BAC, I respect your opinions.
But, they are not the only valid options.
Nobody on this board has better progressive street cred than Senator Bernie Sanders - and he chooses to caucus with, and work with the Democratic Party. He chooses to work within the system for change.
Here's what I ask myself: in order to get some form of increased, perhaps even universal, healthcare coverage, for working americans, which of the following scenarios is more likely to achieve that:
1) A filibuster-proof 60 seat Democratic senate, plus a Democratic president?
2) Or voting Green, and handing the senate and whitehouse to the GOP.
For me, its really that simple. But, I have no problem with progressives who choose to work outside the system for small, third parties.
I respect your opinions as well my brother, but doesn't the current crop of hapless democrats speak volumes about expecting results from democrats? Did you not expect them to end this war and bring our troops home? Is that not what they were elected and restored to power to do?
The excuse that republicans are mean and it's their fault that there hasn't been more progress on this most critical issue is bullshit, as I'm sure you are aware. They could cut off the funding .. and the bullshit excuse that Americans don't want that has been nothing but an excuse for political cowardice. Americans want our troops home even if it means cutting off the funding, and bringing our troops home is the sane, honest, and correct thing to do regardless of political fingers in the wind.
Building an effective third party is not easy I grant you, but in my opinion, continuing to be played the fool isn't smart, nor does it demonstrate any political will.
Like you, I believe Americans should have nationalized healthcare just like all the other industrialized nations on the planet. However, I also believe that the injustice of the criminal injustice system needs to be addressed with the quickness as it is devastating African-Americans communities and families. Addressing that evil isn't even on the democrats radar because they don't want to be seen as "soft on crime", thus, the Democratic Party itself perpetuates the stereotype and doesn't care about what has traditionally been their most loyal constituency. It has nothing to do with being soft on crime and everything to do with being committed to justice and addressing the disparities in arrests and sentencing. Democratic capitulation to this evil is sick and disgusting .. but most democratic constituents who call themselves "liberals" don't truly give a fuck either and have and will do abso-fucking-lutely ZERO to push their party to do the right thing.
As with the Jena Six case, blacks fight their battles alone. If it does not impact white people, neither the Democratic Party nor so-called liberals can be counted on for support .. other than lip-service ..
YET .. come election time, both are counting on the negroes to show up at the polls and help send their politicians .. who don't give a fuck about the plight of African-American communities .. into office.
Personally, if there was a republican, like Jack Kemp, who seriously listened to the agenda I believe needs to be addressed, I would vote for that republican in a heartbeat. "D's" and R's" don't mean shit to me. I'm looking for politicians and agendas that make sense, not promises. The Green Party and its platform make a lot of senbse to me and I will continue to challenge blacks on why we continue to vote for a political party that is not hearing us. The good news is that blacks who identify themselves as democrats has been steadily declining since 2000 and now only about 60% of blacks call themselves democrats.
I do a lot of freelance writing, and a couple of years ago I wrote an article called "What if there was a party that gave you a reason to vote." I've considered posting it here, but don't because it is specific to black voters. I got more postive feedback from that article than any I've ever written.
For black voters there are two options .. vote for the democrat or don't vote at all. I'm doing my part to make a third option .. vote for a party that listens to you.
I look forward to the day when the Democratic Party can no longer count on black votes and they will have to actually work to get them.
Let me ask you .. is your vote going to be counted? Do you blame republicans for not ensuring your vote will be counted or do you blame the party you vote for whose responsibility is to make sure their constituents votes get counted?