Hillary's Goal: Build Mosques

Wait, are you telling me that, if the federal gov't does something totally focked up, and the ACLU sues them, and wins, you call the proceeds of the lawsuit "federal funding"?

So tax refinds are "federal funding"?

If I rob a federal facility and go to south america, you would say I am on a federally funded vacation?

This is taking semantics to an all time low in the world of political hacks.
So anytime any person or entity is receives a court-ordered award of damages from the government we can say that the person or entity received "federal funding." That's fucking stupid.

The point is that the ACLU has tapped into a business of representing the just, or unjust for reasons that are more than likely for proffit only. If they know that at the end of the day they're getting payed, and all they have to do is pick and choose cases, they can use the gov'ts money to out spend others in court, with my tax money, to get their way and shit on our constitution, and the victim they're sueing. With no regard to our constitution, using, and setting legal precedent against everything this country was founded on.
Why do I agree with you?

Only I'd word it a little different. Means the same though.

Because i'm right.

Both parties are run by "moderates" who all believe the same thing. The "extremes" of the parties need to unite against the fascist middle which uses globalization to destroy america.

Conservatives are convinced they can't be against globalization because it would be socialism.

Liberals are convinced they can't be against globalization because it would be too Pro white, because america is predominantly white.
Awww. Isn't that picture touching, literally and figuratively. Looks like both guys have their eyes closed.

They do make a handsome couple. :barf:

Funny thing, conservatives can't see that photo. I don't know if it's blank when they look at it or if their brains can't handle the implications.