Hollywood Parasites Are In Trouble

AMC theater chain warns it may not survive

This article knocked my socks off. I never thought the WaPo would attack an integral component of the media-education-entertainment complex, as well as attack movie theaters by extension:

Washington Post Op-Ed Demands Ban on TV Shows and Movies About Police
by John Hayward
5 Jun 2020


The WaPo was right for the wrong reason.

Basically, there is more Democrat Party propaganda in cop shows than in every other form of ‘entertainment.’

In addition to the lies fictional cops and lawyers mouth, you will never hear a bad word said about the United Nations. Indeed, whenever the U.N. is necessary to the plot, the dialogue implies how wonderful the U.N. is. Hell, theatrical movies are specifically produced to make the United Nations look like America’s best friend.

Speaking for myself, I would like to see cop shows and movies eliminated because they are produced with tax dollars.

I have no objection to parasite freakazoids making crapola with their own money.

Finally, propaganda-entertainment began an hour or so after sound was added to film.

This article knocked my socks off. I never thought the WaPo would attack an integral component of the media-education-entertainment complex, as well as attack movie theaters by extension:

Washington Post Op-Ed Demands Ban on TV Shows and Movies About Police
by John Hayward
5 Jun 2020


The WaPo was right for the wrong reason.

Basically, there is more Democrat Party propaganda in cop shows than in every other form of ‘entertainment.’

In addition to the lies fictional cops and lawyers mouth, you will never hear a bad word said about the United Nations. Indeed, whenever the U.N. is necessary to the plot, the dialogue implies how wonderful the U.N. is. Hell, theatrical movies are specifically produced to make the United Nations look like America’s best friend.

Speaking for myself, I would like to see cop shows and movies eliminated because they are produced with tax dollars.

I have no objection to parasite freakazoids making crapola with their own money.

Finally, propaganda-entertainment began an hour or so after sound was added to film.

How can you constantly express your weak opinions as fact? The cop shows are a big part of cops doing things outside the law. They break laws and bend regulations to get serial killers and terrorists. They never suffer for law-breaking and they solve every single case. It is pro-cop. right-wing propaganda.
That's what I'm worried about right now--fucking movies.

I don't know about you, but I'm "worried" about not having car shows (although I, and a few friends are going to one tomorrow). That sucks (and so do most movies anymore).
As for as Hollywood, screw them. Cut their funding!
How can you constantly express your weak opinions as fact? The cop shows are a big part of cops doing things outside the law. They break laws and bend regulations to get serial killers and terrorists. They never suffer for law-breaking and they solve every single case. It is pro-cop. right-wing propaganda.

To Nordberg: Get real. My opinions and interpretations are backed up by facts.

Parenthetically, here is a pro-cop news story you and your kind will not like:

Hollywood Communists make movies about every event that can be distorted to promote Communism’s ideology, but you will never see a movie, or a TV show, about the Oksana Kasenkina Case. To this day the events are unclear, but one fact stands out —— tough New York City cops in 1948 basically told Soviet Communists to shove diplomatic immunity where the sun never shines.

Rescuing Kasenkina took place three years after the U.N. opened for business. Today’s state, city, and federal government U.N.-mouthpieces in control of police forces would never allow this:

It all makes me wonder if American Communists demanding that cops be disarmed today is distantly related to the Kasenkina Case.
Flanders is correct about wind and solar. Neither could survive long without massive government subsidy, particularly solar. They are just that inefficient and costly on their own.
Without tax dollars the motion picture industry would have to go out of business.

Out-of-state productions never lost a dime during Newsom’s lockout. He must have felt the pressure from California parasites so he is opening up for his voters:

June 6 (UPI) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared that TV and film productions may resume in the state on Friday.

California Says Film and TV Shoots Can Restart on June 12
by Breitbart News
6 Jun 2020
