I wrote a thesis in school comparing two of his predecessors, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan.
Cool story, "sis."
I wrote a thesis in school comparing two of his predecessors, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan.
They're terrified of bright, articulate, liberal women.
they don't fear Asians they perceive them as small and polite Brown and Black people are scary to them their sons can marry Asian women but their daughters are not supposed to marry an Asian man racists are really stupid and don't employ facts in their thought processes
I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
We haven't seen one here yet! Maybe someday one will show up.
My own plan is not to do thread bans. It's easy enough to pass by posts that have nothing to offer, and you never know when someone might have something interesting to add.
funny they never attack people who identify as Irish American
Poor Irish.
like others sites don't have them?
Interesting anecdote about you, there.
I was a stay at home mom who was addicted to news.
I merely saw the increase in shitty usustainable loans
I need a minute
stop messing up a posters introduction thread
I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
It was not ignored. Apparently you didn't notice the answer.
Or what, racist? Will you spit in my face? Call me names?
Yes. I notice the comparison especially when contrasting the reactions bigots have to, say, Mexican Americans waving Mexican flags on Cinco de Mayo, and Irish Americans waving Irish flags on St. Patrick's Day. They perceive the former as threatening or downright treasonous, while the latter is just quaint and charming. I don't think Asian Americans get the same level of hostility from the right as Latinos do (possibly because of a conscious attempt to use the Asian "model minority" meme as a cudgel against blacks and Latinos), so the hostility here to the "Korean American" label was a bit surprising to me.
If New York were a country, it would be less of a shithole than the United States in pretty much all measurable ways. For example, the murder rate in New York is 3.2/100k, compared to 5.3/100k for the nation. The infant mortality rate is 4.5/100k, versus 5.9/100k for the nation as a whole. Life expectancy is 80.5 years, versus 78.9 years for the US. It also is better than the national average when it comes to educational performance, share of the population with college degrees, median income, productivity, GSP per capita, overall crime rates, incarceration rates, obesity rate, and so on. It doesn't compete with the very top US states (e.g., Massachusetts), much less elite social democracies like those of Western Europe, but it is far from the "shithole country" category. If you were looking to throw a US state in that category, you'd do well to look to areas where cultural conservatism have really mucked things up: West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, etc.
Why is it some of you feel the need to attack her personally (all but call her a liar about her personal details) rather than engage in her interesting discussion?
run by demmycrats........obviously shithole......good lord, just look at the schools in Buffalo.......