Hoarders are a-holes

I haven't noticed any 'hoarding' where I'm at.

It's been really bad in the Seattle area. My in-laws confirmed that the Walmart in St. George, UT was recently ransacked when they traveled there from an hour away for a periodic stock-up.

Here's an image that the Seattle Times printed yesterday:

It's been really bad in the Seattle area. My in-laws confirmed that the Walmart in St. George, UT was recently ransacked when they traveled there from an hour away for a periodic stock-up.

Here's an image that the Seattle Times printed yesterday:


I can see Seattle being freaked. It's like an epicenter.
Fun News: Officials are floating the idea of 'shutting down' New York City.

"No, New York City Is Not Shutting Down Over the Weekend, Despite What That Viral Text Message Said"
use leaves bitches...grow up.....then use your hand or some other washable instrument.

the civilized world has existed for thousands of years without toilet paper.


Yurt never bought T-paper in his life,he's been wiping his ass with his finger and sometimes washes afterwards.
Chief Big Stinkfinger
Excellent! Hope you had a great time.

Yes, we did. We went out to a steak house on Sunday, the place was packed and then we stopped at Aldi's for a pack of hamburgers...they were out of them, and TP, and paper towels, and soap and just about everything else! People are nuts!! The young girl cashier said one customer said she thought the world was gonna come to an end (she had a shopping cart full of shit she wouldn't have normally purchased). She asked if she (the customer) needed all that stuff if the world was ending, she said all she got for an answer was a blank stare! Some people...:thinking:
Yes, we did. We went out to a steak house on Sunday, the place was packed and then we stopped at Aldi's for a pack of hamburgers...they were out of them, and TP, and paper towels, and soap and just about everything else! People are nuts!! The young girl cashier said one customer said she thought the world was gonna come to an end (she had a shopping cart full of shit she wouldn't have normally purchased). She asked if she (the customer) needed all that stuff if the world was ending, she said all she got for an answer was a blank stare! Some people...:thinking:

No doubt they'll try to be returning all of that crap in a week or two when they realize the shelves have been refilled.
No doubt they'll try to be returning all of that crap in a week or two when they realize the shelves have been refilled.

I dunno. Most (grocery) items from those stores are non-returnable, aren't they? But then, some people would try to return fruit they left on their table and didn't eat for a month :rolleyes:
I dunno. Most (grocery) items from those stores are non-returnable, aren't they? But then, some people would try to return fruit they left on their table and didn't eat for a month :rolleyes:

When a town experiences a prolonged blackout, fcktard a-holes, with no real need, will run out and buy electric generators. The morons often run them without oil, ruining them. Then when the power is back on, they return the generators for a refund. Many women routinely buy clothing that they fully intend on returning. And, there are the hoarder a-holes who'll return items when the shelves are no longer empty.

I wish stores would have restocking fees for returned items. But, the public are morons and would scream and cry, even if restocking fees would save all non-abusive customers money.
When a town experiences a prolonged blackout, fcktard a-holes, with no real need, will run out and buy electric generators. The morons often run them without oil, ruining them. Then when the power is back on, they return the generators for a refund. Many women routinely buy clothing that they fully intend on returning. And, there are the hoarder a-holes who'll return items when the shelves are no longer empty.

I wish stores would have restocking fees for returned items. But, the public are morons and would scream and cry, even if restocking fees would save all non-abusive customers money.

Many of us out here in rural areas have generators, most know how to maintain them. I wonder how those people you referred to hooked those generators up. Any generator worth having (unless you only want to run a small refrigerator and a light) needs to be hooked up through the home breaker box. The average homeowner couldn't install one, it's not just "plug and play."

Anyway, I'd agree with you on the restocking fee. My GF worked retail for years part-time a few evenings a week and said there were lots of returns (even stolen items) for a number of stupid reasons.
Many of us out here in rural areas have generators, most know how to maintain them. I wonder how those people you referred to hooked those generators up. Any generator worth having (unless you only want to run a small refrigerator and a light) needs to be hooked up through the home breaker box. The average homeowner couldn't install one, it's not just "plug and play."

I envision things like the morons running an extension cord from the refrigerator and a lamp to the low-amp outlet on a portable generator outside. And, then when storm damage to the power lines is repaired, they return the generators. Plug and play, without oil.
I envision things like the morons running an extension cord from the refrigerator and a lamp to the low-amp outlet on a portable generator outside. And, then when storm damage to the power lines is repaired, they return the generators. Plug and play, without oil.

Yes, that is possible.
What I don't get is why Kimberly Clark didn't increase production to meet the new irrational demand

1. They can't do that in a short time span like this.
2. Once they do, they will do so only marginally, otherwise they will need to shut down later when people stop buying it.
I dunno. Most (grocery) items from those stores are non-returnable, aren't they? But then, some people would try to return fruit they left on their table and didn't eat for a month :rolleyes:

Non-perishables are usually returnable. The fun part? Going to Walmart and taking a picture of 30 dumbasses in line at the Customer Service center with a cart full of toilet paper. Post it on Facebook for their friends to see.
I'm certain such manufacturers will step up production for a week or two until the panic dies down but that may take another week to hit the shelves.

Maybe Trump will go on television and declare a National TP Emergency.

The panic isn't gonna die down in a couple weeks if people can't buy essentials.
I haven't noticed any 'hoarding' where I'm at.

So you "haven't noticed any hoarding' where you're at?

No fucking bread. No fucking milk. WTF!

I walked out with a potato, a Cranberry drink, and a box of Fudge. WTF!

Praise Jesus! I found some milk at Walmart, but no bread. Also. Store will now close at 11pm ... and open at 6am. (it was 24 hours)

I didn't check the toilet paper. But on my way in, there was a guy with a dozen or so '9 count' bags of toilet paper in the back of his SUV, no food, just toilet paper.

I really didn't need much. I was just looking for some bread and milk. You know, just some basics. I figured while I'm there I might as well pick up some odds and ends. It was surprising, ... like the world was going to end.