Hey Trump Supporters ...

Just between you and me, I don’t need another stimulus check. I’m using mine for a camper shell for my truck. Thanks to joe cabbage head, anything left over will probably go in the gas tank. I never really was a big political donor anyway, and with it looking like mail in voting being a thing now, I doubt I’ll ever vote again.

But how about you, burpin’? Is your check going to any jackasses, or are you gonna wait for them to do something significant to help America and her people? Don’t hold your breath. You’re all still busy congratulating each other on your election theft, but you’re like the managers of a football team composed of quadruple amputees and you just got a one-armed quarterback in the draft. Your season is gonna be a disaster.

It's funny to hear all these radical right-wing extremists predict how President Biden's presidency is going to be a failure. It goes on and on Ad Nauseam.
You'd think they'd say something to extoll the virtues of their own party, BUT NOOOOO!!! I guess they don't have anything to say positive about their own party because all they do is bash the left incessantly over and over and over again like The Boy Who Cried Wolf or Chicken Little.
Help!!! Help!!! The sky is falling. Run for your lives. Run for your lives. We're all going to die in Biden's America.


Here's some advice, right-wing morons. Start posting the good things that the Republican Party has done for America in the last 20 years.
Bush jr ruined the economy and started two wars that costed America $2 trillion.
Trump told Americans to inject disinfectant to cure COVID instead of wearing masks and that led to 500k Americans dying of COVID.
Thank God President Biden has the Vaccinations on schedule to vaccinate 3 million Americans a day and vaccinate everybody by May.
Trump started the pandemic. President Biden ended the pandemic in less than four months. God Bless President Biden.

Trump has a new PAC to donate to, it's called the "Save America PAC" or "SAP" for short. The jokes just write themselves LMAO 😆
You mean the stimulus invented to help places like Walmart and Best Buy? THAT stimulus? Morons like yourself tend to take given money and spend MAYBE half of it at most on their most pressing bills. Then of course take the rest of it and buy a new X box or TV with the money instead of paying on other bills to get out of debt. :laugh: This is the reason people like you are always poor. You are stupid. Stupid to the core.....:laugh:

So says the buffoon who believes in laser beams from outer space, vampires, and massive voter fraud through magic. :) Sure, you’re a real authority on what is stupid.
So says the buffoon who believes in laser beams from outer space, vampires, and massive voter fraud through magic. :) Sure, you’re a real authority on what is stupid.

Can you point to the posts where I said I believed in vampires and laser beams from space? Oh wait,...you cant. Of course you cant,.....because I never said that. Fool......
Can you point to the posts where I said I believed in vampires and laser beams from space? Oh wait,...you cant. Of course you cant,.....because I never said that. Fool......

You don’t have to say it. It’s defined by your actions and words.

A. You’re a republican, and one that believes the election was stolen even though neither you nor trump have a shred of evidence to prove it, and given that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD TO OCCUR WITHOUT LEAVING A DEFINABLE TRAIL, then MAGIC is all you have left to blame for what is otherwise IMPOSSIBLE.

B. You’re a Q supporter of perhaps you can point out where you’ve rejected them and their idiotic beliefs otherwise, you believe whatever trump does. They, trump and you by association, believe in Jewish laser beams from outer space and so do you.

C, Q, trump, and you by association believe that Hillary Clinton drinks the blood of babies that are served to her in a DC pizzeria.

If not ANY sane and rational person would go out of their way and to any lengths to ensure they disaccociate themselves from lunatic thought, but you haven’t done that have you? Thus it’s safe to assume that you don’t believe it lunatics. What are you looking for more proof, more evidence? I’ve already given you more proof and evidence than you undeniably gave to the election and America.
You don’t have to say it. It’s defined by your actions and words.

A. You’re a republican, and one that believes the election was stolen even though neither you nor trump have a shred of evidence to prove it, and given that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD TO OCCUR WITHOUT LEAVING A DEFINABLE TRAIL, then MAGIC is all you have left to blame for what is otherwise IMPOSSIBLE.

B. You’re a Q supporter of perhaps you can point out where you’ve rejected them and their idiotic beliefs otherwise, you believe whatever trump does. They, trump and you by association, believe in Jewish laser beams from outer space and so do you.

C, Q, trump, and you by association believe that Hillary Clinton drinks the blood of babies that are served to her in a DC pizzeria.

If not ANY sane and rational person would go out of their way and to any lengths to ensure they disaccociate themselves from lunatic thought, but you haven’t done that have you? Thus it’s safe to assume that you don’t believe it lunatics. What are you looking for more proof, more evidence? I’ve already given you more proof and evidence than you undeniably gave to the election and America.

So yeah,...you got nuthin. Just like I said.

The investigations have just started; you need to wait and see.

Why are they just starting now?

Is there some reason they couldn't investigate him sooner?

He doesn't need to be out of office for an investigation so tell us why the cops have been sitting on this and letting potential evidence get stale.

Doesn't seem like very good police work does it?
Says who?



The IRS lol.

Where have you been that you are not aware of this or are you just that stupid?

It's the reason Trump has given for not releasing his tax information and nobody anywhere has ever thought he made it up.

The IRS never said he wasn't, it looks like you are the only idiot on the planet that does not know this.

The IRS lol.

Where have you been that you are not aware of this or are you just that stupid?

It's the reason Trump has given for not releasing his tax information and nobody anywhere has ever thought he made it up.

The IRS never said he wasn't, it looks like you are the only idiot on the planet that does not know this.


What a fucking moron!!!!! :lolup:

Trump said..... :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Nobody in their right mind believes a word that comes out of the mouth of that lying piece of orange trash.

Also, the IRS is only looking into his taxes, not the other illegal activity he's being investigated for by the state of NY.

I'll bet they've been sending NY prosecutors all kinds of evidence of Trump's illegal activities.

You are the last idiot who should be calling anyone else an idiot, idiot.
Why are they just starting now?

Is there some reason they couldn't investigate him sooner?

He doesn't need to be out of office for an investigation so tell us why the cops have been sitting on this and letting potential evidence get stale.

Doesn't seem like very good police work does it?

No one could touch this president while in office except Congress, And Half of Congress didn't want to prosecute him.
