Hillary Rove tactic

There is a difference between going 'negative,' and character assassination.

Obama has already, to an extent, "gone negative," in that he attacks Clinton's healthcare plan, her support of NAFTA, etc.

Circulating a picture of Obama in Somali garb to try to connect him to Islam goes a little beyond that....
And I think there is a likelihood that he'd get to that level if he felt he was losing but it was close.
And I think there is a likelihood that he'd get to that level if he felt he was losing but it was close.

Not everyone goes there, though I'd agree it's 'politics as usual' to a certain extent.

I don't think Edwards would have; I don't think Obama would. But I could be wrong.
There are pictures of Bush wearing African garb as well. Does that cause you to..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?

Hmmm, that was a weird segway into sexual innuendo. Bleh. I'm sorry I had to read that.

Bush in african garb is cool too.

Bush, as a man and a politican, is completely unwordly and insulting to both friends and allies, broadly speaking.

I think Obama might be a better world leader for our country. But, I understand that you voted for Bush twice, and can't bring yourself to see that a Democrat might be better than bush.
And I think there is a likelihood that he'd get to that level if he felt he was losing but it was close.

Somehow I don't think he is going to be having any feelings of losing any time soon. He is going to continue to lead Clowntoon 2.0 and McCain will be chasing him out of the gate... most likely all the way to November. Which means we will likely never know.
Hmmm, that was a weird segway into sexual innuendo. Bleh. I'm sorry I had to read that.

Bush in african garb is cool too.

Bush, as a man and a politican, is completely unwordly and insulting to both friends and allies, broadly speaking.

I think Obama might be a better world leader for our country. But, I understand that you voted for Bush twice, and can't bring yourself to see that a Democrat might be better than bush.

No. There were pictures of both Clintons in foreign country garb as well. I don't see it as some special thing that a President or foreign dignatary (sp) would don another country's clothes while visiting.
think the clinton campaign tactic was to somehow equate obama as a Muslim? no idea what they are trying to do beyond that
No. There were pictures of both Clintons in foreign country garb as well. I don't see it as some special thing that a President or foreign dignatary (sp) would don another country's clothes while visiting.

Well, I just thougt the pic was cool, didn't mean to get you off on a tangent. But, since we're here:

Cawacko, prior to 2000 your president spent most of his life in Midland, Texas; his favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; and he had practically never left the continental United States. Whatever African tunic he put on last year, was because his staff probably told him to do so.

I think Obama, who’s lived all over the world and shows an intellectual curiosity and fortitude that leaves the Chimp in the dust, is probably more cognizant and respectful of world culture and international affairs on his own merit, without having a staff person telling him what to do.
Well, I just thougt the pic was cool, didn't mean to get you off on a tangent. But, since we're here:

Cawacko, prior to 2000 your president spent most of his life in Midland, Texas; his favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; and he had practically never left the continental United States. Whatever African tunic he put on last year, was because his staff probably told him to do so.

I think Obama, who’s lived all over the world and shows an intellectual curiosity and fortitude that leaves the Chimp in the dust, is probably more cognizant and respectful of world culture and international affairs on his own merit, without having a staff person telling him what to do.

Is he running for Secretary of State or President?


this is the clinton response to obama camp thinking its rediculous to try to smear him with this picture:

The Clinton campaign puts out a response from Maggie Williams, which doesn't respond to the question of whether a staffer was circulating the photo of Obama in Somali garb, but takes issue with the Obama campaign's embrace of the issue:


If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely.

This is nothing more than an obvious and transparent attempt to distract from the serious issues confronting our country today and to attempt to create the very divisions they claim to decry.

We will not be distracted.

Honestly i had to read that like 3 times to realize this was Clintons camp saying this..

They put out a picture of him for no purpose other then to make him look rediculous or paint him as a Muslim or something.. then turn around and say obama camp trying to distract from the issues.

WTF??????? this is just getting rediculous.
It's on the site dude.

Cawacko, don’t you get the joke? Don’t you remember when Bush asked the Brazilian President, oh you have black people here too?

You might find it entertaining or cute to have a president who is such a jackass, but I eagerly await the day when we have a president who knows how to conduct himself in other countries and in other cultures and who garners respect. I used to be afraid I would die in some freak accident before the bush years were over. Now, I can almost feel the end of it, and I think I’m going to make it, but you never know. If not, my last words will be the same as the guy who had papers saying he could leave in two days “but I was short damnit”.

this is the clinton response to obama camp thinking its rediculous to try to smear him with this picture:

Honestly i had to read that like 3 times to realize this was Clintons camp saying this..

They put out a picture of him for no purpose other then to make him look rediculous or paint him as a Muslim or something.. then turn around and say obama camp trying to distract from the issues.

WTF??????? this is just getting rediculous.

I believe it’s to tap into the campaign the republicans are going to run against him, which I guess the Hillary people think can work. They are going to attempt to paint him as some sort of black militant. I think that is what she is trying to tap into here. It’s pretty bad. She should have bowed out now and kept her dignity. That’s worth something in this life you know.
The campaign is now flat out denying any role in circulating the photo:

On a conference call with reporters just now, Hillary spokesperson Howard Wolfson strongly denied any role in pushing the photo of Obama in a turban and Somali garb.

Drudge reported this morning that Clinton staffers had "circulated" the photo. He didn't say who circulated it, what level of Clinton staffer had circulated it, or to whom it had been circulated. Nonetheless, the media has been all over the story today.

Asked if the campaign had any role, Wolfson said, "No, not to my knowledge...I've never seen that picture before. I'm not aware that anyone else here has. I'm not aware that anyone here has circulated this e-mail."

To be fair, it's difficult for an large organization like a presidential campaign to be able to figure out if someone somewhere connected to the campaign circulated photos but that earlier statement was total crap.

Man, it should be an interesting debate tomorrow. I wasn't going to watch, but think I'll have to tune in now....
The campaign is now flat out denying any role in circulating the photo:

To be fair, it's difficult for an large organization like a presidential campaign to be able to figure out if someone somewhere connected to the campaign circulated photos but that earlier statement was total crap.


If the person who made the earlier statement does work for the Hillary campaign, then it's hard to say which statement is total crap, the earlier one, or this one by Wolfson.