Moron; he is talking about them dancing in Arabs streets. Grow a fucking brain already hack.

No need to lie though, you’re entitled to your opinion, but lying is another thing.
Sure. So we have you down as officially being gleeful at the slaughter of thousands of children, who were alive and well at the beginning of October.
Thank you for being candid.
... except when Israel is being driven by racism to slaughter Arab children, then you celebrate racism because Palestinians are the ones being eradicated. Got it.
So is murder and rape.
It wasn't an analogy. You were trying to support your bigoted HATRED by saying that HATRED exists everywhere. I simply pointed out that rape and murder also exist everywhere. I suppose you support those as wellPoor analogy. Murder and rape are prevalent in homogeneous cultures as well.
That's exactly the kind of response I would expect from an immoral shit who spends all day sucking Israel's dick.Well then I guess the Gazan civilian noncombatants should get themselves a better class of friends.
I don't think you can make a relevant point and support it. You think that a bunch of ad hominem is sufficient.More lie filled terrorist propaganda malarky. I don't think you can post without bullshit and looking like a despicable dumbass.
You make one great example after another. Please continue.MORONIC STRAWMAN ALERT!! You must enjoy looking like a dishonest moron.
You're on a roll. Don't stop now.More dumb lies. You bathe like an idiot in terrorist propaganda. Idiot.
It wasn't an analogy. You were trying to support your bigoted HATRED by saying that HATRED exists everywhere. I simply pointed out that rape and murder also exist everywhere. I suppose you support those as well
That's exactly the kind of response I would expect from an immoral shit who spends all day sucking Israel's dick.
Israel commits genocide and you claim that it's the fault of the slaughtered innocents, just because you don't want to anger Israel and have them pull out of your ass.
Nice pivot. Nicely assigned bogus position.Riiight because Palestinians should be allowed to do wherever the fuck they please to the Jews huh?
Nope. Your position is that Israel can do whatever they want, kill whomever they wish, destroy anyone's and everyone's property, and you'll cheer it on, just because it's Israel. You support genocide, just because Israel is perpetrating it.Riiight because Palestinians should be allowed to do wherever the fuck they please to the Jews huh?
Nope. Your position is that Israel can do whatever they want, kill whomever they wish, destroy anyone's and everyone's property, and you'll cheer it on, just because it's Israel. You support genocide, just because Israel is perpetrating it.
For all of you Team Israel genocide deniers, how do you explain, after having killed tens of thousands of innocent, lawful noncombatant civilians as collective punishment, after having leveled Gaza into a parking lot, and after having forcibly displaced 80% of Gazans to effect the second Nakba out of pure racial HATRED for Arabs, Israel's move to forcibly remove the remaining 20% of Gazans ... if all Israel was ever supposedly doing was going after the Al Qassam terrorists who attacked Israel?
Nope. Your position is that Israel can do whatever they want, kill whomever they wish, destroy anyone's and everyone's property, and you'll cheer it on, just because it's Israel. You support genocide, just because Israel is perpetrating it.
So, you're fine with children being murdered by the thousands. You're fine with collective punishment?My position is pretty much that until you get to the "just because Israel is perpetrating it" part.
You just want slaughtered children.I want a winner.
If it adheres to the Geneva Conventions, you don't get genocide, children remain alive, all the buildings can remain intact ... that sort of thing.You on the other hand are fine with perpetual, never ending, warfare between two parties so long as somehow it is "legal."
They didn't have the Geneva Conventions.That's what the Aztecs and other tribes living nearby did.
Obviously you are delusional. The IDF did not invade Iran, the source of all violence ultimately from Gaza. Obviously the IDF are on a mission to kill the HATED Arabs and to perpetrate genocide, not to somehow prevent any of the constant stream of attacks orchestrated and funded by Iran.Simple. Israel obviously wants this to be the last time they have deal with Hamas, Gaza, terrorism from Gaza, rocket fire from Gaza, and all the other low grade hate and warfare the Gazan Palestinians are wreaking on Israel.
You're officially onboard with innocent children being slaughtered by the thousands? I suppose you're going to perform the intellectual coward's maneuver again and blame the people who never attacked Israel for their genocide at the hands of the IDF ... because Israel is always right. Israel can do no wrong. They can kill thousands of innocent children in another country who never attacked them and you cheer it on. That makes you a shitty person.If this is the last war between Palestinians in Gaza and Israel I'm on board with that.
... specifically because Israel is the country perpetrating Holocaust 2.0 and Nakba 2.0Note: If that means the Palestinians there end up dead or refugees somewhere else too funking bad for them.
They didn't. Iran attacked Israel through the Al Qassam brigades. Otherwise Gazans did not attack Israel.They shouldn't have started a war with a country they stood no chance of defeating.
So, you're fine with children being murdered by the thousands. You're fine with collective punishment?
What if one of the sides in the fighting, i.e. the side getting slaughtered, never attacked the other side? You're OK with, right? If one country wants to unilaterally enter another country and slaughter children by the thousands, you are cool with that. Awesome. At least you're up front about it.
You just want slaughtered children.
If it adheres to the Geneva Conventions, you don't get genocide, children remain alive, all the buildings can remain intact ... that sort of thing.
They didn't have the Geneva Conventions.