Holland proposes giving over-70s the right to die if they 'consider their lives compl

I was talking to Solitary.... Oh yeah, winterborn = solitary.

So much for sticking to the topic.

Is there anyone here who thinks that people should be allowed to end their own life when it becomes so bad and their health issues mean it will never get better?
Hopefully your vision will deteriorate to the point to where the D's look like R's so you get it right at the voting booth once in a while. :pke:
Naaa, that won't work....cause the reverse could happen too.

But I tell you what....I just invested in a lottery ticket....If I win.. I'll be worth about 40 million. If that happens you better believe I'll switch back to being a Republican. :)
so essentially what those crazy Dutch bastards are saying is:

'Oh shit, our population is getting old and we cannot afford the social safety nets we created and so now we will encourage old people to kill themselves.'

Socialized medicine at its finest folks....

'When the health care costs go up due to an aging problem... do not worry... we will just kill the old bastards and make them think it was their idea'
'Young and healthy?.... "free" government health care for you; Old and in declining health'?.... your life is "complete", you should kill yourself now... or we can do it for you.'

If I were terminally ill and in severe pain, I would do so. But since I am happy, healthy, and enjoying life, there is no reason to do so.

Anyone else want to discuss the topic?

Thanks for proving my point, that if you wanted to kill yourself and are willing to take personal responsibility for doing so, no-one could stop you. :good4u:
Naaa, that won't work....cause the reverse could happen too.

But I tell you what....I just invested in a lottery ticket....If I win.. I'll be worth about 40 million. If that happens you better believe I'll switch back to being a Republican. :)

And if I lose my brain and become a complete retard I'll switch back to being a Democrat. :cof1:
Thanks for proving my point, that if you wanted to kill yourself and are willing to take personal responsibility for doing so, no-one could stop you. :good4u:

That was your point? lol

There are also those who cannot manage suicide on their own.
Awesome. So make sure you have enough in the bank when you leave to ensure yourself a proper burial. Remember, an insurer won't cover a suicide.
Awesome. So make sure you have enough in the bank when you leave to ensure yourself a proper burial. Remember, an insurer won't cover a suicide.

It will be taken care of quite nicely. Thanks for your concern.
As you said, I'm only concerned about myself, not having to shovel what's left of you into a cart and hauling it away.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grbSQ6O6kbs&feature=related"]YouTube- Monty Python-Bring out your dead![/ame]
If you become a burden to the public at large then it becomes a burden to me, as a taxpayer. Granted that I don't live in Bama but the point is still valid. Don't expect me to clean up after you because you lack personal responsibility.
If you become a burden to the public at large then it becomes a burden to me, as a taxpayer. Granted that I don't live in Bama but the point is still valid. Don't expect me to clean up after you because you lack personal responsibility.


You are really stretching here just to have something to say, aren't you?

I am, and have been, responsible for me and mine.