Hey GRIND!!!111SHIFTPLUSONE!1111 You Rep-wrecker extraordinaire...

Then show me in SM's above post where he explains to us, the readers here at these boards, that the design she presented was untenable.

Granted, I don't think even SM is a big enough douche to tell off a subordinate like that without reason, but he failed to include the reason and his story is incomplete. Where is the description of the mistake she made that allowed him to respond as he did?

All I see is another example of SM denigrating another.

Again. Re-read this portion.

"and asked her how she intended to keep the earth accelerating at a constant rate in order to keep the water surface at the slope that she was proposing."

Her proposal was untenable because the liquid would not remain in the pool, unless the earth continued to accelerate in order to hold it there.

(Wow. Just fricking wow.)

Again. Re-read this portion.

"and asked her how she intended to keep the earth accelerating at a constant rate in order to keep the water surface at the slope that she was proposing."

Her proposal was untenable because the liquid would not remain in the pool, unless the earth continued to accelerate in order to hold it there.

(Wow. Just fricking wow.)

And what flaw in her design would result in the liquid not remaining in the pool unless the Earth continued to accelerate to hold it there?

SM put that in his post, right?

Not being an engineer myself, do you think you could drop the arrogance and explain it without the dismissive sighs and all the rest?
And what flaw in her design would result in the liquid not remaining in the pool unless the Earth continued to accelerate to hold it there?

SM put that in his post, right?

Not being an engineer myself, do you think you could drop the arrogance and explain it without the dismissive sighs and all the rest?
I have been clear. You don't build a pool on a slope because the liquid would not remain in the pool. Her design had a clear error in it that shouldn't take an engineer to note. She clearly should have asked the questions that would have helped her be successful, her arrogance cost her.
And what flaw in her design would result in the liquid not remaining in the pool unless the Earth continued to accelerate to hold it there?

SM put that in his post, right?

Not being an engineer myself, do you think you could drop the arrogance and explain it without the dismissive sighs and all the rest?

Zappas, you're being stupid here. Jesus...
I've heard that shit many times before, but the most memorable was from an MIT grad, feeling it beneath her to work under my supervision in my division of the company. I assigned her to design a sediment pond for a site, expecting her to come back in a few hours with questions. After 2 hours she tossed some paper on my desk with a completed design, and I looked it over and asked her how she intended to keep the earth accelerating at a constant rate in order to keep the water surface at the slope that she was proposing.

I have been clear. You don't build a pool on a slope because the liquid would not remain in the pool. Her design had a clear error in it that shouldn't take an engineer to note. She clearly should have asked the questions that would have helped her be successful, her arrogance cost her.

Really? You can't build a pool on a slope because liquid won't remain in the pool?? Come ON...your jerkin my chain here!! REALLY?!?!

You've been clear? Really? You mentioned the pool was to be built on the side of a hill? SM pointed that particular bit of info out when he posted his original story?

Again, NOWHERE in SM's post before his snarky little "gotcha" moment does it mention that the plot of land he chose to build the retention pond on was anything other than flat. What kind of incredible moron asks a subordinate to design a retention pond on land that slopes and doesn't offer up that critical bit of info at the onset?
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Happy B-Day MoFo and returns. We all expect a pretty good war story come tomorow. We don't want to hear..well I stayed home and read some Proust bullshit.
Really? You can't build a pool on a slope because liquid won't remain in the pool?? Come ON...your jerkin my chain here!! REALLY?!?!

You've been clear? Really? You mentioned the pool was to be built on the side of a hill? SM pointed that particular bit of info out when he posted his original story?

Again, NOWHERE in SM's post before his snarky little "gotcha" moment does it mention that the plot of land he chose to build the retention pond on was anything other than flat. What kind of incredible moron asks a subordinate to design a retention pond on land that slopes and doesn't offer up that critical bit of info at the onset?
Zap you still don't get it, do you? Ponds are built on slopes all the time. The water surface, however, must always be level. Anyone who ever filled up a bucket of water and left it on the floor should know that. Swing that bucket around in a circle, causing acceleration at a constant rate, and you can then make the water surface hold a slope, but that's not exactly feasible for a pond, built into the earth. :palm:

You should learn something from this Zap. This gal graduated from MIT, arguably the #1 engineering school in the country if not the planet, and from this high status her defining trait was merely arrogance. Arrogance is thinking that you are always right no matter what common sense and the simply facts around you are telling you.

You displayed arrogance in your first reply to me on this post. Instead or reading what I wrote, you made assumptions of what had occurred. And in spite of others around you telling you you fucked up you continue to insist on being right and the rest of the world must comply.

The fact is that I worked for a large consulting firm managing a dozen or so employees with a half-dozen or so projects. I was the guy that took on the unusual projects, ones that the firm had little or no experience with. The partners in the firm knew that I was too stubborn to let a difficult assignment get the best of me and had enough common sense to figure things out as I went along. I always got the job done and made those fuckers a lot of money.

They also gave me a lot of the head cases to work for me, usually after other project managers gave up on them. This gal was one of those, and after several weeks I was able to instill some semblance of practicality into her and start to use her talents.