
Send cash!

Well I did just cash out of the market because betting on America at this point is the dope move....I was thinking more like sending some fresh buttermilk biscuits with a really good butter and Canadian maple syrup!
how's it going?

Biden won.
2 Senate races in Georgia.
Hannity is going ballistic about Stalwell fucking a Chinese spy.
Lou Dobbs ejaculating over Hunter Biden and some 'investigation'.
You know, the usual.

How's the Spiderhole? Getting cramped in there with all your Right-wing Goon Squad members?
Biden won.
2 Senate races in Georgia.
Hannity is going ballistic about Stalwell fucking a Chinese spy.
Lou Dobbs ejaculating over Hunter Biden and some 'investigation'.
You know, the usual.

How's the Spiderhole? Getting cramped in there with all your Right-wing Goon Squad members?

But as Tucker points put so much as looking at a Russian causes all Hell to break loose!
Well I did just cash out of the market because betting on America at this point is the dope move....I was thinking more like sending some fresh buttermilk biscuits with a really good butter and Canadian maple syrup!

I live in farm country, so food isn't a problem. My freezer is well stocked.

Seriously, I'm doing pretty well. It does suck I can't shoot pool and hang out with my friends and family as much as I'd like. All our Christmas parties have been cancelled.
The GF and I don't go out to eat as often as we did so I'm turning into a pretty good cook (not that I wasn't before).
The biggest unexpected issue is blowing up my car, that's gonna set me back about $14,000 to $15,000.
I live in farm country, so food isn't a problem. My freezer is well stocked.

Seriously, I'm doing pretty well. It does suck I can't shoot pool and hang out with my friends and family as much as I'd like. All our Christmas parties have been cancelled.
The GF and I don't go out to eat as often as we did so I'm turning into a pretty good cook (not that I wasn't before).
The biggest unexpected issue is blowing up my car, that's gonna set me back about $14,000 to $15,000.

Wow, I have not heard that story.

Seattle/Tacoma/Oly restaurants and bars are dying fast, and my friends have been giving me the heave ho for the last few years as I refuse to conform to the Regressive Left creed.

We decided "Fuck em"....then the pandemic hit.

We adjusted by getting a brother for my hound.

2 cats, 2 hounds, a koi pond and a wife.

I am good.

Call Me.
It is buttermilk biscuits!

I have noticed that far to many of you fucks here at JPP appear to be immune to learning!

RBs girlfriend made 10,000 Sugar Cookies. Maybe you can work out a Deal. Some Buttermilk Biscuits for some Sugar Cookies?
Wow, I have not heard that story.

Seattle/Tacoma/Oly restaurants and bars are dying fast, and my friends have been giving me the heave ho for the last few years as I refuse to conform to the Regressive Left creed.

We decided "Fuck em"....then the pandemic hit.

We adjusted by getting a brother for my hound.

2 cats, 2 hounds, a koi pond and a wife.

I am good.

Call Me.

Yeah, the clutch literally exploded and took out the motor too. I was lucky it had a blow-proof bellhousing or I probably wouldn't be here today.
The shrapnel would have come through the floorboard and cut my feet/legs off at the very least, and it probably would have sent me into a ditch
and rolled over. So despite the financial setback, I guess I'm pretty lucky.

Lots of small businesses, fire co's and restaurants are hurting here because of this damn China virus.
Wow! I thought you would be asking me about the Sugar Cookies? (I have to hand it to you Hawk, you caught me off guard with that one)

I need the intel to decide how hard I should push for an invite for a lemonade on the front porch.

I dont have the time for just anyone!
RBs girlfriend made 10,000 Sugar Cookies. Maybe you can work out a Deal. Some Buttermilk Biscuits for some Sugar Cookies?

No, they made just shy of 1500 cookies (not all sugar) and 15 lbs. of peanut butter fudge.
Yeah, the clutch literally exploded and took out the motor too. I was lucky it had a blow-proof bellhousing or I probably wouldn't be here today.
The shrapnel would have come through the floorboard and cut my feet/legs off at the very least, and it probably would have sent me into a ditch
and rolled over. So despite the financial setback, I guess I'm pretty lucky.

Lots of small businesses, fire co's and restaurants are hurting here because of this damn China virus.

Here is the thing about the "I almost could have been ended" stories (and I do have a few)...they do wonders for focus.

I am glad that you are mostly good, so many folks are not.
Here is the thing about the "I almost could have been ended" stories (and I do have a few)...they do wonders for focus.

I am glad that you are mostly good, so many folks are not.

I'd say just about everyone who has "lived a little" has had a few close calls.

Yeah, I feel bad for those in nursing homes who cannot have visitors. The China virus may be taking some of them, but loneliness and depression is also taking them.
That's agreeable, just make sure you don't infringe on others doing it. Just have one you can holster or conceal out in public otherwise you infringe on people around you and their rights. A person flaunting a gun and a person not wearing a mask kind of garner the same reaction from most.

Brandishing a firearm is illegal in all states as far as I know. If you're black and doing it in Walmart with a BB gun, you'll be shot dead by Yankee police.
Fucking racist Yankees!
