Hillary & Obama

You're quite insance, Black.

Is there any Demopublican you would hold your nose and vote for in '08? I've never seen you speak positively about... well.. just about anyone. I really think you have critiscisms of the Socialist party hidden somewhere.

He's not insane. He's a leftist. You guys are so convinced you've seen the "far left" all over television and in the newspapers, but all you've seen is moderate liberals, and they're few and far between themselves. So when a real live leftist comes along, you don't know what in hell to make of it.

On this board, we have only Ornot, but he doesn't write that much about it. On my old board, we had several, very prolific leftists, of varying tempermants. I love a good, guns blazing, kick-ass leftist, I can tell you that. I agree with them on most things, sometimes differing only on how best to approach change. So, to each their own Water. :)
You're quite insance, Black.

Is there any Demopublican you would hold your nose and vote for in '08? I've never seen you speak positively about... well.. just about anyone. I really think you have critiscisms of the Socialist party hidden somewhere.

Well there you go .. a clear demonstration of what you don't know.

If you have any specific disagreement with my assessment of Powell perhaps you should post that instead of confirming that you don't know dick about Richard.

I don't belong to any political party although I'm more closely aligned with Greens. Take a look on this board and you'll find several politicians, none of them republican, that I'd vote for.

I've been politically active and involved perhaps for as long as you've been alive.

Stay focused on the issue.

It'll make you appear like you know what you're talking about.
Powell had abosolutely nothing to do with the Lt.Calley incident..pa-lease what rank was Powell at the time of this incident...surely not the rank of Staff officer..I am so sorry black but ya have staff officers confused in this case..Powell was a Junior Officer during this period...trust me...this was my time period...well actually I got out before the Tet offensive..and before the Lt.Calley incident..but the results are the same...Powell was a Junior Officer during this period and had no influence whatsoever...Try again!

Son-of-a-bitch man. Does it ever occur to you to research anything before you open your mouth and look incredibly ignorant? How in the hell were you an officer in the military and yet know nothing about Powell and My Lai? Whether you were still in the military or not, My Lai was all over everywhere including throughout the ranks of the military.

As an Army officer, Powell's superiors considered him a consummate "team player." They could count on Powell to haul their water despite any contradictory feelings he may have had. Powell's blind loyalty was demonstrated during a second tour in Vietnam (1968-1969), where as deputy assistant chief of staff for operations G-3 at American Division headquarters in Chu Lai, he was asked to handle a potentially embarrassing letter a young soldier had written to Gen. Creighton Abrams, commander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam.

The soldier had written about rumors of a massacre that Americal Division soldiers had committed in the hamlet of My Lai 4 in South Vietnam. Although he did not mention My Lai in the letter, the soldier complained that Americal soldiers were indiscriminately killing Vietnamese civilians. Such acts, the young soldier warned, "are carried on at entire unit levels and thereby acquire the aspect of sanctioned policy."

Several days after he received a copy of the letter, Powell sent a memo to his superior, the adjutant general, making the outrageous claim that the young soldier had not given enough specifics upon which to base an inquiry. The purposely blind Powell said the soldier's charges were false except for "isolated instances." He wrote that "relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese are excellent." Powell's damage control efforts soon proved fruitless and the My Lai massacre burst onto the world stage like an atomic explosion, severely damaging the U.S. war effort in Vietnam. On the orders of Lt. William Calley, soldiers from the U.S. Army Americal Division had indeed indiscriminantly gunned down an entire village of men, women and children.

Although Powell's attempt to cover up the massacre was unsuccessful, he had at least proven his willingness to do what was necessary to please his bosses. For his two tours of duty in Vietnam, Powell, who was never exposed to serious combat, was awarded the Purple Heart for a minor foot wound he received after stepping on a "punji stick." He was later awarded a Bronze Star for heroism and the Soldiers Medal for pulling two men free from a non-combat related helicopter crash.


There are about 10,000 other articles and documentation you could have read before you made yourself look incredibly stupid.

At the time Powell was a Major. His cover-up lie lasted about 5 minutes but he proved to all that he had no principles, backbone, or courage and was willing to do whatever he was told ... JUST LIKE THE FUCK I SAID.
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Son-of-a-bitch man. Does it ever occur to you to research anything before you open your mouth and look incredibly ignorant? How in the hell were you an officer in the military and yet know nothing about Powell and My Lai?

As an Army officer, Powell's superiors considered him a consummate "team player." They could count on Powell to haul their water despite any contradictory feelings he may have had. Powell's blind loyalty was demonstrated during a second tour in Vietnam (1968-1969), where as deputy assistant chief of staff for operations G-3 at Americal Division headquarters in Chu Lai, he was asked to handle a potentially embarrassing letter a young soldier had written to Gen. Creighton Abrams, commander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam.

The soldier had written about rumors of a massacre that Americal Division soldiers had committed in the hamlet of My Lai 4 in South Vietnam. Although he did not mention My Lai in the letter, the soldier complained that Americal soldiers were indiscriminately killing Vietnamese civilians. Such acts, the young soldier warned, "are carried on at entire unit levels and thereby acquire the aspect of sanctioned policy."

Several days after he received a copy of the letter, Powell sent a memo to his superior, the adjutant general, making the outrageous claim that the young soldier had not given enough specifics upon which to base an inquiry. The purposely blind Powell said the soldier's charges were false except for "isolated instances." He wrote that "relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese are excellent." Powell's damage control efforts soon proved fruitless and the My Lai massacre burst onto the world stage like an atomic explosion, severely damaging the U.S. war effort in Vietnam. On the orders of Lt. William Calley, soldiers from the U.S. Army Americal Division had indeed indiscriminantly gunned down an entire village of men, women and children.

Although Powell's attempt to cover up the massacre was unsuccessful, he had at least proven his willingness to do what was necessary to please his bosses. For his two tours of duty in Vietnam, Powell, who was never exposed to serious combat, was awarded the Purple Heart for a minor foot wound he received after stepping on a "punji stick." He was later awarded a Bronze Star for heroism and the Soldiers Medal for pulling two men free from a non-combat related helicopter crash.


There are about 10,000 other articles and documentation you could have read before you made yourself look incredibly stupid.

At the time Powell was a Major. His cover-up lie lasted about 5 minutes but he proved to all that he had no principles, backbone, or courage and was willing to do whatever he was told ... JUST LIKE THE FUCK I SAID.

I love it.

BB is going to have a cyberstroke when he comes on. It'll be fun.
He's not insane. He's a leftist. You guys are so convinced you've seen the "far left" all over television and in the newspapers, but all you've seen is moderate liberals, and they're few and far between themselves. So when a real live leftist comes along, you don't know what in hell to make of it.

On this board, we have only Ornot, but he doesn't write that much about it. On my old board, we had several, very prolific leftists, of varying tempermants. I love a good, guns blazing, kick-ass leftist, I can tell you that. I agree with them on most things, sometimes differing only on how best to approach change. So, to each their own Water. :)

Guns blazing ass-kicking leftist here.
I know! I'm happy that you came here, I feel like Damo got me a present. We need an ass-kicking leftist here. Plus, seriously, you do raise the level of discourse, in my opinion.

Thank you sister.

I'm blushing .. but of course you couldn't see it .. even if you were here. :)
Son-of-a-bitch man. Does it ever occur to you to research anything before you open your mouth and look incredibly ignorant? How in the hell were you an officer in the military and yet know nothing about Powell and My Lai? Whether you were still in the military or not, My Lai was all over everywhere including throughout the ranks of the military.

As an Army officer, Powell's superiors considered him a consummate "team player." They could count on Powell to haul their water despite any contradictory feelings he may have had. Powell's blind loyalty was demonstrated during a second tour in Vietnam (1968-1969), where as deputy assistant chief of staff for operations G-3 at American Division headquarters in Chu Lai, he was asked to handle a potentially embarrassing letter a young soldier had written to Gen. Creighton Abrams, commander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam.

The soldier had written about rumors of a massacre that Americal Division soldiers had committed in the hamlet of My Lai 4 in South Vietnam. Although he did not mention My Lai in the letter, the soldier complained that Americal soldiers were indiscriminately killing Vietnamese civilians. Such acts, the young soldier warned, "are carried on at entire unit levels and thereby acquire the aspect of sanctioned policy."

Several days after he received a copy of the letter, Powell sent a memo to his superior, the adjutant general, making the outrageous claim that the young soldier had not given enough specifics upon which to base an inquiry. The purposely blind Powell said the soldier's charges were false except for "isolated instances." He wrote that "relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese are excellent." Powell's damage control efforts soon proved fruitless and the My Lai massacre burst onto the world stage like an atomic explosion, severely damaging the U.S. war effort in Vietnam. On the orders of Lt. William Calley, soldiers from the U.S. Army Americal Division had indeed indiscriminantly gunned down an entire village of men, women and children.

Although Powell's attempt to cover up the massacre was unsuccessful, he had at least proven his willingness to do what was necessary to please his bosses. For his two tours of duty in Vietnam, Powell, who was never exposed to serious combat, was awarded the Purple Heart for a minor foot wound he received after stepping on a "punji stick." He was later awarded a Bronze Star for heroism and the Soldiers Medal for pulling two men free from a non-combat related helicopter crash.


There are about 10,000 other articles and documentation you could have read before you made yourself look incredibly stupid.

At the time Powell was a Major. His cover-up lie lasted about 5 minutes but he proved to all that he had no principles, backbone, or courage and was willing to do whatever he was told ... JUST LIKE THE FUCK I SAID.

I think you missed this post where you got your ass reamed once again, BB, so busy being a wiseass and obsessing over Codepink.
Another reason why I can't vote for either of these two clowns. They have got to be kidding me here.

July 9, 2007, 8:28 pm
Debate Is On Without Them
By Jeff Zeleny

No matter where they go, the Democratic presidential candidates face questions about the war in Iraq.
But as the Senate opens a two-week debate on the war, not all of the leading presidential candidates serving in the Senate will be sitting at their desks on Capitol Hill.
When the Senate convenes today to start considering policy options on Iraq, two of the Democratic candidates will be far away from the legislative action, delivering speeches in Iowa.
The two, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, both of whom are supporting measures to press President Bush to bring the war to a close, are scheduled to be delivering speeches at precisely the same time in Des Moines. Mrs. Clinton’s speech is on Iraq, while Mr. Obama’s is on the economy. If the voting in the Senate takes place late enough in the day, aides said, they may make it back in time to cast votes.
And on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama are scheduled to be in Detroit addressing the N.A.A.C.P. convention.
But Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican whose presidential candidacy has been complicated by his support for the war, will be on hand for his day job. Having just returned from Iraq, he is scheduled to deliver a speech about the war — from the Senate floor — today.

Easy to see why McCain will be there, he has not a chance in hell at winning the nomination. All he can hope for is favors if a Republican wins.

He will probably be in the cloakroom making calls to solicit money ;)
Who McCain?

I really don't care, since he is delusional, but, at least he is going to show up. It's a sad state of affairs when we have to give a United States Senator credit for that, but at this point, it's a big deal! Ohhh, he's going to take time out of his campaigning schedule to bother to show up for a vote on the single most important issue facing us, one that people are DYING over? Wow.

Darla, Darla, the only thing that matters to politicians is winning an election.
Sad but true.
No I did not get my ass kicked...

I think you missed this post where you got your ass reamed once again, BB, so busy being a wiseass and obsessing over Codepink.

I only got Powells rank wrong...He was after my time...and the rant by bac was his opinion taken from the accounts of the day!...I will concede that I did not know that Powell was involved in the followup investigation..however this just proves the point that bac is calling Powell 'Uncle Tom'...how so very sad!

And I found your bump...by clicking all of your postings...so no need to direct me...on to loading some more Code Pink pictures...have a nice afternoon being embarrassed once again!
I only got Powells rank wrong...He was after my time...and the rant by bac was his opinion taken from the accounts of the day!...I will concede that I did not know that Powell was involved in the followup investigation..however this just proves the point that bac is calling Powell 'Uncle Tom'...how so very sad!

And I found your bump...by clicking all of your postings...so no need to direct me...on to loading some more Code Pink pictures...have a nice afternoon being embarrassed once again!

"I only got Powells rank wrong..."

You also got when the vietnam war ended wrong, on another thread.

You said that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975".

There hadn't been any significant US Army combat troops in Vietnam since late 1971 and 1972.

You sure don't know much about the Vietnam war, do you? Odd.
I only got Powells rank wrong...He was after my time...and the rant by bac was his opinion taken from the accounts of the day!...I will concede that I did not know that Powell was involved in the followup investigation..however this just proves the point that bac is calling Powell 'Uncle Tom'...how so very sad!

And I found your bump...by clicking all of your postings...so no need to direct me...on to loading some more Code Pink pictures...have a nice afternoon being embarrassed once again!

Yep, you got everything wrong, and chose to respond to me instead of to him.

Like I said, you're an amusing girl. Me embarrassed? I'm too busy laughing.
"I only got Powells rank wrong..."

You also got when the vietnam war ended wrong, on another thread.

You said that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975".

There hadn't been any significant US Army combat troops in Vietnam since late 1971 and 1972.

You sure don't know much about the Vietnam war, do you? Odd.

He also got Powell's involvment in the my lai thing wrong, and even I knew about that, though not the details of it. And I wasn't in Vietnam and a self-proclaimed expert. hmmm.
TRY again...draft dodger...

"I only got Powells rank wrong..."

You also got when the vietnam war ended wrong, on another thread.

You said that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975".

There hadn't been any significant US Army combat troops in Vietnam since late 1971 and 1972.

You sure don't know much about the Vietnam war, do you? Odd.

several people corrected you on your attack on my dates...give it a rest..talk about liars!
I won't even dignify this...

He also got Powell's involvment in the my lai thing wrong, and even I knew about that, though not the details of it. And I wasn't in Vietnam and a self-proclaimed expert. hmmm.

with a response...ya did not succeed in dragging me back down to your level!
He also got Powell's involvment in the my lai thing wrong, and even I knew about that, though not the details of it. And I wasn't in Vietnam and a self-proclaimed expert. hmmm.

He really doesn't know much about the war he allegedly "fought" in, does he?