Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

You are full of shit and delusional, that's all I can say. You've still not shown me anything from the Foley emails that denotes certain perversion, and outing gays is not pointing out anything perverted, unless you want to try and claim that being gay is perverted. I certainly understand how you think this will keep the religious right at home, but that is a sad and pathetic tactic to use, to win an election. It's too bad your party can't win on issues and ideas, and has to resort to smearing people and disenfranchising voters by outing homosexuals. You might win this election, you might even manage to win a couple, but your ideology is in deep trouble, if this is what it takes for you to gain power.
HEY BRAVO! Take note.

Your man, Dixie here, says that a 52 year old man pursuing a 17 year old for sex is not "certain perversion." There you go. Studds is in the clear. Not only with the voters -- already proven -- but with the cons as well.

Case closed.
Isn't the Folley incident hilarious? :-) I mean how can Repubs like Dixie even begin to criticize the Dems attacks on the Repub leadership on this?

Gosh remember when the Republicans immorally tried to shut down the American Government and precipitate a constitutional crisis over a blow job? And for no other motive than purely partisan gain?

They didn't try to impeach Clinton in the best interest of our nation....hell they don't give one flying F about the best interest of our country and have proved it time and time again.

Naw Dixie' pay backs are a bitch, so quit your whining....hypocrit!
Your man, Dixie here, says that a 52 year old man pursuing a 17 year old for sex is not "certain perversion."

Ornut, since we can apparently take liberty with what was actually said, you are saying that a gay man sending friendly gay emails to young men, is synonymous with perversion.

Let us be perfectly clear about what Dixie said... Foley acted inappropriately with subordinate pages. Period! That was Foley's fault, and he will pay a price for it. The emails only indicate the man is gay, and contain not one instance of Foley propositioning someone for sex, merely expressing interest in young male physical attributes... in other words, he was gay. You and your bigoted Democrats want to argue that because Republicans should have known he was gay by these emails, this should have also let them know he was a pervert. I refute this argument based on the fact that you have not presented evidence that Foley was perverted in these emails, only that Foley is gay. Before you react to what I just said, remember, we are talking about the emails, not the instant messages which JUST became known.

So, when you can show me the specific parts of the emails that let you know Foley was a pervert and not just a gay man, then you can make a point, until then, you haven't made a point and my point stands. Democrats want to infer that being gay is also being perverted, because that is all you have in the emails, normal homosexual behavior, nothing more.

Gosh remember when the Republicans immorally tried to shut down the American Government and precipitate a constitutional crisis over a blow job?

No, I don't recall that. I recall Constitutionally mandated impeachment hearings over a president who lied to a grand jury in a sexual harassment case. Can you present some evidence that Republicans were ever concerned with a blow job?
HEY BRAVO! Take note.

Your man, Dixie here, says that a 52 year old man pursuing a 17 year old for sex is not "certain perversion." There you go. Studds is in the clear. Not only with the voters -- already proven -- but with the cons as well.

Case closed.

Foley was pursuing 16 yr olds ....they changed the page program after the page scandal of the early 1980's from 17 yr olds to 16 year olds thinking it would solve the "problem"... ha! what a joke! it instead made it even worse, congressmen and predators of minors like Foley NOW have 16 year olds for their pickin'! :(
Foley was pursuing 16 yr olds ....

The emails don't indicate Foley was "pursuing" anything, just being overly friendly. We've covered this already, and you continue to tell a lie here. If I compliment you and tell you how much I dig your smile, that isn't "pursing" you for sex, is it? So, how can Foley's compliments and cordial words to pages be construed as anything other than normal, routine, homosexual behavior? It is only after the fact, when the IM's are revealed, that you can make the connection between the casual conversation in the emails and nefarious intent on the part of a predator.

I have consistently requested you and the rest of your bigoted friends to post something from the emails that would indicate Foley was a predator, pervert, pedophile, or anything other than a gay man acting like any typical gay man acts. You have consistently failed to do this, and continued to insist that Republicans "should have known about Foley." Without giving me the reason why Republicans should have known, you continue to infer that being gay is the same thing as being a pervert, predator, or pedophile. I refuse to accept that argument.
and to say that the constitution MANDATED the republican impeachment of Clinton is, of course, a lie...but Dixie really seems incapable of opening his yapper without spewing lies.
Foley was pursuing 16 yr olds ....

The emails don't indicate Foley was "pursuing" anything, just being overly friendly. We've covered this already, and you continue to tell a lie here. If I compliment you and tell you how much I dig your smile, that isn't "pursing" you for sex, is it? So, how can Foley's compliments and cordial words to pages be construed as anything other than normal, routine, homosexual behavior? It is only after the fact, when the IM's are revealed, that you can make the connection between the casual conversation in the emails and nefarious intent on the part of a predator.

I have consistently requested you and the rest of your bigoted friends to post something from the emails that would indicate Foley was a predator, pervert, pedophile, or anything other than a gay man acting like any typical gay man acts. You have consistently failed to do this, and continued to insist that Republicans "should have known about Foley." Without giving me the reason why Republicans should have known, you continue to infer that being gay is the same thing as being a pervert, predator, or pedophile. I refuse to accept that argument.

We haven't covered crap on this issue with the emails Dixie...you have failed to post them so that WE CAN SHOW YOU that they WERE NOT JUST friendly emails as you call themmm...

you are so full of crap on this it is pathetic...

make your case...show the emails they had of him and please show how they were NORMAL FRIENDLY EMAILS between a 52 year old congressman and 16 year old pages...

Then you add to the emails he got in trouble for a few years back that YOUR FRICKING LEADERSHIP KNEW ABOUT, and then you add in the incident where FOLEY was making a scene at the male page's dorms when he was drunk as a skunk that was deemed inappropriate and involved the DC police....and also YOUR REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP was also notified about, and you add these recent emails THAT WERE INAPPROPRIATE and brought to the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP's attention because the PARENTS of a 16 year old page boy COMPLAINED....you got yourself a sex scandal with underage pages....and the FRICKIN' MORAL (hahaha) Republicans IGNORING IT ALL, JUST TO GET REPUBLICANS REELECTED....

they are one bunch or IMMORAL CHARACHTERS...THOSE Republican leaders that you give your undivided support to....

guess that makes you immoral too, huh?

be proud!


I keep asking you to show your evidence, and you keep insisting it is obvious. I don't know how to get this through to you, but unless you have some evidence for me to look at, that indicates Foley was preying on these young men, and not just being homosexually friendly with them, then you haven't made your case. I have no need to post the emails, I can't prove a negative anyway, I can't show you that Foley was not a pedophile, and that is not my argument. I have maintained that Foley's emails were not actionable, that they did not rise to level of launching investigations and ruining his political career, because they simply infer the man is gay, and nothing more. You obviously can't refute this point, or you would.
the neat thing, that Dixie, of course will not address, is the fact that Foley's homosexuality and the apparent acceptance of that lifestyle by the GOP inside the beltway has disgusted the religious right base of the republican party and they will stay away from the polls in November.

That must suck to be a republican koolaid drinker about now.
the neat thing, that Dixie, of course will not address, is the fact that Foley's homosexuality and the apparent acceptance of that lifestyle by the GOP inside the beltway has disgusted the religious right base of the republican party and they will stay away from the polls in November.

That must suck to be a republican koolaid drinker about now.

ohhhhh, but they have already convinced the leaders of the RR and those that these leaders preach to, that no matter what the republicans have done, "The Democrat Leftist Liberals, are worse"....a form of brainwashing that "this group" of moonies just can't seem to knock imho....

greed has taken over these churches, the promise of government money has corrupted "The Church" in my opinion and lured them in to getting involved in this corrupt, dishonest, disceiving administration and their, "evil works"...greed and hatred, not love has driven them....and this IS EXACTLY what I warned would happen, some three years ago, when I saw the full fledge support this group has given this "Master of Deceit" and saw how they were salavating at the "Faith based initiative plan" of president Bush.....money, money, money, m o n e y....

As a Christian, I can only pray that the truth will be revealed to them...

btw, it is just beautiful up here...the color is much, much better than back home, we were really flat in color this year...across the lake from where we are staying is a state reserve, and filled with Maple and Birch trees in very bright orange and in very bright yellow...and they reflect off the clear lake so it is like double the whammy...just awesome maineman....

We still have not found a house....well we found one in a lake community on a hill with a clear wide view of the 9 mile active lake through to it on three sides... of windows on the house...it is so cute and built in 1999, much smaller than our house now, about 1350 square ft, with another 400 sq ft in the basement that we could finish.........BUT, the lot is only slightly over a quarter of an acre...what a bummer....:(....but the plus side is that the lot on one side is 3 acres so there are lots of woods on that side, the other side and back is all forrest and owned by somebody that owns all 3000 acres surrounding it...so as it stands right now it seems like the acreage is much bigger than it really is, but who knows how long that will last?

And about 100 -200 yards down the street is the Public beach and soon to be marina...right now people drop their boats in their and in the winter we heard they drive on the lake and ice fish and snow mobile....

They are asking 147, it was 159 in the summah...even though it is way cheap compared to anywhere on a lake, this is across the street, with access and it just seems like too much money...we were thinking of offering $137 and see what they say...but we are really so unsure maineman...?

Our realtor seems to think it is a GREAT buy and thinks that come summah :) we can rent the home for boocoo bucks with the Landing and beach, and the views, if we want to find another, bigger home to live in...

Another plus to it is that it is on a public paved road so it gets plowed right to 1A, right in the middle between Bangor and Ellsworth, about 12 miles from ellsworth, the same to bangor....perfect for us, because we don't know where matt will end up getting a job, which could be either town...

we are thinking we might be rushing in to this and maybe should rent the winter and take our time to find a home....

Do you know if they end up taking their homes off the market in the winter and put them back up in the spring so we may not have the same selection as we do right now? How does that work up here?


Care...Augusta is nowhere near as "seasonal" as your area....Homes here typically stay on the market until they get sold, but clearly, in the Bar Harbor region, the market has got to be better come springtime. Going against that trend is the ever softening trend in the housing market which leads me to believe that things will not rise as much in the spring - if at all - as they have done in the past.

I would think that you should look until you find the home that tells you it's the one when you see it.... and then buy it and not worry about any marginal differences in the price one way or the other.
I keep asking you to show your evidence, and you keep insisting it is obvious. I don't know how to get this through to you, but unless you have some evidence for me to look at, that indicates Foley was preying on these young men, and not just being homosexually friendly with them, then you haven't made your case. I have no need to post the emails, I can't prove a negative anyway, I can't show you that Foley was not a pedophile, and that is not my argument. I have maintained that Foley's emails were not actionable, that they did not rise to level of launching investigations and ruining his political career, because they simply infer the man is gay, and nothing more. You obviously can't refute this point, or you would.

Why I wonder did Foley resign so quickly if he is innocent and white as new snow as Dixie believes ?

Maybe you have reading comprehension problems, where did I ever say that Foley was innocent and white as new snow? We most certainly know about Foley now, since the IM's became public knowledge. We simply didn't know about Foley from the emails, all they indicate is that he is a gay man. You seem to think Republican leaders should have outted him because he is gay, and that everyone knows gay men are perverted pedophiles. I just think it's bigoted, hypocritical, prejudiced, and homophobic, to make such assertions.
I keep asking you to show your evidence, and you keep insisting it is obvious. I don't know how to get this through to you, but unless you have some evidence for me to look at, that indicates Foley was preying on these young men, and not just being homosexually friendly with them, then you haven't made your case. I have no need to post the emails, I can't prove a negative anyway, I can't show you that Foley was not a pedophile, and that is not my argument. I have maintained that Foley's emails were not actionable, that they did not rise to level of launching investigations and ruining his political career, because they simply infer the man is gay, and nothing more. You obviously can't refute this point, or you would.

I've never said that Republicans should have done more. They can do what they want. I only stated that I recognized the emails as creepy and that if my daughter or son received an email like that from some old man, I'd shoot him in the face. It was obvious trolling on this guys part. Now if (R) say they are too stupid to notice what this guy was doing from these emails....then whatever.....he should have stayed in power. I could care less about whacko repubs and how they handle their scandals.
I've never said that Republicans should have done more. They can do what they want. I only stated that I recognized the emails as creepy and that if my daughter or son received an email like that from some old man, I'd shoot him in the face. It was obvious trolling on this guys part. Now if (R) say they are too stupid to notice what this guy was doing from these emails....then whatever.....he should have stayed in power. I could care less about whacko repubs and how they handle their scandals.

I'll present this to you once again... Just tell me, exactly HOW were republicans supposed to unseat a popular six-term elected representative, based on the emails alone? I don't see it! There is no crime or unethical behavior in sending overtly-friendly emails to people, dufuss! You simply can't overturn the "will of the people" based on your paranoid homophobia, which is exactly how it would have been played by the media and Dems, had Hastert acted on the emails alone.
Yep all the dems fault ;)
Always is with you isn't it Dix ?
but then I suppose thoae repubs that have known about Hastert for years were holding on to their knowledge till just before the election as well...