Hmmm... why no cry from the left

I'm on record previously, saying that Burger is an asshole, and should be punished to the full extent that the law allows.
I am against all corrupt politicos of all parties. If he is proven guilty he should be punished severly not given a wrist slap.
But what is he hiding? As the article suggests, there is no way a lawyer gives up his license that easily unless the info he has can not see the light of day. Which is all the more reason we should find out what he destroyed. Yet, no calls from the left to get the info? But if Bush (in)appropriately fires 8 political appointees... my GOD... we must know every last detail....

Why Cypress?
This is such total bullpucky! We had a guy spend time in Leavenworth for unintentionally mishandling classified material. He left it unlocked in a room that people with clearances, but not clearances for that material, had access to. Seriously, he was convicted and spent some serious time for this. This guy walks away from a coverup with his license and only gives it up when the Bar starts looking into his shenanigans? WTF?
"If he is proven guilty he should be punished severly not given a wrist slap."

That is just it... he copped a plea with the Justice Department and got off without explaining what he destroyed. Now, he cut off the Bar association from finding out by giving up his license. Nice, convenient way to stroll off into the sunset. We have to force his hand... get the Justice Department involved again and find out what he is hiding. Right?
Of course now is the correct time of more clinton investigations :D
Especially if you are a desperate republican.
I guess the republicans wasted their time on all those investigations and Starr chamber time...
How many more years will they need to dig ?
But what is he hiding? As the article suggests, there is no way a lawyer gives up his license that easily unless the info he has can not see the light of day. Which is all the more reason we should find out what he destroyed. Yet, no calls from the left to get the info? But if Bush (in)appropriately fires 8 political appointees... my GOD... we must know every last detail....

Why Cypress?

Why Cypress?

You posted an opinion piece, from a rightwing website.

Until you can post something that supports your assertion from mainstream sources, I'm not going to accept it simply because some rightwing blogger says it.

I wouldn't expect you to automatically accept something michael moore says.
Of course now is the correct time of more clinton investigations :D
Especially if you are a desperate republican.
I guess the republicans wasted their time on all those investigations and Starr chamber time...
How many more years will they need to dig ?
This seriously could effect us for some time to come. Covering up information, specifically information about 9/11, has serious implications that are far more effecting to us than firing 8 dudes in the Justice Department.

I am not saying that we should stop investigating that, the Justice Department firings, I am saying we should probably include this as well.
Give me a break. As the article suggests... if this was Karl Rove rather than Sandy Berger, the left would be going apeshit over this. If you aren't concerned about this then you are quite hypocritical... given all the hype over Bush firing political appointees. Not saying that you shouldn't question the firings... but Berger just gave up his license a couple of weeks ago... so it isn't like this is digging up something from a distant past. There has to be something big behind it.... but I suppose it just isn't important to you?
"You posted an opinion piece, from a rightwing website.

Until you can post something that supports your assertion from mainstream sources, I'm not going to accept it simply because some rightwing blogger says it.

I wouldn't expect you to automatically accept something michael moore says."

What a copout.... so you think he just made up the fact that Berger gave up his license?
This seriously could effect us for some time to come. Covering up information, specifically information about 9/11, has serious implications that are far more effecting to us than firing 8 dudes in the Justice Department.

I am not saying that we should stop investigating that, the Justice Department firings, I am saying we should probably include this as well.

Agreed, I am not saying not to investigate this event. Just that the blog source and such makes it suspect as a diversionary tactic.
I am very pro investigating and agressivly punishing all corrupt politicos.
I personally think we have hotter fish to fry. ie lies that got us into a war....
But no one in govt has the balls for that.
"I personally think we have hotter fish to fry. ie lies that got us into a war....
But no one in govt has the balls for that."

Right... because one is a Republican and the other Democrat. What if the info Berger is hiding has to do with Al Queda? Or Bin Laden? Or Iraq?

But I know... you want to go after the Reps... after all that IS in vogue right now. Just ignore the fact that a man who stole classified documents and was already punished by the Justice department just gave up his law license to avoid answering questions from the Bar.... yeah... he could not possibly be hiding anything of importance. I know... shame his name isn't Karl Rove... maybe then we might find out what was being hidden.
Already punished...Would this be double jeopardy ?
Just a thought...

I do realize how desperate that republicans are to find corruption on the dims side since the repubs have been hogging most of glory of corruption.
No worries there is plenty on both sides to go around :)

And yes I do think that anyone who misuese his/her position of authority should be punished for any wrong doing.
It has nothing to do with "desperation" blah blah blah.... It has to do with what the fuck is he hiding that he would give up his license voluntarily AFTER the justice department plea bargin? He was THAT afraid of questions from the Bar? THAT by itself should be reason to find out what he is hiding.
Already punished...Would this be double jeopardy ?
Just a thought...

I do realize how desperate that republicans are to find corruption on the dims side since the repubs have been hogging most of glory of corruption.
No worries there is plenty on both sides to go around :)

And yes I do think that anyone who misuese his/her position of authority should be punished for any wrong doing.
Actually, because of that he could not invoke 5th Amendment priveledges. Since he has no punishment forthcoming they could question him without fear of 5th Amendment shenanigans.
"Actually, because of that he could not invoke 5th Amendment priveledges. Since he has no punishment forthcoming they could question him without fear of 5th Amendment shenanigans."

Good point.