Hillary, America's Thatcher!

I think that's going to depend on how deeply we're still involved in Iraq come 2008. If the war is still dragging on pretty much as it is now then McCain is toast.

For Dixie's benefit, that is both an opinion and a prediction. ;)

subway... you are correct that it is a matter of perspective. I disagree that the Iraq war will be the primary focus in 2008. People are going to want a leader in all areas, not just someone who has simply chanted "the war sucks" over and over again. I believe people long for substance in their President. It has been a long time since we have had a President that we can respect. (Reagan in my opinion is the only one since JFK and Ike)

Its not just about the war. McCain has decided to be Bush's lap dog. Unless I'm wrong, by 2008 bush will be toxic and considered to be one of the worst presidents ever.

McCain's gonna have the stench of Bush around him. Heck, I think Al Gore lost at least a couple million votes, just by having the stench of Bill Clinton's moral transgressions around him.
I see. Well, I disagree, but I'm relieved that you don't support the escalation. I couldn't figure that one out. Notice I didn't accuse you of supporting it though, I was very careful in my wording and even re-wrote how I phrased it.

I'm coming along, you have to admit it.
LOL. I don't support undeclared war. I have stated so, and I stick to it...
Its not just about the war. McCain has decided to be Bush's lap dog. Unless I'm wrong, by 2008 bush will be toxic and considered to be one of the worst presidents ever.

McCain's gonna have the stench of Bush around him. Heck, I think Al Gore lost at least a couple million votes, just by having the stench of Bill Clinton's moral transgressions around him.
LOL. Saying, well... let's see what happens. That de-funding troops will not help them is not "being Bush's lapdog". That's hyperbole for partisan purposes.
I agree that McCain will appear to be the heir apperant to Bush which will hurt him not help him.
LOL. Saying, well... let's see what happens. That de-funding troops will not help them is not "being Bush's lapdog". That's hyperbole for partisan purposes.
It's a bit hyperbolic, perhaps, but there's a hard political truth there. Whether it's deserved or not, McCain is now perceived as one of Bush's biggest (and last) supporters. Perception is all in politics, too. Just ask John Kerry.
Yes it is ALL about perception not about truth and reality.
Why do you think political ads are specifically exempt from the truth in advertising law?
It's a bit hyperbolic, perhaps, but there's a hard political truth there. Whether it's deserved or not, McCain is now perceived as one of Bush's biggest (and last) supporters. Perception is all in politics, too. Just ask John Kerry.
Once again, that is now. There is two years between now and the election. About a year before the first primaries begin. Those in politics know that much can change in a year...
yes much can change in a year, but can we expect a miracle ? That is what it will take to make McCain electable.
yes much can change in a year, but can we expect a miracle ? That is what it will take to make McCain electable.
Nobody expects one, that is why they are called miracles. However, progress is all it would take. If Bush's plan to take the political gloves off of the military and allow them to take it to the enemy produces any sort of progress it can quickly change the public's evaluation of the "war".
Nobody expects one, that is why they are called miracles. However, progress is all it would take. If Bush's plan to take the political gloves off of the military and allow them to take it to the enemy produces any sort of progress it can quickly change the public's evaluation of the "war".

Yes that would be a miracle. People are past the point of small slow changes in the Iraq situation changing their view on the war and it's supporters. They want it fixed now. We are the now generation after all.
ANy skilled democratic opponant will be easily able to tie McCain to the very unpopular war. If the Repugs nominate McCain, he will loose. Unless there is a dramatic turn around in Iraq.
Nobody expects one, that is why they are called miracles. However, progress is all it would take. If Bush's plan to take the political gloves off of the military and allow them to take it to the enemy produces any sort of progress it can quickly change the public's evaluation of the "war".
Sadly, that's true. Public mood is fickle. Still, I have little doubt about the likelyhood of such an outcome. I'd even be willing to put money on it.

Once again, that is now. There is two years between now and the election. About a year before the first primaries begin. Those in politics know that much can change in a year...

this is true. things could change in a year.

I'm just saying, that as of now, McCain is increasingly viewed as a Bush stooge and a supporter of escalating the iraq war. That's not a good position to be in. Its possible things could turn around for him.
Yes that would be a miracle. People are past the point of small slow changes in the Iraq situation changing their view on the war and it's supporters. They want it fixed now. We are the now generation after all.
I think you underestimate the public's desire to not admit we were wrong to go into Iraq in the first place. If even incremental progress were made -- or just reported, even if it weren't real or lasting progress -- I think a lot of people would sieze on it.

Let me give you an example from right here in the uber-liberal Bay Area. My favorite morning radio show (KFOG, if anyone's interested) was discussing whether we should pull out of Iraq immediately or not. One of the first callers -- not me, though I tried -- said that we kind of owe the Iraqis since we trashed their country and all. Immediately, according to the DJs, the phone lines lit up. In the ensuing melee, every second caller was doing his or her best to claim that we didn't owe the Iraqis anything because we did them a favor and blah blah blah.

That's here, in the Bush-hating capitol of the United States.

Never underestimate the public's hunger for denial. We hate to be wrong.
Yep denial that they had any involvement in supporting for the war at all, and I don't think they will change. More each day are just wanting us to get out.

we have seen all of this before....