Hit the ground running:vote Biden

The number of Democrats urging Biden to drop out grows to nearly 20​

These are the Democrats who have called for Joe Biden to step aside​

Here are the Democratic lawmakers calling for Biden to step aside in the 2024 race​

The Democrats Calling for Biden to Drop Out From the 2024 Election​

How any millions of VOTERS disagree with that 20?
Yeah, it's the destruction of America as it has been known. Hard pass, commie.

Biden would let Chinese soldiers rape you if they gave him some little girls and Viagra, you stupid bitch.

He doesn't give a fuck about you.
All utter ass dripping you shitty foreign disinformation bot hole
Yes pasty face goyim just like the kraken and red wave :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Polls have been trash for quite awhile now

They are not getting their phone calls answered by enough Dems

So they take the few Dem that answered and multiply those answers to get to the predicted numbers

Then why are you so thrilled about it?

You want Kamala?

You pick anyone else and black females (the backbone of the Democratic Party folks) will be VERY INSULTED!

So it has to be Kamala if it isn’t Joe

The people knew they were voting for Kamala when they voted for Joe

You know that is truth

Now clear your heads for just a few minutes

Kamala knows the Joe plan

The plan is to hit the ground running with an intact crew

That intact crew has months past the election to still be in control

The SCOTUS just gave that current administration massive new powers

They are examining those new powers to use them with the BEST INTENTIONS that could be placed on them by anyfuckingone

In the spirit of the founders and the greatest constitutional legal scholars

The plan is being set as we speak

We need Biden to oversee it

Then before the mid terms when we have had a chance to prosecute anyone still in government ( elected or not) as well as civilians who participated in the Republican crimes the government can operate as a true democracy

Then Biden hands it over to Ms President Harris

She continues to execute the Save Democracy plan

The next presidential election will be free of these insane people who want to kill democracy

The American people will get a clean choice to vote for the right leaning candidate

Or the left leaning candidate

Or the center candidate


the nuts have no more power other than their voice and vote

Let’s hit the ground running
Hold on just a bit longer, Joe! Just keep trying! Nobody will notice the next time DementiaMan™ makes his next appearance at your podium... I swear... nobody at all...

Remember when they chanted like twice "don't give up" to Biden.. Yeah... That was epic. It's no longer "four more years" it's "don't give up".... Please, Joe... don't give up. I promise I'll not talk about 50 First Weekends at Brandon's anymore!
What do you see happening, darkey heeba weeba?

I only know of 2 black jews, (if you actually are one) Lenny Kravitz (now that's a Jewish name)

and Sammy Davis Jr. (also a Hebrew name)

Do you really want me to not get in between you and the Palestinian protestors?

You can handle that all on your own?
It’s a religion not a race you fucking racist idiot!
Hold on just a bit longer, Joe! Just keep trying! Nobody will notice the next time DementiaMan™ makes his next appearance at your podium... I swear... nobody at all...

Remember when they chanted like twice "don't give up" to Biden.. Yeah... That was epic. It's no longer "four more years" it's "don't give up".... Please, Joe... don't give up. I promise I'll not talk about 50 First Weekends at Brandon's anymore!

You just love you some Trump
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