Hiroshima - decades after nuclear bomb, Detroit decades after Liberalism bomb


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Of course, that couldn't possibly have anything to do with the failing American auto industry...

No. Clearly we need to nuke Detroit, if we ever want to see some pretty lights and a Ferris wheel there. Plus, mushroom clouds are cool.
Of course, that couldn't possibly have anything to do with the failing American auto industry...

Good point, it only took less than a year from the time the auto industry collapsed for those homes to reach that point, prior to that they were looking gorgeous.

Oh and when you say "auto industry" collapsing, lets be honest and realize that it is American UNIONIZED automakers that have problems and a large reason for that is that you cannot afford more R & D and compete when leftwing unions have negotiated such outrageous benefits that their hourly pay goes from $29 / hour to $73 / hour.

"He explained that in 2006, widely available industry and Labor Department statistics placed the average labor cost for UAW-represented workers at the former DaimlerChrysler at $75.86 per hour. For Ford it was $70.51, he said, and for General Motors it was $73.26.

“That includes the hourly pay, plus the benefits they’re receiving and all the other costs to General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, including legacy costs – retirement costs, pensions, and so on – so it’s looking at the total labor costs per hour worked for workers,” Perry said.

For U.S. workers at Toyota, however, the per hour labor cost is around $47.60, around $43 for Honda and around $42 for Nissan, Perry added, for an average of around $44.

So we’re looking at somewhere around a $29 per hour pay gap between the Big Three and the foreign transplants that are producing cars in the United States,” Perry, chairman of the economics department, told CNSNews.com."
No. Clearly we need to nuke Detroit, if we ever want to see some pretty lights and a Ferris wheel there. Plus, mushroom clouds are cool.
Geez I was expecting that from Waterdork, sure to be fair most of the rest of Japanese cities look something like that, but it was just the contrast with the history that made it funny.
Of course, that couldn't possibly have anything to do with the failing American auto industry...

Of course not, Oncie! Its all about the liberal policies and the fact that they barred any conservative from helping them at all.

The city was making a comeback until Obama was elected.
Of course not, Oncie! Its all about the liberal policies and the fact that they barred any conservative from helping them at all.

The city was making a comeback until Obama was elected.

Yes exactly, right before Obama was elected, Detroit was actually a Conservative hotbed, full of right wing Republicans who had been in power forever, then his Liberalism ruined it.

Come on, you have more sense than this.
There is statiscally no city more leftwing and liberal than Detroit:

"The Bay Area Center for Voting Research is a nonpartisan think tank based in Berkeley, California. A full copy of the report and the complete list of rankings for all 237 cities are available at http://www.votingresearch.org

http://www.votingresearch.org. Americas 25 Most Liberal Cities (in descending order)

Rank City State

1 Detroit Michigan
2 Gary Indiana
3 Berkeley California
4 Washington, D.C. Dist. of Columbia
5 Oakland California"

That was in 2005, before Obama's "change" of more government that Detroit had never yet experienced...
Detroit at night:



I would suggest in the future that you not consider comparing pretty photos of city lights to exurban slums as a decent method of inter-city comparison in the future. You must admit it is at least somewhat biased.

Also, when trying to find evidence against liberalism, I would suggest not trying to hold up a city in a country as absurdly statist as Japan.

I'd also like to point out that the entire Hiroshima area was sort of a huge wash for the Democratic party of Japan in the last election:


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Detroit at night:


I would suggest in the future that you not consider comparing pretty photos of city lights to exurban slums as a decent method of inter-city comparison in the future. You must admit it is at least somewhat biased.

Also, when trying to find evidence against liberalism, I would suggest not trying to hold up a city in a country as absurdly statist as Japan.

I'd also like to point out that the entire Hiroshima area was sort of a huge wash for the Democratic party of Japan in the last election:


You do understand that this was meant to be humourous? I know the Cheetos thing touched a nerve but I'm sure you were well rewarded with a mighty stash of coins with even the occasional quarter.

I don't need jokes to illustrate the disaster of Liberalism in big cities of America - the unemployment, crime and poverty rates coupled with large government and social welfare programs are doing that just fine. And Obama isn't anything new there.

Yes the left leaning Democratic party of Japan RECENTLY gained power in the 2009 election after decades of right leaning dominance under the LDP, so that of course explains why their cities are the way they are today...change must happen even quicker there than Obama's change.
You do understand that this was meant to be humourous?

No. I didn't understand that. You should stop trying - it's scary.

I know the Cheetos thing touched a nerve but I'm sure you were well rewarded with a mighty stash of coins with even the occasional quarter.

I don't like Cheetos. Or any snack food for that matter. It makes me feel sick and hungrier than before I ate it.

I don't need jokes to illustrate the disaster of Liberalism in big cities of America - the unemployment, crime and poverty rates coupled with large government and social welfare programs are doing that just fine. And Obama isn't anything new there.


Yes the left leaning Democratic party of Japan RECENTLY gained power in the 2009 election after decades of right leaning dominance under the LDP, so that of course explains why their cities are the way they are today...change must happen even quicker there than Obama's change.

I wouldn't exactly point to the LDP as a bastion of the center right. You see, you're from America, and in America "centre-right" means to the right of Hitler. A member of the LDP is left of a Democrat. They believe in big government all the way.

And Hiroshima, being a big city, has probably had Socialist governor's.
Of course; it's all the unions.

Has nothing to do with inept corporate management being stuck in the stone age on design, or coming in a few years late with (gasp!) green solutions...
Of course; it's all the unions.

Has nothing to do with inept corporate management being stuck in the stone age on design, or coming in a few years late with (gasp!) green solutions...

lol yes being late on green solutions lead to detroits downfall. :good4u:
Did Damo and Dixie retreat to their own private message board to spoon feed each other propaganda until they were strong enough to return exactly on the same day?