Hmm! noticing a trend.

Actually, Jesus is the Son of God, savior of my soul! If you knew as much as you think about him, you wouldn't ascribe yourself to The Communist Democrat Ideology !

Well, Jesus did, in the terms of his time, as you'd know if you'd ever read the New Testament. He did tend to lack your ability to grovel to the rich and powerful. Ask your Mom to read you some.
I think the lefties here, have become more unhinged in their thoughts about Biden crushing Trump! I think they actually see the writing on the wall, and therefore act even more confident! I mean they have no factual arguments just hate, and name calling, seething, and self loathing, hand wringing!

I think the lefties here, have become more unhinged in their thoughts about Biden crushing Trump! I think they actually see the writing on the wall, and therefore act even more confident! I mean they have no factual arguments just hate, and name calling, seething, and self loathing, hand wringing!


First, I partially agree; there are indeed Lefties salivating all over themselves about seeing Biden trounce Trump in the Election.

Second, they are probably correct. Trump has FUBAR'd his duties as President. His handling of the COVID pandemic was completely inept. It is equivalent to GW Bush declaring that 9/11 was fake and there is nothing to worry about, that it will be gone in the Spring. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing".

Lastly, while I think Trump is a complete fuck up and mental, the prospect of the Democrats taking the reins of both the WH and Congress bothers me a lot. While I trust Biden to try to do as he says, it's the nutjob Democrats in the House who bother me the most. If they take the Senate, expect another Gun Ban in the first six months of the Biden administration.

First, I partially agree; there are indeed Lefties salivating all over themselves about seeing Biden trounce Trump in the Election.

Second, they are probably correct. Trump has FUBAR'd his duties as President. His handling of the COVID pandemic was completely inept. It is equivalent to GW Bush declaring that 9/11 was fake and there is nothing to worry about, that it will be gone in the Spring. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing".

Lastly, while I think Trump is a complete fuck up and mental, the prospect of the Democrats taking the reins of both the WH and Congress bothers me a lot. While I trust Biden to try to do as he says, it's the nutjob Democrats in the House who bother me the most. If they take the Senate, expect another Gun Ban in the first six months of the Biden administration.
They have to work with Biden, nothing passes without his signature.
I think the lefties here, have become more unhinged in their thoughts about Biden crushing Trump! I think they actually see the writing on the wall, and therefore act even more confident! I mean they have no factual arguments just hate, and name calling, seething, and self loathing, hand wringing!

This thread is a fun one, you should reevaluate your thought process. Go back and look at how many of the posters who liked this are not "Canceled"... Hahahahaha