I don't know if she wants vp, or if she just wants to weaken him. I thought that Claire McCaskill was very impressive last night. If he needs to placate older white women, let him go with her. The rest of us don't want a Clinton on the ticket, period.

Whatever, it's his call now, he is the nominee. She might still make a lot of sound and fury, but it will more and more, signify nothing.

Claire McCaskill would be good .. real good. Young enough to become president in 8 years.

I like Sam Nunn as well .. but I might be coming around to McCaskill more.
although, I think it was Chris Rock that said that he should probably get a Mexican as a running mate......just for a little insurance :p
Edwards wouldn't be a bad pick either. He could totally pull the working class white vote.

I think he is going to be the AG and I don't think he adds enough to the ticket. He was a one term Senator... Obama is going to want someone with more "experience".
Edwards wouldn't be a bad pick either. He could totally pull the working class white vote.

Edwards is making himself less relevant.

Had he endorsed before NC, he would be seen as a kingmaker.

He needs to get off the fence .. show some courage.
That leans towards Nunn.

Him or Biden.

Both would be interesting. As would McCaskill.... I had not given much thought to her prior to her being suggested on this thread. But she would help in the midwest and help with women who might be pissed that Hillary is done.

Having grown up in Kansas, I tend to despise anything from the state of Misery, but she is actually pretty well liked by Dems and grudgingly respected by Reps (in Misery and Kansas anyway)
Him or Biden.

Both would be interesting. As would McCaskill.... I had not given much thought to her prior to her being suggested on this thread. But she would help in the midwest and help with women who might be pissed that Hillary is done.

Having grown up in Kansas, I tend to despise anything from the state of Misery, but she is actually pretty well liked by Dems and grudgingly respected by Reps (in Misery and Kansas anyway)

I agree on all counts.
Oh. I was going to say, even Top wouldn’t have come up with that gem.
I feel so... well, so... Cypress... I don't like it. Not at all... :cig:

;) <- note the winky here to indicate that I am using that biting sarcasm again...