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She is retired, She got more votes than Daffy last time.
And it doesn’t matter ..... and neither does she !
She is retired, She got more votes than Daffy last time.
You you don't think that the Constitution is important lol?
And it doesn’t matter ..... and neither does she !
I think it's too important for RWNJs to casually decide their political opposites are usurping it lol.
Apparently it does to rightys. Asshat started this thread to rouse up the Hillary haters with another fantastic post. Be afraid, Hillary is running again. I watched the debates and missed her being on stage.
im saying she's gonna run again. would you vote for her?
im saying she's the best candidate.
Nope, Warren is. Hillary has no staff, no operation, no bank built up, nothing. She is not even in public, which is what a politician has to do.
I think it's too important for RWNJs to casually decide their political opposites are usurping it lol.
Nope, Warren is. Hillary has no staff, no operation, no bank built up, nothing. She is not even in public, which is what a politician has to do.
She doesn't want to be seen in public with an oxegen mask and a ten gallon colostomy bag tagging along behind her. I mean, would you lol?
You can call me names all day long, because you can't dispute my statement about usurping.
Apparently it does to rightys. Asshat started this thread to rouse up the Hillary haters with another fantastic post. Be afraid, Hillary is running again. I watched the debates and missed her being on stage.
unfortunately they were excess votes in places already solidly blue. we have the electoral college. look into it.
and Putin will funnel what he can to trump
Hillary is definitely running again.
wallstreet is taking out warren.
misguided impeachment will take out biden.
the witch is rosining up her broom.
mark my words.
also go watch ha goodman videos on YouTube.
so this is your proof she's not running?
It's just a theory...
Fake news