Hillary tops Obama & Edwards combined

But where is the line drawn ? Once the gate is open....

What about the repeated cases of urbanity encroaching on rural land and forcing those who had long enjoyed the rural lifestyle out ?
It continues. It is a constant debate. The reality is that leaders often have to take positions that allow for reasonable growth. However, the suggestion that it is never appropriate for the government to take action to protect the private property rights of neighbors is an anti-libertarian stance is a misplaced argument. The libertarians would take the minimum government action to protect the most rights.
Polls show Clinton/Obama ticket crushes anything the cons can put together.
True. The reality is, at this point, that many suggest they will vote for a ticket that when they get to the booth they will not. Polls will change, and almost always do when it is more than a year before election time. I suspect it will be a HillBilly/Edwards ticket. And I think it will be Edwards for reasons that I have expressed before.
In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, Hillary Clinton once again enjoys as much support as her top two challengers combined. The former First Lady attracts 38% of the vote from Likely Democratic Voters. Barack Obama is currently the top choice for 21% of Likely Democratic Primary voters while John Edwards attracts 16% (see recent daily numbers). New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich top the Democrats’ second tier. Both men now earn the votes from 5%.

And Howard Dean was totally clobbering John Kerry in state and national polls at this same time in 2003. Its too early to make predictions.
Betta kiss your 'bud' Toms butt real fast...........

Well, I plan on remaining republican, and voting for Paul if he is on the ballot by that time.

I am getting some pressure to run for County Commissioner against a particular guy whose idea of growth control is, "If you own the property you can do whatever you want with it."

He just may be the second on the Duncan run...;)
Oh I will believe you BB, I really had not even considered how peewee voted. I don't even like the guys acts.
Strange that you would know so much about him...