Home secretary: I smoked cannabis

AnyOldIron II

New member
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has admitted she smoked cannabis while she was at Oxford University in the 1980s.

Her disclosure came the day after Prime Minister Gordon Brown said she would head a review of UK drugs strategy - including reviewing the cannabis laws.


And they try to convince us that cannabis will destroy your life or damage your reasoning abilities....
Well, i know they'll say anything to court popularity with the youth vote, but i feel a politician will only recieve genuine 'street credibility' when they admit to a serious crack habit.
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I think our President already has one.

He sure acts brain fried from something.

Well beddy bye all, for 4 hours anyway....
Think about the people you've known in your life who haven't at least tried marijuana, and are adament about it.

Are those the same people you want leading the nation?
Right...I get it...

Think about the people you've known in your life who haven't at least tried marijuana, and are adament about it.

Are those the same people you want leading the nation?

Like GW and Bill...only tried it but did not inhale...good one...:doh:
You do?

Well, I don't know about Home Minister, but we might need to have a competency hearing about your moderator status here.
No, I did. An actual youthful indescretion. I stopped when I joined the military and haven't gone back.
Think about the people you've known in your life who haven't at least tried marijuana, and are adament about it.

Are those the same people you want leading the nation?

the only ones I can think of that didn't at least try it, were the handfull of religious nuts and theocrats.
I'm just curiuos why?

I've heard to not trust people who don't drink but I've never heard that about pot.


Cawacko, that's because you're a drinker. That's what drinkers say, don't trust people who don't drink. Pot smokers say the same thing about people who don't smoke pot.