Hey Everyone

Good luck, Epi. As Mott said, get your sleep, and I'll add eat well too. Law is its own sort of animal; I've taken a couple of courses, negligence and contract, and found the reading lists almost overwhelming at the outset. You learn a particular approach, though, and a way of thinking about it, and it develops its own rhythm and begins to meld and make sense. Study groups are a must at some point.

You're a bright guy; you'll get there and I suspect you'll enjoy the process. :)
Ah. Well if your going to practice law in ****, the most important term you have to know is "I....DENTICAL!" while holding your hands out.
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He's going to ***** , .

Please delete this. Massive tears over you not visiting me. If you ever want to get out and hit up the bars just let me know. Even if you're a faggy liberal I'll happily buy another smart guy a few drinks and introduce you to some girls.
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Good luck, Epi. As Mott said, get your sleep, and I'll add eat well too. Law is its own sort of animal; I've taken a couple of courses, negligence and contract, and found the reading lists almost overwhelming at the outset. You learn a particular approach, though, and a way of thinking about it, and it develops its own rhythm and begins to meld and make sense. Study groups are a must at some point.

You're a bright guy; you'll get there and I suspect you'll enjoy the process. :)

Thanks Thorn. I'm excited and intimidated all at once.
Ah. Well if your going to practice law in ****, the most important term you have to know is "I....DENTICAL!" while holding your hands out.

Ha hopefully I won't be here long. I think I'm going home after this year at the latest.
Please delete this. Massive tears over you not visiting me. If you ever want to get out and hit up the bars just let me know. Even if you're a faggy liberal I'll happily buy another smart guy a few drinks and introduce you to some girls.

Drinks = good. Buy me a months supply of beer and I'll visit you every day, but I'll drive there drunk.
I wasn't, I was thinking pro bono, and how good you would be at defending those people you spoke about in your previous post!

I know you will be great.

I appreciate it Froggie. There are too many people who get overlooked in our justice system. I want to be a voice for as many as I can, and particularly the ones I have encountered in my wandering years.
I appreciate it Froggie. There are too many people who get overlooked in our justice system. I want to be a voice for as many as I can, and particularly the ones I have encountered in my wandering years.

Dude, i'm envious of you and wish I could pursue the same objective. my hat's off to you, good sir.
Epi, I wish you well on your new challenge.

Sleep as much as you can, eat well, and start popping a good multivitamin every morning. At some point your schedule will start screwing up your nutrition and teh vitamin habit will help.

And remember, there are a lot of lawyers out there that are idiots. If they can do it, you can do it well.
oh btw epic because of your absence I think you might have been demoted out of the trinity and made an archangel or something instead.
That's a demotion? Sweet. Archangel sounds badass.

Yeah being the holy ghost does sort of suck. But IB1's the holy ghost now.

Before that I don't know what he was. We just recently added him cus he started posting more, and dropped you because you never post. We might be a four part trinity in the future if you keep on posting. Maybe just add the position of archangel to the trinity?
Or you could raise it above the Trinity? Granted it makes no theological sense, but it would be sick. Not sure how long I'll keep up my posting spree of the last couple of days. I'll be buried in work come this time next week.
Yeah being the holy ghost does sort of suck. But IB1's the holy ghost now.

Before that I don't know what he was. We just recently added him cus he started posting more, and dropped you because you never post. We might be a four part trinity in the future if you keep on posting. Maybe just add the position of archangel to the trinity?

If you want to be at the top of the chain, you want to be a seraph. When the Dominicans nicknamed Aquinas the "Angelic Saint," the Franciscans decided to major one-up them by nicknaming Bonaventure the "Seraphic Saint."