High speed trains are racing across the world. But not in America

And, that can happen in some science fiction novel, but it isn't happening in real life any time in the next century at a minimum. Try to maintain a vacuum on a tunnel say, 18 feet in diameter, 500 miles long with let's say, just two stations one at each end.

First, the train itself has to be sealed to keep an atmosphere in it for the passengers. And, that atmosphere has to be maintained at some reasonable level of comfort. Every penetration of the cars is a potential leak. Every seam of metal, is a potential leak. Evey seal between two materials is a potential leak.

Then you have to evacuate the tunnel. That's roughly 150 million cubic feet of volume you have to pump all the air out of. Then the tunnel has to be sealed to a degree that keeps it that way, or has sufficient pumping going on to remove all leakage as it occurs.

Then there's the two stations... You have to seal the tunnel in such a way that the train enters say, a lock, has the air pumped out, then enters the atmospheric station to discharge and load passengers. Then you have to do the same to put the train back in the tunnel. All the while, the vacuum has to be maintained.

The whole of this would be ungodly expensive and difficult to maintain. If there were any problem with the train or tunnel while the train was in it, it could result in a serious disaster.

I never said anything about passengers. I was talking about logistics.
Tampa is not Miami.

Completely different tourism dynamic at play.

Typical right-wing stupidity.

Also, the system is financed, built, owned and operated by a private company so it's beyond me how it qualifies in your "mind" as "leftist".

Yet more typical right-wing stupidity.

It doesn't matter where it goes to and from, what matters is it hemorrhages money.
It doesn't matter where it goes to and from, what matters is it hemorrhages money.

Why does it matter to you?

And what makes you think it will?

What makes you think you know more than the people who invested millions of their own dollars and a few years into building it and getting it up and running?

What qualifies you as an expert on Florida tourism?

Central and South Florida BTW, have the top three busiest cruise liner ports in the world.



They're already in the planning stages for a rail terminal at or near Port Canaveral.

If you don't believe this rail line is going to be working hand in glove with the cruise ship lines, then all I can say is we'll be finding out in the next couple of years or so.

And BTW, Port Canaveral recently became the home port of the largest cruise ship in the world....

So if I were you, I wouldn't invest a lot of emotional energy into hoping this venture fails.
Trains work okay in countries that are much smaller than ones like the US, Russia, or even China. In large countries they become expensive and horribly inefficient.

That Lao railway is just part of a network which will connect Kunming to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.