For those who are both pussified and delusional, claiming we are all slaves is an excuse to avoid the responsibility of being a free man.
For those who are both pussified and delusional, claiming we are all slaves is an excuse to avoid the responsibility of being a free man.
Seriously? If that’s what you really believe, why not leave and start your own?A "slave forum" is a forum where freedom of speech isn't allowed. You are at one now. Believe it or don't.
You may be looking for storm front
This isn't a full on racist site
So you won’t like it
She tell us all your criteria for determining what is a fact?
Check you spelling. Then try again.
Check you spelling. Then try again.
I'm white and I'm not subjugated--not by corporations, liberals or conservatives, government, minorities, or anybody else. I don't whine about being a victim.
How are you subjugated?
You have not been stopped from saying anything. You complain about not being able to express certain views instead of spending your time expressing those views. Tell us what you want to say...
We had this same discussion when you were going by a different user name.
Next, how am I subjugated? Well one way is that I wouldn't be allowed to tell you how I am subjugated.
Seriously? If that’s what you really believe, why not leave and start your own?
Here’s a link:
There’s already one JPP paranoid schizophrenic there. He has three socks on JPP: Into the Night/IBDaMann/gfm7175 AKA Sybil for short. You should PM him for advice.
Like Fuck Off? Go fuck yourself you stupid cowardly piece of shit cocksucking cunt? Who’s the slave, cocksucker? You or me? I won’t fuck off but a lame-ass dipshit like yourself has most certainly been told to fuck off by everyone you know.
There are plenty of disgruntled people here; mostly elderly drunks and whackos.
What are you disgruntled about?
If you had this same discussion with some other member, where is he. Why is he gone. And you want me to say what I might say? Are you kidding?
Fucktify; you keep proving you’re a chickenshit cuck. Whose cock do you suck so much that you believe you’re a slave?You have not been stopped from saying anything. You complain about not being able to express certain views instead of spending your time expressing those views. Tell us what you want to say...
We had this same discussion when you were going by a different user name.
If you had this same discussion with some other member, where is he. Why is he gone. And you want me to say what I might say? Are you kidding?
Whereas everything you say is true, there is absolutely nothing to be done about it. Kids were warned in '16 that this was coming, but they still either refused to vote, or voted third party.I'm set back by the blasé approach to politics by my fellow Democrats.
We seem to let the Republicans bamboozle us and take advantage of us.
I suppose I have had to learn the hard way to fight fire- with fire!
And for me- turn-about is fair play! If the Republicans throw a pie into my face- I squash one right back in their face!
What I think the Republicans need is a taste of their own medicine!
How did we let the Republicans cheat us out of TWO SUPREME COURT JUSTICE PICKS?
How many times are we going to win the popular vote- but still lose the presidential race- WITHOUT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT?
It's like playing cards with a stacked deck full of Trump cards- stacked in Trump's favor!
So no- I do not accept any of this! I am certainly not complacent with the Republicans making up the rules as they go and moving the goalposts wherever they want.
Democracy is worth fighting for- and we must fight for it!
If we don't win these Mid-Terms- Democracy will be lost forever because clearly the Republicans will be loading up Congress with TRUMPTARDED GOONS and we will become an instant autocracy in 2024!
It's obvious from your first post that you are a moron.Oh. You mean the rule that says anybody can say any sort of anti-White bullshit that they want? But if you say anything pro-White, you just aren't allowed? They can shove that rule up their ass.
Agreed. Fucktify is just a lame cuck fantasizing he’s a slave….presumably so he can suck cock and claim he was “forced” to be a cocksucker because he’s a “slave”. LOLHe is not gone. He periodically tells us why he cannot post his beliefs on here although he has never tried. I haven't seen anybody on JPP prohibited from expressing his views.
Like him, you spend pages telling us why you can't tell us the truth, but you have never tried to do so. JUST DO IT!
Are we supposed to ask you what the other message board is?
The idiot hasn't read the rules...obviouslyLol, what exactly do you say that is pro white? I think it depends on what you say and how you say it.
Excellent point; incels are often internet tough guys who are very angry chickenshits like Fucktify.And incels.