIE: "The oil played a role, no doubt, it just wasn't the sole reason for the war."

You said, multiple times, on multiple occassions that oil had NOTHING to do with your war. Nada. Nil. Zilch.

Now, your saying the same thing I said three years ago: that oil was a factor in deciding to invade, although it wasn't the sole reason.

I was called a traitor and a conspiracy theorist by bush fans for suggesting this three years ago. Now you agree with me
So, at this point in time, you claim that I am off by 407, on my "prediction" of fatalities in this war? Well, I tell ya what... I don't think I made any prediction, but assuming I did... can you find me a war of 3 years or longer, in the history of the world, where someone predicted a few years out, the final fatalities within 407? Better yet, since this war isn't quite over yet, and just to make it fair, add another 1,000 or so to that, and say 1,500. Has anyone ever predicted, two or three years out, the final fatality rate of a war, within 1,500? Following your "predicted" fatality rates of Vietnam, we should be approaching 10,000 by now. I think my "prediction" is a little more accurate than yours!

no... this war was, by your prediction, nearly done in December of 2005. After two plus years of fighting and over two thousand dead Americans, you THEN predicted that it was nearly through..that we would not lose 500 more men before we were done. That prediction has been sunk in gallons of American blood. I never predicted any similarity to Vietnam casualty rates. I have merely stated that your prediction was ridiculous...and it has proven to be... and now, with 20K more targets on the mean streets of baghdad and anbar province, we will undoubtedly watch the stupid prediction of yours sink even deeper in even more blood of American patriots who never should have been in this dumb ass war of yours in the first place.
"that is a statement to ponder. What does "it" mean? What does "about" mean,......"

That is such a Dixie statement.....:p
Give it up. You're Cypress' b!tch. Deal with it.

does it depend on what the definition of "is" is?

I can almost see Dixie with a cigar kneeling between Monica's legs as he says that.... no wait.... I can't see THAT...I CAN almost see Dixie with a cigar, and a bottle of Jergen's however.
Perhaps dix cannot help it because his memory erases frequently and he has to get refreshed from the talk radio pundits.
Perhaps dix cannot help it because his memory erases frequently and he has to get refreshed from the talk radio pundits.

Hmmm, maybe he lives near a strong magnetic source? High tension wires? No, wait, that's been debunked. Is he old enough yet to have senior moments?