HIV vaccine

For the record, my call for tachi's banning from this thread was mostly rhetorical. But it does, in some ways, limit rational discourse if certain people just go around and try to change any barely related thread to their obsessive subject. I guess that's what APP's for...

Since the information I have linked is DIRECTLY related to HIV & AIDS, your claim of my trying to "change" the discussion is a lie. If you can PROVE otherwise using logic and facts, then please do.

If you want a forum where you can present ONE SIDE of the issue and ignore all other information for fear of contradiction, then this forum is NOT for you. What you say here is a-typical of the medical mindset behind HIV=AIDS....demonize without direct debate or discussion with those who challenge your assertions, premise or conclusions. Doing that makes YOU the propagandist, not the challenger wanting an honest discussion of ALL the information.
Hey, this thread got 5 stars, all because of Taicheeze. Aww, still smarting because I debunk your convoluted logic all the time, bunky? Poor baby. You should be thankful.


Right.....let me know when you can stop acting like a child and logically and factually disprove the following:

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - HIV vaccine[/ame]
Since the information I have linked is DIRECTLY related to HIV & AIDS, your claim of my trying to "change" the discussion is a lie.

The subject of this thread is the HIV vaccine. HIV-AIDS conspiracy theories are not directly related. Any thread that has anything to do with HIV does not automatically fall under the HIV-AIDS conspiracy subject. Go to the conspiracy theory forums to spread your rot.
The subject of this thread is the HIV vaccine. HIV-AIDS conspiracy theories are not directly related. Any thread that has anything to do with HIV does not automatically fall under the HIV-AIDS conspiracy subject. Go to the conspiracy theory forums to spread your rot.

And WHY is there an endeavor to have an HIV vaccine? When did HIV come on the public scene in the first place? What is the assumption of being HIV positive effecting people's health?

Since it's obvious that you have not lived under rock for the last 20 years, you know as well as I do that the whole schtick here is find a vaccine for HIV, and you have a preventative for AIDS (at least AIDS from HIV, anyway). The only problem with that little scenario is that HIV does not equal or lead to AIDS. When you can produce the medical paper that proves this beyond reasonable doubt, let me know (good luck with that, Mullis spent 3 years and couldn't find one). Until then, spare me your condescending bullshit and lame attempts to dodge the point. You make a lousy propagandist.
You have not contradicted anything about the HIV vaccine. You have spammed the thread with links promoting HIV/=AIDS conspiracy theories.

Think, genius, THINK! If HIV is NOT the precursor or enabler of AIDS, then why all the hoop-la? You're not stupid, and you haven't been in a cave for 20 stop acting like it.

And stop exaggerating, for God's sake....I've posted what, 3 links on this is that "spamming"?

Also, since neither you or anyone else can explain away the information I provide, it's hardly a "conspiracy". Once again, you use the typical propagandist ploy....falsely demonizing what you disagree with or can't logically refute.
Think, genius, THINK! If HIV is NOT the precursor or enabler of AIDS, then why all the hoop-la? You're not stupid, and you haven't been in a cave for 20 stop acting like it.

It doesn't matter whether you consider the "hoop-la" worthwhile or not. We are not interested in your lies.
It doesn't matter whether you consider the "hoop-la" worthwhile or not. We are not interested in your lies.

Yeah, spoken like the true intellectual coward that you are. Who the hell is this "we"? Like minded cowards without the guts or brains to honestly debate all the information?

Grow up, don't like to hear contrary facts....use your IA button.
Trust me. You guys. He gets worse, NEVER better.

Ahhh, the Loyal End of the neocon spectrum shows up!

Gee, after what, 7 years you STILL can't debate worth a damn....just throw rocks. Had I realized just proving you wrong would have produced such a emotionally deep grudge on your part, I would have left you alone. You're such a dishonest coward, it almost defies description sometimes. Carry on.
Trust me. You guys. He gets worse, NEVER better.

He's probably been diagnosed with AID's and he's trying to convince his family that he's not been fooling around, on the down low.

OR, he's got thei HIV and he's been trying to convince some girl that it has nothing to do with AIDS.