Hip Hop Turns 50


Well-known member
It's 'official' birthday is actually tomorrow. I'm guessing we don't have a lot of hip hop heads on this board but nonetheless, curious if folks here remember the first time they heard rap/hip hop and the reaction to it (i'm thinking in the '70's - even though during that period I don't believe there were really any hip hop songs on the airways).

For me, I'm pretty sure RUN DMC and Whodini were the first two hip hop tapes I purchased in the mid 80's.
Whatever hip hop has accomplished,
I must credit it with doing it entirely with no help from me.

I have no issue with those who enjoy it.
The more things that one enjoys, the better.

I confess to absolutely loathing it, this despite loving so many genres of African American music that came before it.

Comparing hip hop to the magnificent Duke Ellington
or the innovative Charlie Parker,
or to the whirlwind Little Richard

is not a comfortable thing to do if contemplating the direction of African American life in America.
My own emotional reaction to it is to recoil from the noise.
Just being honest. By all means, enjoy what you like.
11, 1973: Hip Hop was Born. While hip hop's origins began much earlier, it is often said to have officially been born on Aug. 11, 1973, at a dance party where DJ Kool Herc used two turntables to create a “break beat.” in the Bronx NYC