Hey, Trump Lovers! Trump Introduces Personal Line of Dutch Ovens


Sadly, our friends in the Cult have lost the ability to detect the stench of b.s. This tragedy is either from COVID, or from long-term exposure to the rank odors -- but usually both.

Sadly, our friends in the Cult have lost the ability to detect the stench of b.s. This tragedy is either from COVID, or from long-term exposure to the rank odors -- but usually both.

i think they just like all the lies and bullshit they suck down from fox and friends and trump.
Hey, Trump Lovers! Trump Introduces Personal Line of Dutch Ovens

NOT a current event. Do you know what "current event" even means you dullard?

I wish you were funny. Really I do. But repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth are the only adjectives that come to mind.
Sadly, our friends in the Cult have lost the ability to detect the stench of b.s. This tragedy is either from COVID, or from long-term exposure to the rank odors -- but usually both.

^Doesn't think he is part of a cult. That stench you smell is your own bullshit snowflake. You seem to be quite full of it. :palm:
NOT a current event. Do you know what "current event" even means you dullard?

I wish you were funny. Really I do. But repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth are the only adjectives that come to mind.

NOT a current event. Do you know what "current event" even means you dullard?

I wish you were funny. Really I do. But repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth are the only adjectives that come to mind.

maybe if you took your head just a tiny bit out of trump's fat ass you might get a clue, little bitch. trump's ass gas is killing the very few active brain cells you ever had, stupid fuck punk.

and it is a current event if you buy one, stupid fuck.

Sadly, our friends in the Cult have lost the ability to detect the stench of b.s. This tragedy is either from COVID, or from long-term exposure to the rank odors -- but usually both.

It’s from long term exposure to Fox and right wing radio
I R O N Y from a douchebag who swallows all the lies and bullshit he gets from CNN, MSNBC and the Huffman Post. :palm:

Fox lied you to war in Iraq

They told you the economy was fine right up until the day it crashed on Bush’s watch

They told you Romney would win by five

They told you covid wasn’t real and would kill no one

And you STILL believe fox over the entire worlds media
maybe if you took your head just a tiny bit out of trump's fat ass you might get a clue, little bitch. trump's ass gas is killing the very few active brain cells you ever had, stupid fuck punk.

and it is a current event if you buy one, stupid fuck.


