Holiday Specials


Not So Junior Member
On an earlier thread Darla and I crossed on centerpieces and what they may bring to holidays. I missed the fact that my centerpieces brought the real pine smell missing from having an *gasp* artificial tree. Yes, it's my centerpiece that brings pine to my home.

I'm a huge fan of Yankee Candle, they make my house smell fine, in spite of dirty sports socks. During the holidays, I rely on the essence they give. When I'm done with the baking of cookies, I rely on the old staple of cinnamon sticks, apple cider, and nutmeg simmering on the stovetop.

We've covered candles and most scents. Anyone have other good ideas to make our homes smell more festive?
On an earlier thread Darla and I crossed on centerpieces and what they may bring to holidays. I missed the fact that my centerpieces brought the real pine smell missing from having an *gasp* artificial tree. Yes, it's my centerpiece that brings pine to my home.

I'm a huge fan of Yankee Candle, they make my house smell fine, in spite of dirty sports socks. During the holidays, I rely on the essence they give. When I'm done with the baking of cookies, I rely on the old staple of cinnamon sticks, apple cider, and nutmeg simmering on the stovetop.

We've covered candles and most scents. Anyone have other good ideas to make our homes smell more festive?
Wrapping paper has a distinct scent, as well as tape. I don't think they make wrapping paper scented candles yet, but if they do you should get some.
Southern guy would say that a sweaty man makes the house more festive ?

btw Damo is running a holiday special. 2 posts for the price of one.
Wrapping paper has a distinct scent, as well as tape. I don't think they make wrapping paper scented candles yet, but if they do you should get some.

You bring a tear to my eye. My mom love themed wrapping paper. Might be trees, santas, ideas. Some years, she mandated the paper. Yes, brilliant but weird was m mom. I miss her fiercely.
You bring a tear to my eye. My mom love themed wrapping paper. Might be trees, santas, ideas. Some years, she mandated the paper. Yes, brilliant but weird was m mom. I miss her fiercely.

My mom was a holiday whirlwind. She would have more decorations up between Thanksgiving and Dec 1st than I could believe. Not a fan of the silvery aluminum stuff, she would bring out a natural look and be festive at the same time.

I miss her most this time of year. The season hasn't been the same.
Wrapping paper has a distinct scent, as well as tape. I don't think they make wrapping paper scented candles yet, but if they do you should get some.

Oh Damo you are brillient but you have it backwards......scented wrapping paper!
Turkey farts... gotta love the smell of a good 'ole fart after hog-gin down some Turkey and Pumpkin Pie! Lasts for about one to two weeks after thanksgiving due to the immense amount of leftovers. Then, the smell of vomited up milk because the little ones are sick, maybe because of the farts, or because of the northern chill.
Dog vomit after having got into the trashcan where you were trying to throw away the Turkey gone bad remains.
Jesus Christ, and I thought I was being really gross when I told SF I was going to send him a pic of me with my finger in my nose, just to shut him up for once.
Desh & Dave, thanks for sharing your fondest holiday memories.

For future reference, I am always busy during the holidays.
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Jesus Christ, and I thought I was being really gross when I told SF I was going to send him a pic of me with my finger in my nose, just to shut him up for once.

Yeah, us rednecks really know how to gross it up, but you trekkies are squimish just to see a booger. Sheesh!

Now, had you said "I'm going to send a pic of myself with my finger in one nostril, blowing a snot rocket out of the other nostril," that might have shut some people up.
Yeah, us rednecks really know how to gross it up, but you trekkies are squimish just to see a booger. Sheesh!

Now, had you said "I'm going to send a pic of myself with my finger in one nostril, blowing a snot rocket out of the other nostril," that might have shut some people up.
Nah, It would make me wonder how far you could shoot that thing. If you want gross... try looking up "two girls and a cup"...
Nah, It would make me wonder how far you could shoot that thing. If you want gross... try looking up "two girls and a cup"...

Oh no way! You did not go there!

If anyone reads this DO NOT go look for that video.