Did you ever wonder why Obama told lie after lie and you never cared? I keep asking for all these lies Trump told and you morons come up with nada.
You jealous bro? You ever wonder why Obama couldn't afford his own golf courses snowflake?
Have you ever wondered why Obama would claim he has visited 57 states with two to go?
This is nothing more than a big fat LIE snowflake. I keep wondering why liberals like you are pathological liars. It might stem from the fact that your ideology is built on a big fat lie.
I keep wondering what you morons on the left think you will find in them. Has it ever occurred to you low IQ morons that his tax returns are audited every damned year by the IRS and State of New York?
I keep wondering why dishonest partisan hacks like you are suddenly concerned about deficit spending when you didn't give a shit about Obama's record setting deficit spending for EIGHT fucking years. Why is that? Because you are a dishonest hypocrite?
Have you ever wondered why Obama would lean over a hot mic thinking it was off and whisper to the Russian President that he will have more flexibility when he is re-elected?
Have you ever wondered about Obama's false statistics and lies about Obamacare for EIGHT fucking years?
Have you ever looked into a mirror and wondered why you are such a low IQ, lie filled, hyper partisan dumbass with a severe case of Butthurt and TDS?
Apparently your only skill is coming onto a tiny political blog and crying about Trump. How pathetic is your miserable life snowflake?
There you go exaggerating and making lunatic false claims again. You morons on the left can't help it can you?
There is nothing smart about being a lying liberal dumbfuck on steroids crying about Trump all day. I am amused that you believe you have an IQ above room temperature with the whiny bullshit you shovel in here every damned day.
I always wonder who is letting you fools out of your padded cells.
Let me summarize this whiny screed for you: