Holy Roller Dilemma

Perhaps double could follow King David's example of how to handle the situation ?
the bible sure is a handy guid on how to live ;)
Hmmm. "Hypocrisy" has been thrown around. First, you have no idea that the guy runs around judging others and no reason to believe that he does. Secondly, his bible says that "all have sinned and fallen short". It doesn't say that this guy is the exception or that he must be perfect according to the 'Humanist Secularist Level of Judgment'...

I can't see why this guy wondering whether he should tell two girls he is dating about each other has any bearing on some "religious right hypocrisy".

I smell hypocrisy myself, but it seems to be coming from the "don't judge me without information" crowd, not the guy asking the moronic question.
And you judged the question as moronic Damo ? I am sure he and his church view it as a serious matter.

The bible says "thou shalt not judge", but we must judge or be fools.
A couple of Theologians at the local seminary told me it ment not to judge others relationship with God. Not to judge if they were fools and such in life on earth in relation to other humans.
And you judged the question as moronic Damo ? I am sure he and his church view it as a serious matter.

The bible says "thou shalt not judge", but we must judge or be fools.
A couple of Theologians at the local seminary told me it ment not to judge others relationship with God. Not to judge if they were fools and such in life on earth in relation to other humans.
I judge the question as moronic. Anybody can ask a moronic question. I do not judge the man as "sinful" I have no idea if he has, I don't judge him as hypocritical, there is no information to suggest it.
I judge the man to be not too bright and headed for trouble :)
That's possible, and one can get that assessment from the information given.

My point wasn't that I am setting myself or even you to the standards of "judge not". I simply stated that the side who consistently states not to judge without information has pretty much judged all over this guy with almost no information to back up their assessments.
That's possible, and one can get that assessment from the information given.

My point wasn't that I am setting myself or even you to the standards of "judge not". I simply stated that the side who consistently states not to judge without information has pretty much judged all over this guy with almost no information to back up their assessments.

Agreed Damo, A common human failing and I am guilty of that as well from time to time.