Hillary, America's Thatcher!


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She is launching her presidental bid, saying she intends her presidency to be dedicated to fixing the errors of President Bush!
Hillary, America's Thatcher!

ROFLMFAOoooooooo! This is priceless! Aside from both people 'supposedly' being females, there is absolutely no comparison between them. As 'females', Hillary couldn't sniff Thatcher's jock strap!

I honestly don't believe Hillary can win the presidency in '08. There are far too many people who fear and hate her... so much so, it makes the hatred for Dubya pale in comparison. If you think it's been divisive having Bush, just wait... you've not seen 'divisive' until you elect Hillary president. I realize, that alone will cause most of you pinheads to vote for her... no other reason needed... she'll piss off Republicans as much as Dubya pissed off Democrats... that's good enough!
Hillary, America's Thatcher!

ROFLMFAOoooooooo! This is priceless! Aside from both people 'supposedly' being females, there is absolutely no comparison between them. As 'females', Hillary couldn't sniff Thatcher's jock strap!

I honestly don't believe Hillary can win the presidency in '08. There are far too many people who fear and hate her... so much so, it makes the hatred for Dubya pale in comparison. If you think it's been divisive having Bush, just wait... you've not seen 'divisive' until you elect Hillary president. I realize, that alone will cause most of you pinheads to vote for her... no other reason needed... she'll piss off Republicans as much as Dubya pissed off Democrats... that's good enough!

Think we touched a nerve there...!

Methinks Einstein doth protest too much! I think the neocons are affraid of her and what she will mean for the benefit of all of AMERICA!
Think we touched a nerve there...!

Methinks Einstein doth protest too much! I think the neocons are affraid of her and what she will mean for the benefit of all of AMERICA!

LOL... you touched my funny bone! Me thinks you need to nominate Hillary, and we'll see if she can get elected! As for how much of a "benefit to all of America" Hillary will be... here's a newsflash, Hillary does what benefits Hillary, without regard for anyone else, she isn't going to change.
I'm done voting for people with the same names as those who won before. America is not supposed to have an aristocracy... These families keep getting a blessing because of the other members... I'm tired of it.
I'd prefer the blank-slate of Obama to Hillary. I'd prefer anybody but a Bush. I'd prefer somebody with good qualifications and a solid knowledge of the Constitution who is willing to stick by it that isn't from one of these "blessed aristocracy".
In a race between Clinton and McCain, the former would garner no more than 40% of the popular vote, and win fewer than 100 electoral votes. It would be McGovern all over again. By all means, nominate her!
In a race between Clinton and McCain, the former would garner no more than 40% of the popular vote, and win fewer than 100 electoral votes. It would be McGovern all over again. By all means, nominate her!

I hope to God that you guys nominate McCain. So many of ya'll are so high on McCain hero-worshipping (much of it having homo-erotic overtones in my opinion) that you haven't bothered reading his polling among independents.

He's tied to this war and he's going down right with it.

He is not electable in the general. By all means, nominate him!
I'd prefer the blank-slate of Obama to Hillary. I'd prefer anybody but a Bush. I'd prefer somebody with good qualifications and a solid knowledge of the Constitution who is willing to stick by it that isn't from one of these "blessed aristocracy".

Would you? I don't think that I would. Under normal circumstances perhaps. But these are not normal circumstances. The disaster that this maniac has created is going to take someone with a hell of a lot of experience to fix. I love my country contrary to popular beliefs. And I believe that we are in such serious and dangerous trouble. So much so that, as much of a leftist as I am, I am going to put aside all of the things on my wish list and look for the smartest, most experienced, most pragmatic (on foreign policy) person that I can find.

Are there Republicans that could get us out of this mess? Yeah, but they're few and far between. Pat Buchanon could probably do it, and I actually think that he loves this country, and that he wouldn't put our people in harm's way for personal gain. I grimace at many of his positions though. Let's say the Republican party puts up Hagel, and the Democratic party doesn't put up a Gore (who has the experience and the smarts for this massive job), who do I go with? This is going to be the toughest election of my lifetime, because I have to put aside so much, in order to vote for what is best for the survival of my country.

Hillary could do it I believe, and I would take a lot of comfort that she's bringing along the diplomatic and general genius of Bill. But she better move her ass to the CENTER on this war. It is no longer to the left, it is to where the mainstream of America stands. And they want out.
This shows you how low the GOP has sunk. Within a couple years, McCain went from being a traitor to the GOP in the eyes of the conservative base, to being the best saviour from a Democratic president in 2008.

Personally, I think McCain has shot himself in the foot, by tying his legacy to escalating this war, and to tying himself to Bush. Any close association with bush is going to be toxic by 2008.

I don't like Hillary much either. She's been far too lame, with regards to this foolish war.
This shows you how low the GOP has sunk. Within a couple years, McCain went from being a traitor to the GOP in the eyes of the conservative base, to being the best saviour from a Democratic president in 2008.

Personally, I think McCain has shot himself in the foot, by tying his legacy to escalating this war, and to tying himself to Bush. Any close association with bush is going to be toxic by 2008.

I don't like Hillary much either. She's been far too lame, with regards to this foolish war.

Oh I agree about Hillary. However, she has not rendered herself unelectable because of Iraq. She's been lame, but she hasn't been insane. I honestly do not believe that McCain is electable at this point. He's over. They better wake up and move on. Gulliani has a better chance, if he could get through their primary. And he's an out and out facist, so it's not that I'm rooting for him believe me. Gulliani would be a one-termer because as people got to see his wonderful personality he'd be done for. I am hoping that if he should pull out a surprise in the primary, he'll blow before the general. The guy is unstable seriously. But if he can keep that under wraps, he could win. And that to me, is frightening.
I'd say that if there is no improvement in Iraq by that time. It is always possible, though improbable, that improvements could be gained and this would not be the same as it is right now.

Honestly, what Bills has Hillary put forward? What is she other than the "blessed aristocracy" that brings "the intelligence of Bill"? What you want is Bill back, well he can't run.

I want somebody who really understands the Constitution, who would never lead us into an Undeclared War, who would actually protect the borders from intrusion. Who would pass an Amendment for a balanced budget...

I want somebody better than, so far, everybody who has been suggested. But they aren't there. I know one thing that I don't want. The same families for generations to come running the nation into the ground and ignoring National interest to benefit the "vote"...

Seriously, there has never been a time when both parties are further from my interests than now. I may have no choice whatsoever than to vote third party this time. Luckily the Internet will give such people more voice nowadays.
I agree with what you said about Hagel, Darla. At this point, this country desparately needs somebody who can tell the damn truth. Hell, at this point I don't care if Hagel is conservative - he's obviously someone who isn't willing to lie when american soliders lives are in the balance.

But, the GOP won't be smart enough to nominate him. I haven't heard one single republican sing Hagel's praises. Presumably, because he hasn't worshipped Bush enough.
I'd say that if there is no improvement in Iraq by that time. It is always possible, though improbable, that improvements could be gained and this would not be the same as it is right now.

Honestly, what Bills has Hillary put forward? What is she other than the "blessed aristocracy" that brings "the intelligence of Bill"? What you want is Bill back, well he can't run.

I want somebody who really understands the Constitution, who would never lead us into an Undeclared War, who would actually protect the borders from intrusion. Who would pass an Amendment for a balanced budget...

I want somebody better than, so far, everybody who has been suggested. But they aren't there. I know one thing that I don't want. The same families for generations to come running the nation into the ground and ignoring National interest to benefit the "vote"...

Seriously, there has never been a time when both parties are further from my interests than now. I may have no choice whatsoever than to vote third party this time. Luckily the Internet will give such people more voice nowadays.

We want different things. I don't want a balanced budget amendment because i know where those cuts are coming from. I'd like some fiscal responsibility yes, but not what you want.

There isn't a Democrat alive who could gain your support for President.
I agree with what you said about Hagel, Darla. At this point, this country desparately needs somebody who can tell the damn truth. Hell, at this point I don't care if Hagel is conservative - he's obviously someone who isn't willing to lie when american soliders lives are in the balance.

But, the GOP won't be smart enough to nominate him. I haven't heard one single republican sing Hagel's praises. Presumably, because he hasn't worshipped Bush enough.

I think that you're probably right, but I also think that a lot could change by 08, even among Republican voters, depending on where we are in Iraq, and possibly, in Iran or Syria. I mean, this guy isn't done yet. But if I had to lay down money today, I'd say no, they won't nominate Hagel. They'll go with another nut.
I think that you're probably right, but I also think that a lot could change by 08, even among Republican voters, depending on where we are in Iraq, and possibly, in Iran or Syria. I mean, this guy isn't done yet. But if I had to lay down money today, I'd say no, they won't nominate Hagel. They'll go with another nut.


I mean seriously, the far right wingnuts and talk radio drive the republican base - who are the ones that turn out to vote in primaries.

What's Rush Limbaugh and Hannity going to do come December 2007: start saying that "You know, I think Bush was wrong all along, and I think Hagel had it right! Everyone, go out and support Hagel!"

ain't gonna happen.