Hire an Ex-Con, Get a Tax Credit

I guess "serving your time" and "paying your debt" are pretty meaningless phrases if we are going to continue allowing the kind of discrimination against former inmates.

Anyone who supports black or gay rights should be absofuckinglutely ashamed of themselves if they support the continued discrimination against convicts who have served their time.

Well Epi, I think its more like if I failed a class in college, than being gay or black. My employer has a right to discriminate against me for my own personal failings.

That said, we really do need to encourage people to take these risky employees on, because things are getting really bad with it being nearly impossible for any ex-con to reenter society as a socially responsible member. And once that has failed, they may very well decide not to be socially responsible.
I react emotionally to arguments about convicts and criminals because I have many friends who have been completely fucked by an immoral justice system.

When it comes to this issue, I might as well be Watermark for all the rational debate you are going to see out of me.
I react emotionally to arguments about convicts and criminals because I have many friends who have been completely f$#ked by an immoral justice system.

When it comes to this issue, I might as well be Watermark for all the rational debate you are going to see out of me.

Noted - I'll try not to touch your nerve.

Although - you seem pretty emotional in other threads too. I have those days too, so I'm not judging. You should go have a Krispy Kreme or get some chocolate. You'll feel much better
Which other threads?

I think I've been pretty reasonable today, excluding this thread.

Morally I am completely right in this thread but my argument (as you correctly pointed out) was complete shit.
Which other threads?

I think I've been pretty reasonable today, excluding this thread.

Morally I am completely right in this thread but my argument (as you correctly pointed out) was complete $hit.

the other one I said you had your period in.
Fair enough. It was emotionally charged I will grant you that.

I literally become very sad when people even appear to disrespect the Constitution. I have read far too much Constitutional law and history for my own good, I suppose.

In my view, without the Constitution we are nothing. Not in some abstract metaphorical sense either. The acceptance of the Constitution is what unites a nation that is otherwise a chaotic mix of liberal/conservative, white/black, men/women.

In theory at least, the Constitution is the Foundation of our country. The thread which binds people of wildly different colors, backgrounds, and beliefs together.

The way I see it, without the Constitution we are nothing, and it literally saddens me when I see it disrespected. I just feel like we have lost what makes us American.
This country is made up of a collective of individuals. And right now the collective total pretty much sucks.