Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

The IRS has been deliberately underfunded by Republicans for JUST THIS REASON. They do not want the IRS to have the man power, to take on bigger cases where wealthy people will fight back and instead they want the IRS to simply settle for fines, if the person is willing to pay up. IT is a belief that rich people should only suffer a 'tax' on their cheating, if/when they get caught.

This is very well known and republicans are pushing currently to curtail it even more such that they will only have time to fight normal every day filers and nothing more complex than that.

Considering the abuses of the IRS, the 16th amendment should be repealed. Perhaps the States will do that some day.
what you are saying is nonsense and stupid as always.
Okay, dope. Let's discuss your paradox and irrationality:
You can ONLY take on the very rich tax cheats and big corporate tax cheats with very robust strong organizations.
This is just discarding history.
You are reversing the argument
This is an inversion fallacy. You are projecting again.
and sying the smaller the IRS is the more likely they woulkd be take on Enron's or Trump type cases that require mass amounts of people assets and expertise.
A much smaller IRS DID take on Enron AND Arthur Anderson, and WON.
WHat in fact happens is the more you shrink the IRS they more they can only deal with typical everyday people filers.
So less agents mean greater enforcement. This is a paradox, and irrational.
And that is exactly what is happening now,
So MORE agents mean greater enforcement of 'typical everyday people'. A compound paradox. Irrational.
You see more and more enforcement in that area for very small return.
I will call this argument 1.
It has been shown that hiring more high skilled IRS agents results in a profit to the agency as they can and do take on the bigger cases that bring in way more revenue.
Argument 2. You have already argued that more IRS agents are used against 'typical everyday people', which you already have admitted is 'a very small return'. Compound paradox. Irrational.
But you are a republiclown mark. They rely on people like you to protect the rich and corporations from paying their taxes so you can pay more and can more of the burden and you just to do it. Why? Because 'culture wars'. You are a dupe who thinks helping the rich, somehow is a win for you.
Bigotry. Discard of capitalism.
No, one of his liars... err, lawyers... did as a "loan." :rolleyes: But only after the IRS was going to press charges, which they should have still pressed given the immensity of his tax evasion and obvious use of shell corporations to hide the money.

It does not matter how he got the money. He paid his taxes and those cases are settled. You are making up the shell companies, or repeating right wing talking points that make you appear really dumb and conspiratorial. Are you upset by the hundreds of shell companies Trump has?
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The IRS has been deliberately underfunded by Republicans for JUST THIS REASON.

LIE and LAME. :rolleyes:

They do not want the IRS to have the man power, to take on bigger cases where wealthy people will fight back and instead they want the IRS to simply settle for fines, if the person is willing to pay up.

LIE and LAME. :rolleyes:

IT is a belief that rich people should only suffer a 'tax' on their cheating, if/when they get caught.

LIE and LAME, except in the case of the Bidens, then it is spot on.

This is very well known and republicans are pushing currently to curtail it even more such that they will only have time to fight normal every day filers and nothing more complex than that.

LIE, LAME and MORONIC. :palm:
It does not matter how he got the money. He paid his taxes and those cases are settled. You are making up the shell companies, or repeating right wing talking points that make you appear really dumb and conspiratorial. Are you upset by the hundreds of shell companies Trump has?

I don't think this halfwit can post without lying and looking like a moron. :palm:
There's an FBI agent who hoarded classified documents like Trump — and she's going to prison

"A former FBI intelligence analyst from Dodge City, Kansas, who kept hundreds of classified documents at her home, including in her bathroom, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison by a federal judge in Kansas City on Wednesday for violating the same part of the Espionage Act that former President Donald Trump is accused of breaking," reported Jonathan Shorman.

'I cannot fathom why you would jeopardize our nation by leaving these types of documents in your bathtub,' [U.S. District Court Judge Stephen] Bough said," the report continued. "Bough, ordered the former analyst, Kendra Kingsbury, to spend three years and 10 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release. He ordered her to surrender to federal authorities to begin her prison sentence on July 21.

According to prosecutors, Kingsbury's home stash of both papers and CDs included national security secrets, including information about al-Qaeda associates in Africa, as well as information about open FBI investigations.

This case is remarkably similar to that against Trump, who is accused of storing highly classified national defense information, including attack plans against Iran, in boxes left in unsecured rooms at his country club, at various points in a ballroom, and a bathroom. Trump is further accused of having his personal valet and body man, Walt Nauta, move the boxes around to conceal them after government subpoenas, and even from his own attorneys. Nauta has also been charged in the case.

Unless you're Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton, or Mike Pence..
No, one of his liars... err, lawyers... did as a "loan." :rolleyes: But only after the IRS was going to press charges, which they should have still pressed given the immensity of his tax evasion and obvious use of shell corporations to hide the money.

False right Derp lies...

Hunter Biden Failed To Pay Taxes—Here’s Why He’s Likely Not Going To Jail

...In this case, the charges focus on failure to pay taxes for the 2017 and 2018 tax years.......

Typically, failure to pay does not result in jail time. It's considered a misdemeanor and usually results in fines of up to $25,000, though prison time of up to a year can be tacked on if the situation warrants.

According to the court documents, the tax liability was related to combined income of $3 million for those two years—$1.5 million per year. In 2021, Biden claimed to have paid the IRS what he owed. However, paying the liability after the due date (in this case, April 17, 2018, for the 2017 tax year and April 15, 2019, for the 2018 tax year) doesn't mean a crime was not committed.

A misdemeanor failure to pay can be escalated to a felony in some cases. According to the Department of Justice manual, those involve individuals who fail to file tax returns or pay a tax “but who also commit acts of evasion or obstruction.” In that case, the charges would be brought as felonies under sections 7201 or 7212(a). That’s not the case here—likely because Biden paid the tax due and was cooperating with authorities...
The extra agents won't change that, unless you are a fool and believe the IRS unlike any other government agency will be willing to go to trial each and every time they have a case. They won't do that. They'll settle as many as they can as fast as they can because when it comes to performance reviews having a perfect score of wins and lots of them is far better than a few big wins going to trial at great expense.

In fact, the extra agents have every reason to target smaller income people for that reason. Those people don't have the resources to fight, and if you are still getting settlements, you get the winning score and lots of cases won.

Only an idiot thinks the IRS will be into tiger hunting when those doing the hunting can get the same promotions and attaboys out of rabbit hunting.

The new agents were specified to audit taxes of the wealthy and corporations. That is the point of te expansion. They are cheating America out of mega billions of dollars.
The new agents were specified to audit taxes of the wealthy and corporations. That is the point of te expansion. They are cheating America out of mega billions of dollars.

Like the Bidens? You do know that virtually all of the millions Bagman didn't pay taxes on was funneled through S corporations and then paid out as distributions rather than employee salaries--weird how a corporation can make millions and pay no salaries to its employees isn't it? This was done deliberately to avoid having to pay FICA corporate taxes on that money (these fund Social Security, Medicare, etc.). That tax rate goes up to 15.3%. By IRS rules, corporations have to reasonably compensate employees (eg., pay them a reasonable salary) before any distributions can be made. This was plain old tax evasion by the Bidens.

Seems the Bidens were cheating America out of big bucks that would have helped fund programs Joke says need funding. Joke is a hypocrite.

The other oddity is that the IRS / DOJ investigation took years to complete. Usually these cases are resolved quickly. That foot dragging by the IRS allowed many years Bagman evaded paying run beyond the statute of limitations so they only got him for the latest two out or almost ten. Also, Joke's brother James failed to pay his taxes in 2015, among other years and got hit by the IRS. Joke's sister Valerie got liens slapped on her property and other assets by the IRS for failure to pay.

The Biden family has been hit with several tax liens over the past few decades.

James Biden has had at least five tax liens filed against him between 1995 and 2015, including one for $589,095 filed in 2015 and released one year later. Frank Biden, another brother of the presidential candidate, has had at least three liens for unpaid income taxes. He said in 2011 that a $32,500 lien in Kentucky stemmed from his struggle with alcohol addiction and was being paid off through a monthly plan, according to the Broward Palm Beach New Times. Joe Biden’s sister Valerie and her husband John Owens have faced at least five tax liens, including one for $229,749 in 1990.

Seems to me criminal activity of this sort is a family business...
Like the Bidens? You do know that virtually all of the millions Bagman didn't pay taxes on was funneled through S corporations and then paid out as distributions rather than employee salaries--weird how a corporation can make millions and pay no salaries to its employees isn't it? This was done deliberately to avoid having to pay FICA corporate taxes on that money (these fund Social Security, Medicare, etc.). That tax rate goes up to 15.3%. By IRS rules, corporations have to reasonably compensate employees (eg., pay them a reasonable salary) before any distributions can be made. This was plain old tax evasion by the Bidens.

Seems the Bidens were cheating America out of big bucks that would have helped fund programs Joke says need funding. Joke is a hypocrite.

The other oddity is that the IRS / DOJ investigation took years to complete. Usually these cases are resolved quickly. That foot dragging by the IRS allowed many years Bagman evaded paying run beyond the statute of limitations so they only got him for the latest two out or almost ten. Also, Joke's brother James failed to pay his taxes in 2015, among other years and got hit by the IRS. Joke's sister Valerie got liens slapped on her property and other assets by the IRS for failure to pay.

The Biden family has been hit with several tax liens over the past few decades.

James Biden has had at least five tax liens filed against him between 1995 and 2015, including one for $589,095 filed in 2015 and released one year later. Frank Biden, another brother of the presidential candidate, has had at least three liens for unpaid income taxes. He said in 2011 that a $32,500 lien in Kentucky stemmed from his struggle with alcohol addiction and was being paid off through a monthly plan, according to the Broward Palm Beach New Times. Joe Biden’s sister Valerie and her husband John Owens have faced at least five tax liens, including one for $229,749 in 1990.

Seems to me criminal activity of this sort is a family business...

You are a Trumpy and claim Bidens are a crime family and Trump is just a poor misunderstood honest businessman. Hunter was on drugs and did dumb things. Not paying his taxes was one. He paid them all back and has a plea deal. He has made good for what he did. Trump has a pile of crimes and court cases to answer for. There is more he will never pay his debt for. When Bannon was leaving the white house he said Trump's biggest problem was money laundering.
You rightys make up shit and play opposites. Trump will likely wind up in jail. And when it happens, you will claim he was mistreated and Joe is the real crook. The real problem is you absolute suckers who can be convinced of anything by a 3rd rate conman.
You are a Trumpy and claim Bidens are a crime family and Trump is just a poor misunderstood honest businessman. Hunter was on drugs and did dumb things. Not paying his taxes was one. He paid them all back and has a plea deal. He has made good for what he did. Trump has a pile of crimes and court cases to answer for. There is more he will never pay his debt for. When Bannon was leaving the white house he said Trump's biggest problem was money laundering.
You rightys make up shit and play opposites. Trump will likely wind up in jail. And when it happens, you will claim he was mistreated and Joe is the real crook. The real problem is you absolute suckers who can be convinced of anything by a 3rd rate conman.

Do you really think that if Trump didn't pay his taxes for years on end while running his earnings of millions of dollars through a series of shell S corporations that had no real business to avoid FICA taxes, didn't produce any products or services, and then when caught offered to just pay the back taxes, that the IRS would have let him off with a couple of meaningless misdemeanors? I don't think so...
But, not paying taxes on millions you made gets you the equivalent of a parking ticket...

WTF does that have to do with the OP?

You MAGA mooks and right wing wonks NEVER concede a point, much less admit you're wrong on any level.

Dump violated the law as a former White House member who DID NOT return classified documents when asked. He obfuscated, lied and denied for damn near 2 years. He left the fed no choice but to file charges. He's guilty.

The FBI agent was not a former President or VP, so no elaborate grace period was given. The law is the law. End of story.
Do you really think that if Trump didn't pay his taxes for years on end while running his earnings of millions of dollars through a series of shell S corporations that had no real business to avoid FICA taxes, didn't produce any products or services, and then when caught offered to just pay the back taxes, that the IRS would have let him off with a couple of meaningless misdemeanors? I don't think so...

Trump had complicated taxes and the IRS did not have the manpower to audit the wealthy with that kind of taxes. That is why Biden hired a bunch of people for the IRS. In fact, the IRS does the taxes for the president and VP. Trump forbade them from doing his or Pence's. Can you figure out why? Because he would have been caught cheating.