Hmmm... why no cry from the left

or maybe, if there were anything to go after, the DoJ would have gone after it already and spending our time discussing what copies of what documents Sandy stuffed down his pants will not solve 9/11 anymore than wondering why Bush hurried off to make his tee time after the 8/9 PDB instead of flying back to DC to shake the tree and get to the bottom of the threat he was appraised's all water over the dam now...

what is of serious importance to ME is how we can extricate ourselves from this mess in Iraq.

All this crap about figuring out who fucked up and by how much prior to 9/11 has as much value or relevance to me as arguing how many angels can dance of the head of a pin.

You want to believe that Sandy Berger stuffed originals and not copies of documents that show that Lewinsky was actually an AQ plant.... who gives a shit? No one seems to care why the Bush adminstration didn't give a shit about terrorism in the days before 9/11.... let's get our panties in a bunch about Sandy and the papers in his pants and give Bush a free pass.
or maybe, if there were anything to go after, the DoJ would have gone after it already and spending our time discussing what copies of what documents Sandy stuffed down his pants will not solve 9/11 anymore than wondering why Bush hurried off to make his tee time after the 8/9 PDB instead of flying back to DC to shake the tree and get to the bottom of the threat he was appraised's all water over the dam now...

what is of serious importance to ME is how we can extricate ourselves from this mess in Iraq.

All this crap about figuring out who fucked up and by how much prior to 9/11 has as much value or relevance to me as arguing how many angels can dance of the head of a pin.

You want to believe that Sandy Berger stuffed originals and not copies of documents that show that Lewinsky was actually an AQ plant.... who gives a shit? No one seems to care why the Bush adminstration didn't give a shit about terrorism in the days before 9/11.... let's get our panties in a bunch about Sandy and the papers in his pants and give Bush a free pass.
It may give us insight as to what was done previously. Spending time actually finding out what is so important to hide at this juncture while fighting the actual people that we were investigating an attack from at that time is far more important than you wish to admit, I understand it is tough to look at your own that way.

If this were some ex-employee of Bush's regardless of the deal they struck you'd cry foul. The only reason you give a pass this time is partisan. And many of you are doing it.

So often we have heard how your party "investigates its own" how they "always search out the truth" but when it comes right down to it, you are just more of the same. Only investigate the other "party" and flush the interest of the Nation. The party trumps all. Especially for a "yellow Dog Democrat"...

I see where it leads, I can see why it should be done. I could see it if it were an R. I would have proudly walked with others to the WH for Nixon.

It's all good, the more excuses you give the more clear you make it what is more important to you, party....

This is why the two-party system disgusts me.

I have stated several times that we should also continue whatever investigations are going, and whatever you may find in the future worthy of such. But finding out what exactly has been hidden through illegal destruction that could actually make a difference to the interest of our nation... Important regardless of your wish to give your former heroes a "pass".

Weak argument, maineman. Extremely weak.
weak because you claim it is? bully for you. If I saw you clamouring for an investigation as to why Bush failed to act on the 8/9/01 PDB, or why team Bush failed to process the FBI report that highlighted arabs learning to fly but not caring to learn how to land, or why team Bush cancelled predator overflights over Iraq searching for OBL in the months before 9/11 or any of the myriad of really serious glaring errors that were made by YOUR side prior to the attack, with the same vigor as you show demanding to investigate Sandy AFTER THE BUSH DOJ CLEARED HIS CASE OFF THE DOCKET, then maybe, when you called MY argument "extremely weak", I would be chastised. But I don't recall ANY clamour from the right for investigations like THAT. Shit.... republicans didn't even WANT a 9/11 commission when it was first proposed.
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weak because you claim it is? bully for you. If I saw you clamouring for an investigation as to why Bush failed to act on the 8/9/01 PDB, or why team Bush failed to process the FBI report that highlighted arabs learning to fly but not caring to learn how to land, or why team Bush cancelled predator overflights over Iraq searching for OBL in the months before 9/11 or any of the myriad of really serious glaring errors that were made by YOUR side prior to the attack, with the same vigor as you show demanding to investigate Sandy AFTER THE BUSH DOJ CLEARED HIS CASE OFF THE DOCKET, then maybe, when you called MY argument "extremely weak", I would be chastised. But I don't recall ANY clamour from the right for investigations like THAT. Shit.... republicans didn't even WANT a 9/11 commission when it was first proposed.
Bull. The only reason you don't see that is because you forget conveniently everything that I ever say and then pretend that I've been a Bushmonger the entire time. Rubbish.

Weak argument because you, who want investigations into every tiny iota of a different party, refuse to even see when it really matters to the problems at hand when it references your party.

Weak because it is clear it is a party and not nation that lies at the heart of what you think is important. I've lost a bit of respect for you. Finding such information could never be detrimental to the nation and only could be beneficial, if at least to show that we as a whole will no longer tolerate the silence.

Instead we get partisan hackery, support to hide information about 9/11 from the Nation because they were Clinton's secrets. This is very important and salient to today's problems, but instead we get inane hackery about National Guard and Chappaquiddick. Silly me for expecting them to actually make the attempt to find all the information possible about 9/11, including whatever deep dark secret Sandy so desperately wants to keep hidden.
"or maybe, if there were anything to go after, the DoJ would have gone after it already and spending our time discussing what copies of what documents Sandy stuffed down his pants will not solve 9/11 anymore than wondering why Bush hurried off to make his tee time after the 8/9 PDB instead of flying back to DC to shake the tree and get to the bottom of the threat he was appraised's all water over the dam now..."

What a load of crap. If it was so completely insignificant, then WHY would he give up his license out of fear of answering the questions. He had NOTHING to lose... he could not be prosecuted because of his deal. Which leads to the conclusion that what he destroyed implicates someone else or provides evidence into a matter that should see the light of day.

But again Maine, you like the other dems on this site, do not care. This JUST happened, yet you act like it is the past. Whether or not the justice department was too lenient on him is insignificant. What is significant is that he obviously has something worth falling on his sword for... but you care more about why Bush fired some political appointees. Right? Who gives a fuck about hiding evidence if it is a dem doing the hiding.
"Instead we get partisan hackery, support to hide information about 9/11 from the Nation because they were Clinton's secrets. This is very important and salient to today's problems, but instead we get inane hackery about National Guard and Chappaquiddick. Silly me for expecting them to actually make the attempt to find all the information possible about 9/11, including whatever deep dark secret Sandy so desperately wants to keep hidden."

Exactly... all the complaints and crys of foul when Bush delayed the 9/11 investigation. All the crys and complaints about the Bush administration being so secretive. Yet when it comes to your party Maine... why gee golly, why do we have to look at that.... then the chant becomes...

"All this crap about figuring out who fucked up and by how much prior to 9/11 has as much value or relevance to me as arguing how many angels can dance of the head of a pin."

How telling. I too lost respect for you. I thought YOU would at least put the nation ahead of your party. Obviously I was quite wrong.
But again Maine, you like the other dems on this site, do not care. This JUST happened, yet you act like it is the past. Whether or not the justice department was too lenient on him is insignificant. What is significant is that he obviously has something worth falling on his sword for... but you care more about why Bush fired some political appointees. Right? Who gives a fuck about hiding evidence if it is a dem doing the hiding.

Well, we care but we have seen the witch hunt known as Whitewater and know that no amount of money to investigate will be enough to satisfy the rightwingers if they think something is wrong.

Bush's DOJ allowed him to make a plea. Do you really think, for one second, that the most partisan DOJ in our history would let a Clintonista off the hook if they smelled blood in the water? Really? Do you really think so?

Berger took COPIES out, not originals. Not good. Bad Sandy. Lose your law license. What else should be done? Well, the DOJ has the people and they sure as hell are partisan enough if they wanted to dig further.

I think the problem is you don't trust your own people and are mad that you can't flog him, take away his first born male child, and make him wear a ball & chain for the next 20 years. Liberals aren't screaming about this because there is nothing to scream about. Sandy F'ed up and got caught and now he's getting his punishment. What else do you want? A pound of flesh?
Superfreak, I'm new here, so I don't know your politics, but are you supporting Fred Thompson for President?

I was just wondering because he was one of the donators to Scooter Libby's defense fund.

I wasn just wondering if you, like so many other Republicans who constantly talk about Sandy Berger, were a hypocrite? ;)
Superfreak, I'm new here, so I don't know your politics, but are you supporting Fred Thompson for President?

I was just wondering because he was one of the donators to Scooter Libby's defense fund.

I wasn just wondering if you, like so many other Republicans who constantly talk about Sandy Berger, were a hypocrite? ;)

I love your avatar.
"If he is proven guilty he should be punished severly not given a wrist slap."

That is just it... he copped a plea with the Justice Department and got off without explaining what he destroyed. Now, he cut off the Bar association from finding out by giving up his license. Nice, convenient way to stroll off into the sunset. We have to force his hand... get the Justice Department involved again and find out what he is hiding. Right?

Do you really believe he "got off" via the BUSH justice department, and they don't know if he destroyed anything and what it was?

SF. Damo.

Boys are so naive.

The whole thing stunk to high heaven when it happened. But there's a reason the Republican led Congress, and the Bush Justice Department, the most political Justice Department we've had, didn't do anything about it.

As for "crying about it". I did. When it first happened, several years ago. A lot has happened since then. And I've had other things to cry about.
Superfreak, I'm new here, so I don't know your politics, but are you supporting Fred Thompson for President?

I was just wondering because he was one of the donators to Scooter Libby's defense fund.

I wasn just wondering if you, like so many other Republicans who constantly talk about Sandy Berger, were a hypocrite? ;)

Plame is Lame. ANd you can quote me on that.:cool:
Do you really believe he "got off" via the BUSH justice department, and they don't know if he destroyed anything and what it was?

SF. Damo.

Boys are so naive.

The whole thing stunk to high heaven when it happened. But there's a reason the Republican led Congress, and the Bush Justice Department, the most political Justice Department we've had, didn't do anything about it.

As for "crying about it". I did. When it first happened, several years ago. A lot has happened since then. And I've had other things to cry about.

The Bush Justice Deparment is the most political we've had. Bogus Talking Point #234.6
I'm on record previously, saying that Burger is an asshole, and should be punished to the full extent that the law allows.

Well, that's the problem, isn't it? There's no legal way to punish him.

Besides, I doubt the information was important. If it was, it's not worth giving to the rabid right so they can have an excuse for another war.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it? There's no legal way to punish him.

Besides, I doubt the information was important. If it was, it's not worth giving to the rabid right so they can have an excuse for another war.
It must be very important. But I'll admit it is likely we'll never know. Just another slimey escape from the Clinton Administration. It isn't like the Bar Association is controlled by republicans, quite the opposite. Methinks this will have more legs later when Clinton gets the nomination.
I just think the only reason the right wants to know it is they have desperate need for PR points for another morale boosting war. If they can get America into another spat of fear it's big points for the Republican party's PR machine, becuase they "knew" that they needed to be aggressive.
"In February, Mr. Davis called for a new investigation by the committee into the Berger theft, saying the Justice Department gave him a "free pass" in its investigation. In a terse letter signed by 17 Republicans, he said the department was "unacceptably incurious" about Mr. Berger's visits to the Archives in May 2002 and July 2003 and never told the September 11 commission he removed original, uninventoried documents. "
" David Marin, the committee's Republican staff director, said the Justice Department told the September 11 commission it had everything Mr. Berger removed from the Archives and the nation's national-security exposure was "zero."

So, one of two things. What the Republican Justice Dept says is true, "Zero National-security exposure", and that's why they let him plea and gave him a fine. Or, the Republican Justice Dept is lying. In which case, whatever Berger took, it benefits both parties to keep on the QT. I always thought it was somewhat possible that he was taking something that covered his ass in the Clinton adminstration, but at the same time, it was information that would also reflect badly on the bush administration. Because, that, would explain it all.
I figure you are on the right Track Darla.
No one in congress really wants to clean up the corruption, because most all of them are involved. Kinda like having the fox guard the henhouse.
I figure you are on the right Track Darla.
No one in congress really wants to clean up the corruption, because most all of them are involved. Kinda like having the fox guard the henhouse.

Exactly. That's what I meant, when I said that Damo and SF were being naive. I don't even believe that these people really dislike each other. I think it's all a big show. If we ever knew everything about 9/11 and the years leading up to it, I figure there could be riots in the streets. But we never will know.
Damo is not being Niave, just spinning a bit :)
He still has some difficulty seeing his party for what it is now.
"Superfreak, I'm new here, so I don't know your politics, but are you supporting Fred Thompson for President?

I was just wondering because he was one of the donators to Scooter Libby's defense fund.

I wasn just wondering if you, like so many other Republicans who constantly talk about Sandy Berger, were a hypocrite?"

1) Not a Republican

2) Ideally if I had my choice of anyone it would be Wesley Clark.

3) Out of those running, I would currently put Richardson on top. I doubt he gets the nomination though. On the Rep side, thus far I am not overly impressed with anyone. I have been a McCain fan for a long time, but lately he seems to be falling apart. I am holding out hope that Bloomberg does indeed run as either a Rep or Independent. If he partnered up with Hagel that would be even better.