Didn't McCain get the delegates he needed to win? Seems like a big waste of money for anyone to continue after that.
Yes, and when Hillary lost 11 in a row, it then became mathematically impossible (without across the board landslides and as well all know, and as she knows, that’s not happening) for her to win enough delegates. At that point, anyone other than a Clinton would have to drop out.
She has even been making her case that the superdelegates should pick who they feel is the best candidate, not who the voters voted for as the best candidate.
Now, I know you republicans are loving this , because it’s the only chance you have to put fossil in the white house, but as a registered Democrat, I want her out, ok? And, further, the bitch keeps moving the goal posts. Now, they’re saying that a six point win by Hillary would be a “blow out”. A month ago, she was up 20 points, and that was the blowout she needed.
Further, her husband is walking around calling her and your fossil the only two real Americans in the race. See, all of this is not going to be tolerated by democrats anymore than you or justjoe would tolerate it from Republicans.
That’s why you see Hillary’s numbers nationally, including her trustworthy numbers, taking a dive.
Now, do you mind if we keep our house and you keep yours, or do you feel you should keep both of them? I mean, the concern from “concerned republicans” is touching, but I can keep my own house, ok?