AMC theater chain warns it may not survive
This article knocked my socks off. I never thought the WaPo would attack an integral component of the media-education-entertainment complex, as well as attack movie theaters by extension:
Washington Post Op-Ed Demands Ban on TV Shows and Movies About Police
by John Hayward
5 Jun 2020
The WaPo was right for the wrong reason.
Basically, there is more Democrat Party propaganda in cop shows than in every other form of ‘entertainment.’
In addition to the lies fictional cops and lawyers mouth, you will never hear a bad word said about the United Nations. Indeed, whenever the U.N. is necessary to the plot, the dialogue implies how wonderful the U.N. is. Hell, theatrical movies are specifically produced to make the United Nations look like America’s best friend.
Speaking for myself, I would like to see cop shows and movies eliminated because they are produced with tax dollars.
I have no objection to parasite freakazoids making crapola with their own money.
Finally, propaganda-entertainment began an hour or so after sound was added to film.