Hillary running again...

And it doesn’t matter ..... and neither does she !

Apparently it does to rightys. Asshat started this thread to rouse up the Hillary haters with another fantastic post. Be afraid, Hillary is running again. I watched the debates and missed her being on stage.
I think it's too important for RWNJs to casually decide their political opposites are usurping it lol.

Nothing casual about it. It's a straightforward, proven claim you left winger usurp the Constitution.

Why would Hillary run again. She lost the nomination in 2008 to skin color, didn't run in 2012 because she knew skin color was still the primary qualification of the left, and got her ass kicked in 2016. She's then Buffalo Bills of politics. Just within reach of the pinnacle but can't close the deal.
Apparently it does to rightys. Asshat started this thread to rouse up the Hillary haters with another fantastic post. Be afraid, Hillary is running again. I watched the debates and missed her being on stage.

im saying she's gonna run again. would you vote for her?

im saying she's the best candidate.
Nope, Warren is. Hillary has no staff, no operation, no bank built up, nothing. She is not even in public, which is what a politician has to do.

wallstreet is against warren. contrary to your understanding, people value their portflios of stocks.

whether the stock market really represents economic health is an issue we could debate, but most sheeple believe it does. live by groupthink, die by groupthink.
Nope, Warren is. Hillary has no staff, no operation, no bank built up, nothing. She is not even in public, which is what a politician has to do.

She doesn't want to be seen in public with an oxegen mask and a ten gallon colostomy bag tagging along behind her. I mean, would you lol?
unfortunately they were excess votes in places already solidly blue. we have the electoral college. look into it.

And THREE MILLION illegal alien votes. That's the LOW estimate, there were probably more. Donald Trump beat her 306-232 in Electoral College votes. The ONLY number that counts.
and Putin will funnel what he can to trump

Yeah....the social communist (your party position)...PUTANNNNNNNNNNNNNN will funnel billions of dollars toward capitalism. :laugh: As I said before, if you are going to drink your own kool aid...at least spike it, it makes it go down smoother.;)